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"We arrived !" Vict umma said it loud and we get out from the car before locked inside by Vict umma. This short thing, made me afraid would fly cause by wind and fly and and..... i can't imagine it again...

"Amber, why u look so pale? Don't be afraid, here wear my sweater to hide your thigh." Krystal said.

"Thank you, Krys.."

"But, just for today, Amber.. You can't wear that sweater forever when u wear skirt to hide your thigh.." Luna said.

"Arrasso..." i said sounded sad. Of course, how can i not hide my thigh when wear this short skirt??

"Eonni ! I just found what we need !" Sulli shout from afar.. She looked happy, is thhe thing they need have some connection to me?

"We would saw it later, Sul.." Luna said then Sulli looked to the shop name, i think she trying to remember the name..

"Where would we go first?" I asked them cause they all who made the schedule.

"We will help Luna search some books, then play, then search what Amber need to become a 'girl'." Vict umma said.

"But, what we should do right now is?" Luna said to us.

"Eatingg !" Sulli said and drag Krystal with her.

"Kajja, i really hungry.." Krys said then drag me too to foodcourt.


1 hour later (isn't it too long for them?)

"Ah.. i'm full..." Vict umma said.

"Eonni, we should go to library and find some books." Luna said to her and draged her to library without another member.


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Fox-PigletMania #1
Chapter 4: Yay! I liked the update.
adelliaar #2
Chapter 4: kekekk~ i can't wait for krystal to make amber girly :3 *peace
adelliaar #3
Chapter 3: so... luna like onew oppa? >< waaaa~
Fox-PigletMania #4
Chapter 3: Cute chapter.
Fox-PigletMania #5
Chapter 2: Cutee~<3 Cute story
adelliaar #6
Chapter 2: wah.... i love dino siblings~♡ hehe.. can't wait for next chap thor-nim
dieu_khuong #7
Chapter 1: i love dino siblings :) Amber updated her weibo about Donghae yesterday. seem like she missed her long lost brother. hehe
adelliaar #8
dino siblings?!!
In-cest!!! Asdfgasdfgasdfg!!! LOL Sorry. Dino siblings!? a fishy, a puppy and a llama!? Cool!