What's Next?

My Big Bang Dream

I stepped out of the airport and took a deep breath and held it for awhile.

"Are you breathing?" I looked back at the voice to see Snap Back starring at me.

"Haven't you heard? Breathing is for losers." I said still holding my breath. He just starred at me. I was so close to beating a new record , when my lungs started to miss Oxygen,and I exhaled. I heard Snap Back laughing, and I turned around to smile at him with a playful glare.

"Don't you have somewhere to go?"

" Omo. Is this how we thank the guy that saved you from living eternity on a plane?!" I smiled a little more, but didn't stop glaring.

" Gamsamnida."

" You're welcome, Are you waiting for a friend, or a taxi?"


"To which one?"

" Both."

"What do you mean?" He asked, skeptical.

"Who said the taxi driver can't be my friend?"

He raised an eyebrow. He was about to say something when a car drove next to us, and the window rolled down to reveal Mr.Smile.

"Hyung! Why did you come out here? Seun-" He noticed me staring and flashed me a smile."Lioness!" He said, with a larger smile. OMG, that smile is going to kill me!

"Hey." I said with a slight wave.

Snap back looked from him to me. "You two know each other?"

"Ne! I helped her capture the gazelle." Smile said.

"Anio. I was the one who grabbed the gazelle before it had time to escaped."

"But I told you to slow you breathing, so you wouldn't scare the gazelle away."

"So? I did all the muscle work." We would have continued our debate of who slayed the gazelle, but the look on Snap Back's face was pretty hilarious.

"You killed a gazelle together?" He asked in a 'what the heck is wrong with them' voice.

"We meet when we were getting our luggage." I explained, he noded with slight understanding .

"What does a gazelle have anything to do with-. Never mind." He said sounding exasperated. "Do you need a ride, Red?"

"I would love to get a ride from someone I just meet, but there is this thing called stranger danger so...Thank you but I can't.Maybe next time." 

"Can I get your number then? You know for next time." He said with a grin. I shrugged and gave him my phone. He typed in his number, called himself, and saved my number. He gave me my phone and was about to hail a cab for me, but I stopped him.

"I have to get my own cab, or the cab won't truly be mine, and I would have failed my first test being independent." He nodded in understanding, and stepped back to give me space. I cracked my knuckles preparing for the fight of my life, hailing my own cab. I didn't get one on the first two tries, but the third times the charm. When the cab stopped I did a fist pump, then turned around to smile at Snap Back.

"Congrats you past your first test!" He said, with a grin.

"Thank you. Now, if you will excuse me I have places to go and people to see." I waved bye to Snap Back and Smiles. They waved back, as I drove of I realized something. I DIDN'T KNOW THEIR NAMES!!!!! I looked back hoping I could catch them before they left, but it was to late. I didn't see them anywhere. 'Nice move Red. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid'. I thought, then I remembered I have Snap Back's number. I took out my phone, and just searched through my numbers till I came upon an unfamiliar one, that read 'Snap Back'. Wow. I started to text him, when my phone started to ring.

"Why is it reapeted?

Suicide circus

Justice died

Bottom of the abyss

Suicide circus '

I answered the phone without looking to see who it was.

"Hey Ayame~"


"Omo! How do you know I arrived."

"I booked the stupid FLIGHT!!!" Ayame, Ayame, Ayame.

"Baby girl we both know I never do what I am told. We had this exact same conversation before. Remember? I was supposed to call you when I finished playing with a song or when I was supposed to catch the later flight to Japan-"

"Yes, Yes. I get it. Your a rebel in your old age."

"You bet your crackers I am!"

"I have a head ach. Red you give me a head ach. Hurry to the apartment. You have the address, right?"


"Good see you in a bit."

"Bye~Ayame" Ayame and I meet when I first left the States for work and school. I flew to Japan and worked on her band's first album; back then I was 20. I actually knew her when I was 17, but I started giving her head ache after I got my first job. At 17 I started to get noticed because of my skill, and Ayame's dad let me intern at his music companie, as I finished school in Japan. Now we are in the present, after 4 years her band is now expanding their fan base to Korea, and they want me to help work on their new album comping out. 

" This it?" The driver pulled me from my flashback to show me the apartment building in front of us.

"Yep! Thank you!" I said, giving him his money and getting my stuff out.

*in front of door*

I stood in front my apartment door when I felt something off....



The song that was Red's ringtone for Ayame is: the GazettE- Suicide Circus

Awsome song.

kk. bye!!!!! 


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