❝The Plotlines❞

❝The D.N Club❞ ¦¦ Apply Open



❝the creator❞

a.k.a the loser


"It's nothing you can really stop, so...just enjoy it."

     He's the one who made the infamous, D.N club. Started out as one of the best students, in his second year he gave up and fell down to the harsh reality. No one knows why he gave up such amazing chances as to help out his career. All we know is that he loves to talk, annoy the hell out of literally everyone, and abuse his power as the 'president' of the group. Still aren't you wondering why he gave up all of that? Just to make this so called 'Do Nothing' club?

Application Status : CLOSED/TAKEN
Best at (If anything) : Dancing

❝the vice prez❞

a.k.a the kill joy


"Hey! You're not suppose to do that!"

     He/She's the best friend of 'The Creator' they have been friends since they were in diapers. As best friends they are still much, much different. Unlike the so called 'President' the Vice President is the club is allowing this club to go on the best as he/she can. Still they don't complain for some reason. Just like their best friend this guy/girl's talents are at the top, too bad they don't have the competitive side, if they did they would've already made it to one of the best in Korea

Application Status : OPEN
Best at (If anything) : Singing

❝the fashionista❞

a.k.a the lazy


"Oh, that shirt with those shoes? Shame on you!"

     This person is a huge wonder on why they are here. They don't do their work, they never get a good grade on test, they never even turn in their homework. As a famous Ulzzang on the internet he/she's for sure they don't need to do all these work. He/She believes all they have to do is dress well and come to school. Still even though he/she's like this they are gifted with one thing, which is dancing. Being known as having a natural talent not many people likes them.

Application Status : OPEN
Best at (If anything) : Dancing

❝the confident❞

a.k.a the


"Huh? I had that since last week."

    As a good way? Confident. In a bad way? A . As growing up, they had it all, the rich and loving family, any kind of food he/she wanted, not to mention to choose which school they wanted to go to. With his/her big mouth their talent doesn't follow. He/She really isn't good at anything. You can call it a average if you want to be nice. This person is spoiled, but they can be nice if they wanted to. Still with her parent's letting her do anything she wants to she has nothing to lose.

Application Status : OPEN
Best at (If anything) : Singing

❝The wallflower❞

a.k.a the loner


"I-I mean um..do I have to?"

     It would be a shock if you knew who he/she was. Not many people knows this person since they like to blend in the walls. Even if he/she has a solid rapping talent they don't really like to show it. Even if they are quiet they know how to make good comebacks or how to talk back when they want to, it just matters on how close you are to this person. Also they don't mind being in the back, if anything he/she would rather become a rapper with no face than becoming famous.

Applicaion Status : OPEN
Best at (If anything) : Rapping

❝The Fox❞

a.k.a the flirt


"Do you think you can buy me that? Please?"

     The infamous flirt of the Kirin High school. He/She's even famous in other schools. Having a very pretty/handsome face they sure do know how to use it right. In school not much guys/girls (depends on gende) likes him/her because of how they are. Still even if they know that they won't stop, they love the attention and because of her poor talent this is the only way for her to get attention. Still he/she can be nice, I mean if you don't express that you hate them right in their face.

Application Status : OPEN
Best at (If anything) : Acting

❝The unique❞

a.k.a the Author has no more idea


     A free plotline! If any of these did NOT get your eyes than this is your plotline! Make anything you want, I wouldn't mind a few surprises in the way. ;)

Application Status : OPEN
Best at (If anything) : ?

❝The application tip❞


     Tip 1: The pictures does not mean ANYTHING, even if it has a picture of a girl you can apply as a boy alright? I just couldn't really find a picture to fit so I just went with Ulzzangs :)

     Tip 2: Remeber that you need to at least use this little paragraph as a starter, I do not care if it's much different than what I wrote down here, but the plotline name has to fit.

     Tip 3: Have FUN, I hope you liked the plotlines and will think about applying uvu

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Chapter 1: I'm so going for the loner as a boy.
I'm totally going to apply! This sounds super interesting!
I'd love to co-author, I could help with ideas, staying active, writing and reviewing and stuff.
If you want a sample of my writing, please pm me (or just say so here).
Kyaaa~ This looks so interesting~ I can't wait to apply!!
OOh, this is really interesting.
I'm willing to co-author, though I don't know what exactly you would want me to do.