The fan girls .

Change For Better Or Worse

You got to school the next day anxious on whether Jonghyun would be wearing his contacts instead of his glasse, actually styling his hair for once and wearing his uniform how you should him last night. You headed off to class and to your surprise, Jonghyun wasn't there. You started to feel nervous.

"Argh... Where is he? He should be here before me... Ahh... Calm down _____, it's not like its the end of the world! Why are you being like this... Wait... What if he gets bullied more... What if they think he is trying to hard... AISH..."

You fiddled around with you pencil and you suddenly heard squealing coming from the hallway. You didn't really pay much attention to it, since most of the time all the girls squealed over Minho, Key and his other friends.

"Jonghyun-oppa!" Someone called out "You are looking really cute!"

You paused for a moment "Did I just hear that right?" You questioned turning your head towards to the front of the class. You saw all these girls around Jonghyun and you didn't like it one bit.

"What the hell... Wait, why do I feel like this? He's my best friend, this should be a good thing!... But seriously those girls better back off... Can't you girls see that he's so awkward! HE NEEDS SPACE!!"

Jonghyun kind of made his way through the crowd of girls awkwardly not really knowing what to say or do. He smiled shyly at the girls and made his way through, heading towards you quickly.

You raised a brow and smiled "See, the girls are going crazy for you! You should be talking to them instead of coming to sit."

He took his seat next to you and lowered his head "What do I say to them?" He said quietly "This is still all new to --"

"Oppa!" One of your classmates came up to the table

Jonghyun looked up "Hmm?"

The girl tucked her hair behind her ear shyly, "You know I'm sorry for saying those mean things to you before... Forgive me?"

"Ahem.. Fake." You coughed

Jonghyun looked at you oddly and the girl glared at you "What? I had something in my throat!" You smiled

Jonghyun looked at her "Uh..." He nodded

The girl smiled happily "Gomawo oppa!"

"Who's the new guy?" Minho asked as he walked in with Key

Key looked over shrugging his shoulders. They headed towards the two of you. "Hey ____." Key waved

"Hi Key." You replied

"No hi for me?" Minho said in shock

You ignored him. Key came over to your side of the table "Who is he?" Key whispered

You gave him a confused looked "Uh... Who else?"

Key took a moment and looked at Jonghyun and his mouth gawked open "J-jonghyun?"

"WHAT?" Minho his eyes glued onto Jonghyun

You and Jonghyun looked at each other. You nodded and giggled "Why does it bother you that Jonghyun is better looking that you? And he is stealing your fan girls away?"

Minho ignored that and walked away. "Did you see their looks?" Jonghyun laughed

The two of you started to laugh. Lunch came and as usual you guys at at the same table. Girls around couldn't stop staring and gossiping, it was starting to bug you.

"I can't be your friend anymore..." You blurted

Jonghyun stopped eating and looked at your eyes wide open "Huh?"

"I can't be your friend anymore, these girls are getting on my nerves... Have you heard what they are saying?"

Jonghyun started to laugh "You jealous?"

You shook your head "Be jealous of them? No. Some of these things they are saying are stupid and some of it doesn't make sense... And when you left me alone a crap load of girls came rushing towards me asking me about you..."

"This is your fault! You made me look like this, if you want them to stop I'll be happy to change back!" He chuckled

"No, I spent my savings and good earned money on you! I've spent many hours teaching you how to defend yourself and all that good stuff! So no. I'll just deal! It'll die down anyway!" You smiled cheesily

Jonghyun couldn't stop laughing at you. The smile on your face began to fade "But wait... You are happy to change back? You don't like how you look? Sorry.. Sorry if I --"

He stopped laughing "I like the way I look, I know I didn't like it last night but, finally people are starting to notice me, I'm not so invisible. I'm happy that you did this for me, but if this doesn't make you happy... Then changing back wouldn't be a bother to me."

You kept your head lowered sort of feeling bad. 

"Yah, ______-ah! You know for once, I don't feel like such a loser. I'm finally getting the confidence I need, and I thank you for that!" He smiled "So don't look sad, please!"

You looked at him and smiled "Cheesy much!" You poked his arm "And wait, you weren't invisible to me! I saw you didn't I?"

He nodded with the smile still on his face. You like that Jonghyun has been smiling a lot today and it made you feel happy as well "I know you saw me, but it's good that others are seeing me as well."

You took the chopsticks out of his hand eating some of his good "You still look like a dinosaur!" You mumbled with food in your mouth

He took the chopsticks out from your hands "I say something nice, and you criticize me. You know what you still look like... like..." he couldn't figure out what to call you.

You raised a brow waiting for a comeback "Like?" You questioned

He sighed in defeat "You. You still look like you... " He said quietly

You laughed and took the chopsticks out of his hands "Yeah... I stilll need to help you with your comebacks... You are still pretty lame!"

The two of you started to bicker and you saw the most popular girl in school come over and take a seat next to Jonghyun. You and Jonghyun looked at each other confused.

"You're Jonghyun right?" She smiled placing a hand on his shoulder

Jonghyun gulped and nodded shyly. She looked over to you "Hi ____!" She smiled

You forced a fake smile "Hi Krystal!"

You and Krystal didn't techincally hate each other, but didn't like each other either. She's been jealous of you since the first day you moved to the school. You even hung out with the 'populars' when you first came to the school, but you left them because that's how you were back where you came from. You were one of the 'popular' kids and hung out with the popular crowd. It was never you and it will never be you. You never really had true friends, until you met Jonghyun.

She looked back at Jonghyun "Is it okay if I call you oppa?" She asked cutely

You barfed in your head, immitating her. Jonghyun nodded nervously. She covered slightly and started to giggle "You don't have to be shy! I'm not going to bite, I want to be friends!"

"Ewuh, she flirting with him..."

Jonghyun smiled slightly "So tomorrow come have lunch with me?" She asked, but it sounded more of a demand. She looked at you "You can join as well, you know we miss you." She pouted

Krystal took one last look at Jonghyun "Think about it okay?" She got up and walked away

The both of you watched as the walked off back to her table. You rolled your eyes and looked at Jonghyun "You don't have to be shy! I'm not going to bite!" You immitated her, batting your eyes "You know we miss you.." You made gagging noises

Jonghyun chuckled and became on giddy. You stared at him oddly "It wasn't that funny..."

"She never talks me!" He smiled happily

You sighed "Don't let it get to your head, but expect girls like that will be coming up to you more often since you look like this!" You smiled slightly "Are you eating lunch with her?"

He looked at you and shook his head, knowing that you would like that answer instead of saying that you wanted to go.

"Why not?"

Jonghyun shrugged his shoulders "Because I know how you don't like being around her type of people... The 'popular' crowd.."

"You know it's okay! You can go eat lunch with them... Just because I don't like hanging around their type of people doesn't mean it should stop you. Maybe you'll like them and see them in a different light then I do." You smiled "Try it before you make your decision based on mine. And plus I got to work on my biology lab report anyways, me and Key didn't quiet finish it yet!" You lied

"You sure?"

You nodded "For sure!"

"... Seeing the way you looked after she talked to you... I just want you to be happy..."

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Chapter 27: so nice story!!!
jloved #2
Chapter 27: Wow I love your story so much, hope to c the sequel to this story..... FIGHTING FIGHTING XD
untitledtae #3
asdfghjkl;djeq <3
Chapter 16: My god. I was humming the song before I read that Jonghyun was singing it. Coincidental much? I really love that song tho.
awww this one is sweet. thanks for the great story authornim
rudelysweetk21 #6
Chapter 27: nice story :D like it :)
kibummiekiyomi #7
Chapter 27: Your story was amazing I loved it >.< I couldn't stop reading it hehe.
Please make a sequel :)
Saemiy #8
Chapter 27: It's really touchy *cried of happiness*.
Going to subscribe this one!!
Chapter 27: Im here crying on my couch. Im sleepy and hungry and have alot of homework to do but I still say down and read your entire story. It was amazing and totally worth it. Good job, authornim. You write very well:) hwaiting on your other fics!