Caliginous Life


    When Illhoon is in the midst of maintaining a clean career, meeting his girlfriend, and fending off crazy fans, he meets a girl who, despite all of her own Demons and problems, is willing to comfort him. Granted she doesn’t know who he is, but her presence is enough for him to realize what the definition of love is. Her life shows him the meaning of pain and suffering. She herself will show him the meaning of sacrifice. Will he be able to handle it? Will he find her Demons too much to bear? Will he be able to help her escape this hollow of agony? Most importantly, will he be able to be the person to protect her from these Demons?


Caliginous: adj. sad;grim;dark


    There are Demons hidden in all of us. I can suppress mine, like most of humanity, but others aren’t as fortunate. Their Demons become their very being. When they can’t hold anything back, their Demons come and attack, devouring their entire existence to the point of no recognition. Sometimes those people don’t even realize the pain they inflict on others.

    Then again, there are people who can save you from such monstrous beings. They care for you. They hold you in your misery, trying to subdue the pain. They warm up your soul like a warm cup of hot chocolate on a bitter winter day. Thier very existence brings light to your opaque one. They are willing to sacrifice for your benefit.

    I suppose these people do exist. I hope they do, and one could come save me from my endless misery. These beings are mythical creatures to me. A chocolate bar to a diabetic, or a pizza to an anorexic, that’s what these people are to me. They are this untouchable existence that is present only in my mind, but not in my life.

    Until I can escape from the person devoured by a Demon, I have to keep living. I have to keep trying to find a valid outlet. I have to wait for a savior, or become my own.



Hello! Just wanted you to know, this is my first fic, so please don't be harsh on me. If you notice any mistakes as you read along, or have any suggestions, please feel free to message me! I would greatly appriciate it! Also, if you like my story, then please tell me! I would love to hear the things I am doing well on too! Thank you so much for even just reading the forward, and I promise to upload as soon as I have the chapters written!

Have a great day!



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Chapter 1: This was really well written! I loved how descriptive it is. I cant wait to see how the rest of it unfolds. :)