My Bestfriend's Promise

Donghae & the rest rode all of the rides together. They had fun. Donghae was always sitting beside _____ in every ride that they were riding. Hours has passed, they felt tired & decided to go home.

"Wowww, I had so much fun today!" Jihyun said as they were walking.

"Haha, me too. I had so much fun today." Donghae said while looking at _____.

_____ saw Donghae looking at her so she smiled at him then looked away when she felt that she's blushing. Siwon noticed the two of them.

"Tsh! Why are those two keep on acting like that? As if they are a couple" Siwon said to himself as he frowned.



I saw Siwon frowned, so I asked him, "Siwon-ah! are you alright? It seems that you didnt enjoy this day, huh?" I asked as I patted his shoulders.

"Me? Oh, aniyo. I had fun today. Really. I was just a bit sad 'cause Ivy's not here with us." Siwon said as he scratche the back of his head.

"Oh. So, Siwon you're missing YOUR girl ah? Haha. Didnt she told you that she'll be with HanYeon && SungHye because they'll watch a movie?" RyeoWook told him.

"Yeah. I know. Ah, what time is it?" Siwon asked us.

"Its 6:15pm" Eunhyuk said while looking at his watch.

"Oh. I've got to go" Siwon said.

"Go where?" I heard Jihyun asked.

"I gotta meet Ivy at the mall @6:40, so I think I should get going. Bye guys." Siwon said while wavin his hands at us.


- JiHYUN's POV -

Siwon waved goodbye. "Aish. He left already?" I asked myself as I pouted.

"Jihyun-shi, got a problem?" _____ asked.

"Aniyo. I just remember that I've gotta go too, to meet my mom. So~~" ..

"Oh. Chinjja? I thought that we'll go home TOGETHER." _____ said as she pouted.



 "Oh. Chinjja? I thought that we'll go home together" _____ said as she pouted.

She's so cute especially when she pouts.

"Oh. mianhae, _____-ah. Donghae will you give me a favor?" Jihyun asked me.

"Oh, what?" I asked her.

"Will you please accompany _____ to her home?" Jihyun asked me while clasping her hands.

I looked at _____ and she was like dumbfounded.

"Ah. Me?" I asked.

"Oh no no no. Donghae-shi. Its okay. I can go home by myself. Jihyun-ah, its alright. okay? You dont have to ask Donghae like that. Im not a child. Haha." _____ said as she scratched her head.

"Aniyo. I'd like to accompany you to your home" I bluerted out.

I saw Super Junior ( my friends ) looked into each other. Leeteuk looked at me with an what-the-heck-did-you-say expression.

"Uhm. What I mean is, I dont have anything to do, so its okay for me to accompany _____" I said as I laughed nervously.

"Okay. So, _____-shi. I'll go now okay? Bye!" Jihyun said as she left.

"Donghae, _____, we have to go now too." Ryeowook said as they walked far from us.


We were walking to where her hous is.

"_____-ah." I said to break the ice.

"Neh?" she looked at me.

"Ahm. Why is it that the 1st time you saw me @ our school, you said that I was your "bestfriend"?" I asked, emphasizing the word bestfriend.

"Because there was this BESTFRIEND of mine that I knew when I was a child. He went abroad and he promised me that after a year he'll come back here in Korea. I thought that you are HIM. because he looked like you but I was wrong" _____ said seriously.

I was lookin at her pretty face when suddenly my head began to ache.

"Aaargh!!!!" I shouted in pain.

"Donghae-shi, are you okay? Is there something wrong?!" I heard _____ said in a worried voice.

As my head was aching, there were pictures in my mind, a memory began to appear. I was a child & Im with a girl but i cant see her face. It was blurred. I cant recognize who she is. Seconds after, I felt better. My headache was gone.

"Donghae-ah are you ok? What happened?" _____ asked me.

"Im ok. I just had a headache." I said as I massaged my head.

"Are you sure? Do you want to go to a hosptital?" _____ said worriedly. 

Seeing her worried because of me makes me happy && I dont know why.

"I dont need to go to a hospital. Im really ok now" I said as I smiled at her.

After convincing her that Im really ok now. We continued to walk while having little concersations. She stopped infront of an apartment.

"Here's where I live." _____ said

"You live in an apartment?" I asked her.

"Yes. because I dont have parents" ...

"Where are they?" ....

"They died a long time ago." _____ said.

"Aw. Im sorry for that." I said to her

"Aniyo. Gwenchana. Uhm You wanna come in?" She asked me

"Ani. I think I gotta go now. I guess you're safe here. So, bye!" I said.

"Thank Donghae." She said as she smiled.

I waited for her to go inside her home then I went back home.




I went inside my room & laid down on my bed. As I was on my bed. I remembered what happened earlier ( headache thingy =) ) "The girl. Who's that girl?" I asked myself. "why is it that I cant see her face? Who's she? Is that girl important to me?" I thought




Because I missed you all. Its me, LITTLEFANTASIES. AGAIN =))) LOL. I hope you guys will like our update. :D Thank You!

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Chapter 43: Waaa so sweet! Please update >.<
Chapter 43: updatee pleaseee!
InaeHyuk #3
Omgggg~~~ I can't wait update soon!!!! :D
Kyaaaaa~ I wonder whats gonna happen next?
Will the trio will succeed on their plan? --> I hope not
Update soon~ ^^
aww short but I love it I guess that the trio's plan won't
work now right? Hhhh
update soon ^^
aww kyu is such a cute boy.. kk
update soon..:)
kyaaaaa the plan will never work
MUAHAHAHAHAH hHHH update soon ^^
iLoveExo12 #8
Fishy will be _______'s partner. . YEAH~!
update soon :))
Aigoo~! Another super great story from jellykyu27. Keep it up!!! Hwaiting~!!! ^^
iLoveExo12 #10
kyuhyun is such a nice oppa!!!
update soon :))