
The Skies Cries


"Do you remember Sunggyu?" I question, quirking an eyebrow with a sort of half smile falling off my lips.

"Yeah... sort of..." He trails off unsurely and chuckles thereafter. "Does he have something to do with your pecuiliar distaste for rain, miss?"

"Mm, I don't know. Does it?"



14 May, 2012

"Sunggyu!" I cry, latching my hands around his waist.


"I should've known it was you!" He reaches his arm backwards and pulls me to his side and I let out one of those girly giggles. "You're so cute; I could just eat you up right now!" He says jokingly, pretending to bite at my cheeks.

"You can't do that!" I move and shove my hand in his face; I don't wish to be eaten.

"I can! I'm your boyfriend!" He declares and plants a wet sloppy kiss on my cheek and I cringe, but secretly I really like his kisses (even if they are sloppy).

"Whatever." I roll my eyes but a smile finds its way onto my lips, but I try to bite it back because I don’t want him to think that I’ve succumbed to his charms.

“I know you’ve given up to my charms, Faith”.

I hum in response, pursing my lips together in order to prevent a smile creeping its way onto my lips yet again. I look at anywhere but him, but it’s kind of hard considering he’s my boyfriend and that his hair kind of tickles the back of my neck and I can’t giggle or anything.

“I think it’s going to rain soon, we should get back to my car hm?” He questions and bends down to peer at my face. His loving gaze makes me feel all mushy on the insides and I feel my cheeks heating up because he’s caring and everything I could ever want.

I crane my neck back briefly and gaze at the sky. Instead of a pale blue streaked with bits of orange, the sky looks angry and dark. “Mm, I think that’s a good idea. I don’t want you getting sick.” I mutter and steal a quick glance at him but that’s to no avail because he’s still looking at me.

“I know I’m handsome, but I should be saying that because I don’t want you to get sick!” He exclaims quite childlishly and a few random people stop and take time out of their day to stare. I hope they realize that a few of their precious seconds that they can never get back have been taken away by my strange boyfriend.


Somewhere between our light-hearted laugher, brisk steps and constant nudging it began to rain. But it was a light drizzle so I guess it didn’t bother us. The rain was nice and made me happy because these drops of water were free.

“Looks like we’ll both get sick,” Sunggyu chuckles under his breath, moving his hands from my waist to my hand and our fingers kind of find each other and interlace automatically.

“You know, I was thinking the same thing…” I trail off because I spot his black BMW a few ten or so metres away.

“First one there is a loser!” I exclaim, ripping my hand out of his grip and sprinting my way to his car.



“Now that I look back, I kind of wish I held on tighter to him to brace myself.”

“You shouldn’t say that in front of me, Faith Kim. You know how I get.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I mumble as my lips touch the rim of the mug.

“So continue.”









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