Banana Milk - MinKey

Drabble Collection

"Hey, Key hyung?"

"Ne, Minho."

"What are we doing here?" He paused, looking around the store. This was the third store they had visited, and Key would hunt up and down the aisles, looking for something at every shop. His boyfriend had wanted to ask what they were looking but Key wore this look of conentration that dared Minho to ask. (Minho found the look quite adorable, but he would never voice it because he would end up sleeping on the couch.)

Key paused in his endeavor, "Why, Minnie, I'm looking for banana milk." 

This statement threw Minho. "We have spent the better part of the last hour, looking for banana milk... But, Key, we're on a date, why are you looking for banana milk?"

"Because Taemin drank the last of it." Key replied, looking quite affronted that Minho did not know this.

"Can't he go to the drug store across the street from us? ...oh, and don't call me Minnie!!"

"Because I'm his umma, and he drinks his milk with breakfast."

"You know what, never mind, why did I even ask?" Minho stomped off, looking quite annoyed. Key bent to keep looking at the lower shelves. Minho would be back when he had let off some steam.


A half hour later, Minho came back. "Key, I have banana milk. I asked one of the workers, and they went through the back storage till they found they last bottle."

"Oh, so you weren't mad..."

"Not really, but next time we're gonna have a real date. Deal?"

" Deal. Come on let's get this home." They walked home, hand in hand. Minho carried a shopping bag, which contained a container of banana milk and a small jewelry box, just the right size for a ring....



Please comment if you enjoyed! (And if you want more Banana Milk verse, tell me, I'll write more!!)

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First story, Banana Milk has been posted!! Enjoy ,


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