The Right Moment

The Moment

               He woke to the morning rays dancing across his eyes and your soft breath kissing his neck. It was a stolen moment, catching you still asleep like this; usually you were up and gone before the sun ever rose above the horizon. Your soft dark hair draped across your shoulder, a few stray stands tickling your nose. He gently lifted his hand towards your face to tame the wild stands, moving them from his view. Even when you were asleep he found you to be the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. You would have protested, saying that there were several other people who were more beautiful than you, model, idols, etc. But he knew better, he knew that no matter how you looked, if you had wrinkles or were overweight or had moles on your nose, you were beautiful and perfect to him.

               He wanted to make you his forever; he had it all planned out. You two were going to go to dinner tonight, maybe see a show, and later he would take you to the park where you two first met. He had arranged for your family and friends to join in the celebration, they were going to hide while he popped the question and then burst out when you said yes. Then everyone was going to go to the restaurant he had reserved to celebrate. But now, looking down at you, he didn’t want all of that, he just wanted you, and him, and this moment. So as quietly, and as slow as possible, so he would not wake you, he moved to his side of the room where he was hiding the ring.

               Once it was in his hand he turned back around, and his breath caught in his throat. The sun was now shinning down on your , illuminating your skin, catching the light in your hair making it shine like thousands of diamonds. You were a goddess come to life in that moment, you were his goddess and in just a few moments, you would be his forever. He moved back to the bed and knelt beside it, gently taking the ring out of the black box; it was simple in design, just one carat inlaid into a white gold band, but he knew that you would love it. He slipped the ring onto your finger, kissing it, and praying that you would say yes. He leaned forward and placed a kiss to your lips, rousing you from your sleep. He pulled back to see a smile spread across your face,

               “Good morning” you said, stretching a little bit,

               “I love you” he told you, nerves getting the better of him “with every fiber of my being”

               You smile at him, about to say something, probably along the lines of wanting to wake up to this every morning, but the words die in your throat as you feel the new weight on your finger. Glancing away from his face to you look down, and in that moment, a sun ray hit the diamond just right, showing its brilliance against your finger. Tears sprung to your eyes, goose-bumps raced across your bare skin, a silent gasp caught in your throat. His world stopped, his breath stilled, and he waited; waited for that one word that would start his world again.

               “Yes” you whisper,

               He let out a laugh before climbing back into bed, bringing you into his arms, kissing you soundly on the lips. He pulled back and rested his head against yours,

               “Say it again” he whispered to you,

               “Yes” you laugh



               “Again!” he laughed, bringing you closer

               “YES!” you laugh, bringing his face towards yours and staring into his eyes

               “Yes, I will marry you” you tell him before sealing your lips with his.

               There were so many words he wanted to tell you; about how he will love you for the rest of your life, about how you made him the happiest man alive, and so many other cliché words. But they could wait; right now, in this moment, it was just the two of you and that was just fine with him.

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