Moving House

Moving House
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It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining but the air was cool. I just got up from my sleep and gave out the loudest yawn I could give, sending shivers down my whole body. I thought it was going to be another day for me basking in the sun and spending time with the rest of my family. Though at times I wish to sneak out from the group and start dating! Shhhh...! My dad must not know.

My dad is strict but the handsomest among all and my mum is gentle and a beauty!  I wonder what my mum sees in him that she fell for him and ended up married.  But because my mum's a beauty, no wonder the males are charmed by me too! I am really shameless when it comes to self-praising but seriously who can deny? *giggles*

I lied to my mum and dad telling them that I'll be out with my friends... but in truth... I'm out to meet a boy and it's our first blind date set up by our friends... 

While I was waiting for my him to arrive, I was resting under a tree just enough shade not to let my skin burn... Even though my body temperature can adjust to its surroundings, my gentle skin is sensitive.. I do not want to have pigmentation at such a young age! Argh! It is so difficult to keep up with my beauty regime of mudpacks and natural mineral water from the ground to keep my skin supple and young! Hate those wrinkles!

Suddenly, I felt foot steps approaching me... they were speaking some kind of language.. but I couldn't understand that well.. I thought it was him who is out to surprise me and I closed my eyes and waited to be surprised! So I waited and waited that's when I realised I had a lot of weight on my back. I started to struggle... I wanted to open my jaws but couldn't it was tied with a red string strong and tight enough that my jaw remain closed. The more I struggle, the more it tightens. Ouch! This is going to give me a bruise on my snap! What are they thinking ruining a beauty like me! I couldn't see clearly who it was and what they were talking about but I definitely know they were talking about me! 

"She's a beauty ain't she? It's not that easy to find a croc this beautiful. Look at her! A fiesty young crocodile. It would be perfect!" said Steve Irwin. 

They placed a cloth over my eyes. I couldn't see. It was total darkness for me. I was very scared and started to regret that I had lied to my parents earlier. Where are they taking me? I'm so scared and afraid that I shed tears... Crocodile's tears... (no pun intended)

I was moved somewhere, I don't know what it was. But I felt my body being squeezed and felt wood surrounding me. It's a little difficult to breathe but there was just enough oxygen for me to stay alive. I had no idea where they are taking me because I heard some noises and felt that I was moving even though I was not moving and trapped somewhere. It's impossible for me to know because my eyes were still covered.

"We're here! Now help me to move this beauty alright mate?"

Where am I? Can somebody remove this cloth over my eyes already? Urgh!! Can anyone understand me! I was then brought out from the enclosed space that I was in with my eyes still covered and my snap still tied. O

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sunraise #1
Chapter 1: A nice short read that made me laugh haha...MS is such a cute combination...even as crocodiles lol. Thank you for sharing. :)
sarahsusanti #2
Chapter 1: Hahaha....^_^ loved your story....its soo different
Thank you author
Chapter 1: CrocoMinShin hahaha... a diff story indeed yet so cute ^_^
Chapter 1: Hahahaha!!!^-^Writer-nim,I really can't believed this one!Yeah,right,it was really different from other ffs,the creativity,uniqueness & plot were all substantiated!Gosh!You're still the best for me...Thanks much!!!Hope to hear from you soon..^-^
minhakim #5
Chapter 1: Hahahahaha
this is so cute and funny..
you have a creative mind Authornim.
oh my crikey??? This is so funny..
i might use this expression...
Pevelyn #6
Chapter 1: That is so creative!! Thanks author ;)
Shayla_Minoz #7
Chapter 1: OMG! That was soo cute!!
Our MinShin as crocodiles!! Haha ^_^
This was a really creative idea!!
Chapter 1: Hahha it's cute, they can make love at the first time meeting unless they re not human haha thank you for your creation
Chapter 1: hahahaha I think you are to creative for your teacher to accept you could write such a cute mature story ...hahahaha
minshinaddict #10
Chapter 1: Wow ! Very creative :)