
Let go

GD' s pov

" You need to end it." YG stated with a firm voice.

" What?! No, please we will keep it private..." GD pleaded.

" I said no. The media is eating it up and its bad for your image." YG cut him off. 

He felt like someone punched the air out of his chest. He cant leave you. He loves you...

Yeon-Ahn' s pov

Me and Jiyong have been dating for 6 months and things were great. But something always came in our way. The public. The constant name calling, phone calls and threats   became a everyday thing. But you weren't a child, and those things didn't bother you at all. What bothered you was Jiyong' s career, you were always a realistic person and knew that this would happen. Everything had a ending and so does a relationship. You knew that the base of your relationship wasn't firm in the first place... I guess the ending has come...

GD' s pov

I thought long and hard about what YG said and i cant do it. I cant let her go but I'm afraid that she will do it for me. Yeon-Ahn' s was always a strong and reasonable person and thats what attracted me to her in the first place. Well besides her stunning beauty. 
" We need to talk. My place, 8." 

a text was blinking on my phone. 
I guess this is it.

The evening came much sooner than either of them expected. And now they were sitting in the living room in silence. 5 minutes passed. 10 minutes passed, but no one made a sound. 

Yeon-Ahn's pov

The silence was making me nauseous. Breath, just breath. 

" Bae, you know what we need to talk about right?" I said trying to keep a calm voice.

" Yes." he whispered. 

" You know... The first time i saw you i thought you were a arrogant prick." i chuckle " But there was something about you, something in your eyes that just drew me in... But i guess we just weren't meant to be. There is an end to all things, no matter how much we want to hold onto them. And i guess this is the ending of us... The pain will lessen with time, but I will get better and so will you..." I whisper looking away. 

" How can you be so cold?" he whispered looking into my eyes. 

" Because i never loved you..." I say in a calm voice. 

" YOU ARE A LIAR!! " he screamed as tears were spilling out. He came closer gripping my arms. His grip hurt but i didn't care... 
" SAY SOMETHING PLEASE!! I KNOW YOU STILL LOVE ME I KNOW!!!" he said while shaking you. 

You were dying inside you felt like your heart was going to burst from the pain. At least if he hates me, he wont be asking himself what did i do wrong or was it my fault. No, he will hate you and the hatred will help him move on. Thinking that it was your fault he will see that you weren't for him and he will move on. That was the best thing you could do... Help him forget. 

" LET GO!!" you scream making his flinch. 

" I said let go." you stated coldly while looking into his eyes.

 He let you go stumbling backwards. He sat in the chair, his fingers gripping his hair. 

" Go..." you whisper turning around and looking out the window. 

 The sound of the door closing echoed the apartment. A sharp pain pierced your chest, you clench onto your shirt. Slowly you seep to the cold floor holding your knees while silently sobbing. Looking down you see children happily walking down the street laughing while holding hands. "Goodbye, my love..." you whisper. 

Her heart had grown so familiar to the pain of life without him, that to respond now seemed too large a pleasure she could not endure. If pain was love, then she loved fiercely. Yet knew she could not be near that boy again.

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I would be thrilled if you read this fanfic. I just started it and its called Skydragon or Daragon. I am really excited about and i hope u guys will like it!!
kiyoshi_101 #2
Chapter 1: Omoo... I hope theirs more too comes. YG is a a--. ヾ(。・ω・。)(´-ω-`)ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)