Paper Kiss

Paper Kiss - Woohyun

”______ and Woohyun are on a team, so let’s see how fast they can pass all of the papers from one side to the other” One of the MC’s explained, stepping out of the line, you walked up besides Woohyun, he stood closest to the pile of papers that he would pass to you.

Reaching out and feeling the papers, Woohyun turned to you as he brushed his fingers against yours, catching your attention your hair whirled around your neck while you looked over at Woohyun.

"The papers are kind of thick so they will be easy to pass between us, just try and go as fast as we can" Woohyun pumped you up, nodding your head in response, he smiled at you before the two of you got into your positions.

The buzzer sounded, quickly Woohyun picked up one and turned it to you, figuring out which way to tilt your head, craning your neck one way while Woohyun shifted his head the other way, you pulled the paper against your lips and moved it to the other side with ease.

Every paper between the two of you went faster and faster, each of you becoming fluid in each move while the sends ticked by. With half of the time gone, you both went faster and faster, his hand holding yours to make both of you move quickly.

"5…" An MC started to count down while all eyes were on the clock and moving quickly to you and Woohyun then back up at the clock.

"4…" Moving a few more papers between the two of you, you held Woohyun’s hand tighter as adrenaline started to pulsate through your veins.

"3…" The crowd started to join in while both of your movements started to become shaky. Trying to regain composure, you passed a few more between each other while the pile only held a few sheets of paper left.

"2…" Focusing on the final pieces of paper, Woohyun held your hand tighter as you placed yet another paper on your side.

"1…" Woohyun was about to pass you the paper when a gust of wind made the paper slip from his lips. His eyes widened but there wasn’t time to pull back.

Feeling a warm pair of lips on yours was a new sensation, his hand that was holding yours, he held onto it gently while his thumb gently your fingers, his other hand slid across your cheek and through your hair to the back of your neck. Holding onto the kiss for a few seconds, he pulled away while your eyes opened in slight shock.

"It was a pleasure for you to be my partner, ______" Woohyun breathed while his thumb gently brushed over your skin right behind your ear.

"Now that is how you celebrate your victory!" The MC’s called while the crowd cheered.

With your cheeks burning a bright red, Woohyun never let go of your hand while he bowed to the crowd, bowing with him, he smiled brightly. Knowing that there would be probably rumors flying around the media, you smiled knowing that your heart fluttered and there must have been more meaning behind the kiss due to the way he was holding you. It must have not been a mistake. Biting your lip, you glanced over at him, feeling butterflies start to fly around in your stomach you caught him looking right at you, both of you smiling and blushing now. The two of you held each others hand lovingly while the crowd applauded the two of you as the ending credits rolled on the screen.

This was one episode that you had to watch again~

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Chapter 1: Authornim u kill me ;;
Just awhile ago jhope ruined my bias list now woohyun ruined it again ;-;
Chapter 1: oooh thats so fangirl and sweet <3
Chapter 1: Oh man, that was adorable. Sneaky sneaky Namu. Kekeke. Short and sweet