chapter 1

Winter Story

I beg so that my prayers can reach the heavens
I hope for this cruel love that I can’t stop anymore

- a winter story (the one)


He took his foot nowhere. His view was so blank and thereh  were tears on his eyes. His tiny pink lips was quivering as he tried to hold back the tears to not wetting his already pale skin. With his unsteady step. he followed where his footsteps would take him. He didn't know where he was going. Also, he didn't know how to convince himself that everything was okay –he was not okay. 


He sat himself on a bench where a mapple tree stood behind it. The leaves was falling down blown by the wind. He took one and stared at it. A tiny smile painted on his beautiful face. He played with leaf in his hand. A single tear was falling from his eyes. He didn't wipe it but he let it flew wetting his cheek.


" I wonder... I wonder if I could meet you again... autumn .... " he spoke to the orange leaf longingly. He lifted his head up to the sky. His gaze was so empty but his mind was full with some though about future. He let his little sob came out from his plump lips. 


A memory came to mind. A shadow of someone from the past was seen when he closed his eyes. He bit his lower lips and clenched his chest. Somethings was hurt in there. He let out a small breathe from his lips. He opened his eyes, still staring at the sky.


" God, I know You hear me. Please, give me a second chance to meet him again. Eventhough it just for a while ." He lowered his head after he said his prayer. His hands grasping the bench and he cried with no sounds. He just let his tears soaked his pale cheeks. He hiccupped a little because he held his voice when he cried. The wind blew so hard that afternoon. His smooth burgundy was blown by the wind. His body also shivering but he didn’t mind. He cried and cried that afternoon.


Life is so unfair….



He stared outside the window from his room. Winter just started. He knew it just by looking at the dew that presented on his window. A sad smile was formed in his face. He looked at his clasped hands. Tears fell into his hands. Once again, he cried for this cruel fate.


“ Why ? ”  A one word that came from mouth. He asked for the answer yet he knew he would not receive any answer.


“ You are so gloomy today ,” someone with white suit just came in to his room. He turned his head to the said person. That person walking to him with a bright smile on his handsome face.


“ It is not only today, for your information,” he said coldly. He laid his tiny body and turned his head from that certainly person.


“ Someone is being moody,” that person with white suit joked and let a small chuckle.


“ Whatever. Just take it quickly and leave me alone,” he sighed and still avoided the person beside him.


“ You know, chocochip. Being bratty like this making you look so cute and well, the bad news it will make ‘this’ bad,” the handsome white suit person said with a small smile. He put his tool in the smaller’s chest and examined it.


“ That’s good. Then I don’t need to be suffer longer. The sooner the better.”


“ It makes you so hopeless. And what are you talking about ? Don’t you want to be meet that person ?” asked the white suit one to the smaller one.


“ Yeah, I’m so hopeless. My times is not long and until now, I still can’t see him. I still can’t find him. “


“ Don’t be so hopeless and blue like this, Kookie. Hope for a miracle happens tomorrow,” the white suit caressed the younger’s one hair.


“ I hope so, too. I always hope like that. I always praying like that. But— “ Jungkook—the younger’s name— sat himself and look at someone who stood beside him but got cut by that person.


“ Don’t lose hope for now. At least fight for me,now. Before you fight for him,” the person talked sadly to Jungkook. His eyes didn’t leave Jungkook.


“ Hyung…. “


“ Please, Jungkook…””





sorry short updated. will update the longer one later. i got my anemia relapse, so im sorry i only can it short like this because i have promised before to update this week...

this is just beginning.. Guess it ? Who is the person with white suit ? i left the hint in there. choco chip~ ^^

thank you for subscribing. i hope you enjoy it . 

sorry for my bad english, grammatical error and typo. english is not my mother tounge

feel free to leave your comment ~



much love,



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Latte94 #1
Chapter 1: update pleaseeee~~
guardian_angel274 #2
Chapter 1: I guess he is Taehyung or maybe Jimin :)