~ Always ~






“So this is it?” you cried. Chanyeol looked back at you, contemplating whether or not this is what he wanted. For a split second, his face softened but the moment soon ended when he replied. “sorry..” ~ You and Chanyeol had been best friends since high school, and shortly after graduating he had confessed to you about how much he’d been loving you for the past 4 years. After dating for 3 wonderful, happy years, you were positive he was the one. Then one day, he came home with an oddly serious face very unlike his usual happy virus self. “I have to go, ____..." Dumbfounded, you simply replied, "Go where? I'll take you there! Come on I think my cars still ful-" "____, I meant I'm leaving you. I can't do this anymore." Chanyeol's voice was dangerously stern. "Wha..why? What happened?" You were on the verge of tears. "Nothing happened. I just feel like it's time for is to call it quits, you know? Like these past three years have been fun, but I want to move on." Hearing this, your tears were inevitable. "What the hell do you mean, 'fun'? Do I not mean anything to you anymore? I thought we were supposed to be best friends, Chanyeol. I gave you my everything, and this is how you want to end things? 'I want to move on'?" "That reminds me. We can't be friends either. And you can't ask why." Chanyeol didn't seem the least bit fazed by what you had said. You couldn't believe this. The love of your life, or so you thought, was breaking up with you. An emotionless Chanyeol watched as you fell over crying, unable to accept what he had just told you. "Why are you like this? What happened to the sweet, caring boyfriend I had just yesterday? The one who promised never to leave me? The one who I could talk to for hours and hours without getting the least bit bored?" Your voice got hushed suddenly. "The one I gave my ity to?"


"I have to go. I've already packed. I'm sorry." Chanyeol said in a monotone while stepping out the door into the darkness. ~ You had chased him down your driveway just to hear that very last word you would ever hear Chanyeol say. "sorry.." And with that he was gone. Weeks past, then months. You were a mess. You were so unwilling to believe Chanyeol had just left like that, to the point where you still waited every night in hopes of your love coming home. You spammed his phone with calls and messages and cried at the sight of anything that even remotely related to him. One day, about 5 months after that night, you attempted to call him again. However, when calling, you heard something that wrenched your heart into pieces. "Hello?" A woman's voice sweetly asked. "Um, hi! Would someone named Park Chanyeol happen to be there?" You nervously asked, half expecting the answer. Suddenly the voice changed, and the woman hissed, "is this ____?" "Yes! Has he said anything about me?" "Don't ever call this number again, do you hear? Chanyeol isn't yours anymore. He belongs to me." With that, the line went dead. Assuming the call meant that Chanyeol had already moved on, you began to sob. This is it. It really was over. All these years you could never see yourself with anyone else but him, and now you had no choice but to.




~to be continued~


Hey guys! Hope you guys like my first fanfiction of Chanyeol and You! If I get enough reactions in the comments then I'll post chapter 1 up!

Thanks sooooo much!


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Looking forward on your fic ♥♥♥