The mess that is Cho Kyuhyun's love life

The Trouble With Relationships

    The day Cho Kyuhyun saw Choi Siwon he knew he had to win the man's heart. A tall and handsome man, Cho believed him to be mysterious and maybe even dangerous seeing as the man owned a very prestegious nightclub. Kyuhyun became infatuated, after all, the man was rich and it showed in everything he did. People from all around the world were aware of the handsomeness and the success of Mr. Choi but very few truly knew the man. The reality was harsh though, and Kyuhyun soon found out the truth. The man was a total ing loser.

    Not long after finally gaining the courage to speak to the "love of his life" Kyuhyun regretted it immensly. The man whom he'd believed to be dark and mysterious was in a fact a complete idiot. Siwon was known for loving animals but Kyuhyun would never have guessed that the man would speak to his dog, Bugsy. Aside from that he collected refrigerator magnets and snow globes. Although Kyuhyun appreciated all the clothes Siwon bought him, why were they all striped?! Nevermind that, the man was absolutely infatuated with skinship and Kyuhyun had had enough. Even when he tried to sleep he couldn't get away from the man's love of skinship.  Never in his life had he felt so smothered! So he left.

    He left the man whose heart he had successfuly captured and went to find someone who better suited his tastes. This turned out to be a decision he regretted as well. Choi Siwon became a mess. The once handsome loner was now constantly calling Kyuhyun while crying and begging for him to come back. Even going so far as stalking Kyuhyun at his place of work and asking people if they would help him get his Kyukyu back. Of course, Cho  being the little he was never gave it a second thought and found someone else almost immediately. Kim Jongwoon was handsome and had the voice of an angel. Kyuhyun loved the man's dark look and believed they would be a good fit. Never in his life had Kuhyun been more mistaken. As it turned out Jongwoon was just as bad, seeing as he took his turtles everywhere and constantly spoke to them as if they were his own children. He tried with Jongwoon, he really, honestly did but nothing could stop Cho from feeling so duped and abolutely annoyed at the man and his insect collection. After having decided that he at least deserved something out of their obviously failing relationship he had a night of fun with the man and his small hands before leaving him as well. After all the man's voice seemed to be his strong point and if he wanted to listen to an angelic voice he could just sing to himself!

    Finally after several disastrous relationships Kyuhyun found Donghae. In his eyes Donghae was almost perfect. After all he was easy to bully and incredibly sweet and loving, if a bit childish. The only thing that bothered him was Donghae's love for tacos. Kyuhyun had tried to get the man to eat anything other than tacos for a whole week and had failed miserably when Donghae began to cry and say that Kyuhyun was the meanest person in the whole world. Kyuhyun absolutely adored Donghae and would do anything when subjected to the man's horrid aegyo. Aside from that he loved being able to see the man's y side, which could transform him completely. But the day came when finally Kyuhyun's heart was broken. Donghae had found someone, a certain man whom he called his Hyukkie. Kyuhyun wouldn't have been so crushed if it had been anyone other than that anchovy! After all he was far more handsome! Sure, he wasn't always the nicest person but he still tried to give Donghae whatever he needed or wanted and had cherished him completely! Feeling absolutely dejected Kyuhyun left once more.

    After a while Kyuhyun was done. He had decided that love wasn't for him and that life was meant to be lived alone. Even so he returned to all his previous partners and mended their relationships. Even the weird magnet collector who always harrassed him for hugs. Although he was done with love he cherished the friends whom he made from those failed relationships and whom he knew he could always count on. Now used to being alone Mr. Cho was entirely content with his lack of a romantic partner until he met him. The man was absolutely perfect. He was handsome, loved video games, drank expensive wine with him, and even helped him bully his hyungs! Even after all the Kyuhyun gave his friends he was greatful to have them. If it hadn't been for all those idiots he would have never met the man whom he truly loves. The snarky piece of standing just across from him on the altar. His Changmin.

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Chapter 1: I have to say, I love Kyuhyun's personality in this. I don't even think he's that much of a (okay, maybe a little bit). It's more like he's being absolutely honest with himself.

(And that "night of fun" with Yesung got me real curious... Kekekekeke *slaps y self*)

Can't wait to see what happens between Changmin and Kyu! I've shipped them since that little "incident" on a SMTown concert... You know what I mean?

And I can't help but shudder when I think what would happen to the hyungs when the evil maknae and voldemin unite. D: I am very afraid.
Chapter 1: . The snarky piece of !!!@ how lovely kyuhyun kekekekeke
missnnb #3
Chapter 1: This is so not that ty as you said it will be...
This is really good! Kyu finally found his man who does not talk to animals lol.
It was simple yet really nice and I really dont mind a kyu >:)

Thanks for sharing :)