´◆ 2pm; nichkhun [fixed 10132015]

jackpot ╏ ʟᴀʏᴏᴜᴛs ʀᴇϙᴜᴇsᴛ sʜᴏᴘ ғᴛ. ʙʟᴏᴄᴋ ʙ [open; 2nd batch open - 10132015]





a smile is a thousand times worth a hundred words )
about nichkhun about nichkhun about nichkhun about nichkhun about nichkhun about nichkhun about nichkhun about nichkhun about nichkhun about nichkhun about nichkhun about nichkhun about nichkhun about nichkhun about nichkhun about nichkhun about nichkhun about nichkhun about nichkhun about nichkhun about nichkhun about nichkhun about nichkhun about nichkhun
What's life without them?
name; name; name; name; name
She's a bad girl i know but she's my girl, you know?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugiat consequat diam. Maecenas metus. Vivamus diam purus, cursus a, commodo non, facilisis vitae, nulla. Aenean dictum lacinia tortor. Nunc iaculis, nibh non iaculis aliquam, orci felis euismod neque, sed ornare massa mauris sed velit. Nulla pretium mi et risus. Fusce mi pede, tempor id, cursus ac, ullamcorper nec, enim.




About the layout:
not a request
freaturing 2pm's nichkhun
-notyourself's note: it shall look the same way when editing and when viewing. if you want to change the main photong, it shall be replaced by 200 x 279. the other small nichkhyun photos shall be replaced by 50 x50 (i suggest you look for icons when you want to change them) and the two hearts shall be replaced by  50 x 50 as well (suggesting yet again you to find icons) - this shall be the lover's section therefore i don't think there's a need to explain what it is. also keep in mind when you edit the name (which is the first thing, if you're using this layout for other character than nickhun) the line under the name will get smaller. if you want to change the colors, you will have to edit the source and for that, i'll gladly help so just pm me or something.
do not remove the credits.
here's the code.
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Thank you!
rintaratata's layout about chanyeol is done! next, will be working on noir et blanc roleplay!´


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Chapter 6: using mark with some tweaking.
Chapter 4: Using chap 4 for mark
Chapter 18: using #18 c: thank you!
Chapter 10: Using nature
Thank you <3
Chapter 4: I'm going use the layout for Mark Tuan
Can I request for a foreword layout?
*Type - Shop
*Colours - FFCC99, white and tiiny bit of FF9966
*Anything else? -
Um..Can I have sections for : About Me, Rules, Status(Not open/open) + request form and can I have a list for requests that are done or still pending? And can you try and make it look soft? (I'm sorry if I'm confusing you and asking for alot >_< )
Chapter 4: using mark!
Chapter 4: usng mark's c: