
Not Again

Not again

"Will you marry me?" Jongin asked me in one knee and with a black little box in his hand with a beautiful ring inside. It had diamonds and it was really shiny.

"Oh my God!" I cried. "Yes Jongin, yes!" I said while wiping my tears away.

He put the ring in my finger while standing up. "I love you!" he said with a sweet smile in his face and kissed my lips tenderly.

"I love you too!" I said and kissed him again.

I couldn't believe it. After being with this handsome guy for three years, he finally asks me to marry him. He called me saying that he wanted to bring me to a beautiful place, that I should change into something really pretty and that he was going to pick me up at my house. What I didn't know it was that he was going to propose to me in the same place where he asked me to be his girlfriend. He really is a thoughtful guy and I'm madly in love with him.


When we left the restaurant, we walked hand in hand for a while, smiling like little kids with a new toy and kissing and hugging each other.

After some hours he took me home and got out of the car to open my door, since he is a gentleman, and to talk a bit outside the car.

"You know.. there's only one thing left." he said while ruffling his hair. He always did that when he was worried of something, mad or sad.

"What baby?" I asked him a bit worried.

"Your mom's approval." he said while looking at my eyes.

"Oh Lord, you're right. But don't worry! I'm going to make her finally meet you." I said trying to convince him -myself.

Yes, finally meet you, I said. I've been with this guy three years but my mom always told me that she didn't have time to meet him. She always did that when I had a boyfriend and I don't know why. She never wanted to meet them. I'm getting married soon and she needs to meet him, to meet the love of my life. But it's really, really difficult. She's really stubborn.


Four days later ~

"Mom! I said I need to talk to you." I said for the third time while looking at her.

She was making dinner and she wasn't answering me.

"Yeah.. yeah.. I heard you. But I'm kind of busy right now, so.. Next time sweetie."

"No mom. I'm not going to wait anymore! This is important and I've been trying to talk to you about this for four days and you don't even budge. You don't even pretend that you are listening to me." I said really pissed off.

Don't get me wrong! My mom is the best mother in the world. She is my mom and my dad at the same time because my dad left us for another woman. I heard he has a son the same age as me. She always have taken care of me and I love her for that. But when it comes to things about boyfriends or relationships, she never listens.

"____, I'm really busy can't you see? I will talk to you later but let me--"

I sighed and interrupted her. "Mom. I'm getting married!" I said while looking at her.

The knife that she was holding almost fell and her face went blank.

"Mom, I'm marrying Jongin. I need you to meet him. I've been trying to make you meet him but you never have time for that. I'm hoping that now you will say yes because I'm marrying him. I don't want you to meet my fiancé in the church that day." I said sweetly and really low because I knew she wasn't expecting that and she was having some kind of a mental breakdown.

She took a long breath and looked at my eyes. "I'm-- I'm sorry ____. I'm sorry for never listening to you about that stuff and for not making an effort to meet him when I should've done that a long time ago." she looked away. "I'm not doing this on purpose.. is just that.. I'm.. afraid because of something but.. I don't want to talk about that now. I will tell you when the time comes." she looked at me in the eyes again and said "I'm really sorry ____, jinjja. I w-will meet him. Tell him to come this Friday. I will make dinner." With that, she cleaned her hands and left to her room.

I was left alone thinking about what she meant. She said that she's afraid of something but that the time to tell me why hasn't come yet. What a weird thing.


At night I was still thinking about what she said but shrugged off the thought and took my phone to call Jongin.

I lay in my bed and waited for him to answer.

"Hey baby!" he said when he answered the phone.

"Hey! Guess what?"

"What?" he asked me playfully.

"Mom said that she is going to meet you. Finally." I said really excited.

"Jinjja? That's daebak." I swear I could see him smiling.

"I know right! She said to come on Friday and that she is going to make dinner. So.. don't forget to come."

He really was excited. He started asking me what should he wear and all that stuff. After a couple of minutes, I fell asleep with the phone in my hand.


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and finally Friday.

The day has come. The day when my mom is going to finally meet her son-in-law.

Although she said that she didn't really cared about meeting him, I was left gasping at how beautiful she made look the dining room of our house.

The table had a white tablecloth, there were a lot of plates, the eating utensils were nicely wrapped in some kind of red napkins and the other decorations were red. It really looked amazing and the food smelled delicious. I've never seen her putting so much effort into something. Unconsciously, I smiled.

"Honey, aren't you going to change? He will arrive soon and you shouldn't be looking like that with those clothes on." she said playfully and pushed me to my room.

I laughed and started to get ready. I put on my favorite short red dress with some black platforms, curled my hair and applied makeup. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought *I look kind of pretty* and smiled at my reflection.

I went out of my room to see my mom more beautiful than ever. She wore a white dress to her knees, some red platforms, a bit of makeup and some kind of pretty bun in her hair. I couldn't help to smile at the sight of her. She was really pretty, indeed.

I walked over to her and she said "Oh my! Sweetie, you look gorgeous." she said while hugging me and I hugged her back.

"You don't look so bad yourself, uh. I knew that you were pretty, but common! You look fan-tas-tic!" I said in syllables and she laughed.

"Thank you honey!" she smiled. "I'm going to finish the table." she said and left humming a song.

I said everything was pretty right? Well.. when she put the food in the plates, everything looked so much better, and delicious.


After a couple of minutes I heard someone knocking the door and I took a deep breath.

I opened the door to see a more handsome Jongin, if that's even possible. He was wearing some kind of tuxedo and let me tell you something.. he looked so handsome and y at the same time.

I hugged him and kissed him. He smiled sweetly at me.

"You look beautiful!" he said while looking at me from head to bottom and bit his lip.

"And you look really handsome." I said while blushing because of his compliments.


"Let's do this!" I said trying to comfort him, although he was really calm and I took his hand.

"Mom, Jongin is here!" I said really excited and she turned around.

She gasped loudly and covered . She looked pale.

"Mom, are you okay?" I went over her fast and Jongin too.

"Y-yeah! I'm s-sorry! Maybe it was because I turned around too fast, I just felt dizzy. I'm ok-okay now, sweetie." she said stuttering. I eyed her suspiciously but she gave me a smile.

"Well, Mrs. ____, I'm Kim Jongin. I'm pleased to finally meet you." he said while bowing and shook my mother hands.

"As you know, I'm- I'm ____'s mother. It's nice to meet y-you too sweetheart." she said faking a smile, I could feel it.

"You are really, really handsome. And you kind of remind me of someone." she said while looking at him.

He blushed a bit and said "Oh, thank you Mrs. ____. You are beautiful yourself!" she smiled at him upon hearing his compliment.

After a couple of minutes she calmed herself down and we talked a lot. I was enjoying everything when my mother started stuttering again.

"D-do you have a picture of you wh-when you were little? I'd like to see wh-what you looked like." she said.

I looked at her, I really can't understand what's happening to her.

"Oh yeah, sure." he said with a smile.

He took his wallet from his pocket and took his photo. He handed her the picture and said "That's me when I was five years old."

My mom took the photo and nearly fell of the chair when she looked at it. She started trembling a bit and I was really starting to get worried.

"Mom? What's happening to you?" I asked her really worried and Jongin was left speechless.

She took deep breaths and looked at me. "I need t-to rest. Can you h-help m-me go to my room?" she said almost crying and I quickly nodded.

"Wait here for me. Don't leave!" I told him and left with my mom.


She lay down in the bed and calmed herself a bit.

"Now.. can you tell me what the hell is wrong with you?" I asked her worried but a bit mad too.

Why was she acting like this all of a sudden?! Why when she's finally meeting him?!

"Honey, y-you can't marry Jongin." she said almost breathless.

"What? Are you insane?" I said raising my voice. "Why? Why not? You didn't like him for me?"

She shook her head. "No. Is not that. Is becau-because Jongin is.." she trailed off and started to breath fast again. "You haven't made love right?" she asked with her eyes almost falling out.

"What? Oh no. I finally lost you! Why are you asking me that?!" I looked at her with an are-you-crazy look.

"You really can't be with him. Please ____." she paused. "Have you met his f-father?" she asked me.

"No." I shook my head. "He left them for another woman. Like it happened to us." I said while looking at her.

The look in her face was horrible, she looked terrified.

"____, break up with him. You can't be with him. Not now, not ever." she said with authority in her voice. But I wasn't going to give him up like this.

"Mom. What the hell?! Is it because you don't like him? I'm really sorry mom, but now I'm going to marry him. Is your fault that you didn't want to meet him sooner. I already love him and I'm not going to leave him just because you don't lik---"

She interrupted me with a scream. A scream with some words that I wasn't expecting. Upon hearing them, my whole body and world froze.

"HE IS YOUR BROTHER ____." she screamed with tears in her eyes.

I couldn't believe it. I don't want to believe it. Everything went numb. "WHAT?" I screamed, fell on the floor and hit my head. Tears came out from my eyes and then everything went black.




Author's Note:

Guys, remember to comment, upvote and subscribe. I really hope you liked it. Thank you for all your support <3 Love you all!

Gifs and pictures not mine, credit to the owners.

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Chapter 2: Wow! Was nice!!!
Chapter 1: This is a great story!!!
IAmFriendly #3
This was great! :) Thanks for sharing and nice job author-nim! :)
nerdyviv #4
Chapter 1: sequelllll!!!! omg authornimmmm!!! dont leave us hanging !! good job though :D
rosebell #5
Chapter 1: can you make a sequal?
Chapter 1: yes, sequel please ?