

I look back into the mirror. I see long brown hair which length reaches almost to my elbow tied back into a ponytail. Sparkling hazelnut irises which are covered by my black-framed spectacles. Genie's student body uniform on my slender body and my favourite black and white bag pack.


Okay Yunhae. Prepare for the worst.


"Yunhae, hurry you are almost late for school!"


 "Gimme a sec, Gyeori!" I call back.


 I quickly put on my favourite shoes and blast off to the main door. Gyeori, my driver, had already opened the car door for me. I went inside and we were off.


"You can do this, Yunhae! I have faith in you!" Gyeori said encouragingly.


I stare out the window and not respond. But I know Gyeori didn't mind. She's used to my 'I don't know what or how to response attitude'.


I was in an all girls' school since kindergarten. I'm 17 years now and I'm facing my final year. And that's also when my dad decided to move me somewhere closer to home. Still don't get it? The school I'm transfering to is a co-ed school. Which means there will be girls. And boys.


No no you've got the wrong idea. I don't hate them. Not at all. It's just I havent encountered any guys in my life. So I think it's awkward for me? Nah, it's gonna be really awkward. I'm not gonna put my hopes up in getting a friend who's a guy. Or a girl. You see, I have friend issues? Well, not really. I don't like how people use me because I can afford most things. 


That's why most of the time I stay quiet and observe things. I can't trust people. People trick me into buy nice things for them and before you know it they leave you for some cooler kid. That was the first and last time I cried because I had no friend. But I'm used to it now. They won't be there for you. You hafta stand up for yourself.


"Okay, we're here."


I stare out and am awed by the huge building that stands before me. I got out of the car and decided to take a closer look. The building you could say was the biggest building I've ever seen in Seoul, South Korea. It had a lovely shade of dark brown and a tinge of cloud white to make it look cozy. Its appearance seems to follow the style of an english country house. Doesn't look like a school to me. 


I heard the engine roar and I glanced back.


"You're leaving already?" I said with a pout.


"Sorry Yunhae. I need send your sister to the airport. She's leaving for America you know." Gyeori stated out.


I mentally facepalmed myself in my head. How could I forget? But I can't do anything I have to attend to school.


"Right. Send my regards to her."


With that I looked at the school building once more and took a deep breath. I can do this.


I walked through the heavy doors and wondered around until I found where the main office was. I made a silent prayer and entered inside.


"Welcome Lee Yunhae to Genie's High School of Performing Arts!" said an elderly woman in her late 50s. I'm guessing she's the principal of the school.


What a warm welcome. She creeps me out.


I gave her a quick nod, not making eye contact with her. I looked down and played around with my feet. But she continued to babble about.


"Your father made an excellent choice of sending you here! So here is your schedule for classes. During lunch you are allowed to go back home to enjoy your meal with the family. School ends around 4 o'clock and starts at 8 in the morning the next day! Dress code is a compulsory rule. No use breaking that. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy your final year here in Genie!" 


When did she manage to even take in air. Weirdo.


"Right thanks." I simply replied.


"Your next class should be history. Exit this room and make a left. Walk straight until the end. That's where the History Room is."


I gave her a nod and bowed before I left the office. I followed her instructions and arrived to my desired destination. It was a bit nerve-wrecking to actually disturb a class but hey you're the new kid. What can you do?


I knocked the door several times and entered shamelessly. I looked around and all eyes were on me. This has suddenly became awkward. I looked straight towards the history teacher who was explaining about the unnerving past. 


"Ah new student! I almost forgot. Come here come here" He gestured for me to come to his side. No way am I gonna do that. The teacher's a GUY.  I came closer but you can tell I was trying to make a huge gap." Introduce yourself, new student."


I bowed 90 degrees and politely said,"Hello, I'm Lee Yunhae. I was from an all girls' school before I came here. Hope to be acquaintance with you all."




"Lovely introduction. You can sit beside Minji at the back row by the window"


I looked down the whole time while I was heading towards my desk. I could still feel people staring at me aimlessly.


 Please let this be over and done with. I can sense both girl and boy aura and I'm not liking this one bit.


I quickly took my seat and looked forward. I'm not taking any chances of making a friend. Who needs them anyway?


"Pssssst! Ya! New girl!"


Don't look Yunhae. Focus on school.


I felt something hit my head. It was a piece of crumpled up paper. I hesitantly took the paper and raised an eyebrow on my sender. It was the girl who sat beside me. She had dark brown eyes and layered jet-black hair. She had a kitty smile which somehow ticks me off. She gave me an unwelcomed grin.


I didn't reply to her smile and decided to read the thrown message.


(Hi! I'm Kim Minji! I'll be your deskmate for the rest of the year)


(PS/ throw this paper back so I can tell you about the rules)


I made a poker face towards her to show her that I'm not interested. I guess she got the hint but is dumb enough to send me another note. This time it was a paper plane.


I decided to open it since she already disturbed me during the lesson.


(Rule number #1; Do not overthrow the Kingkas and Queenkas of these school. You've heard of EXO before right? /if u haven't u are lame ehhehe jk/)


I rolled my eyes approximately 360 degrees at this statement. Is she trying to intrigue me.


(They are the Kingkas and you wouldn't want to mess with them. The Queenkas are the most popular and prettiest here in school. But you're pretty yourself! However they can get rather y)


(Rule number #2; Go with the status quo. Find where you belong. Otherwise you'd be the Kingkas and Queenkas slave /you dont want that so I'll be glad to be your friend!/)


I nearly made a chocking sound but I covered quickly. I continued to read on.


(Rule number #3; Do not steal the Queenkas boyfriends which you can guess are EXO)


So this school revolves around the Kingkas and Queenkas ey?


"Alright students, I know you are excited for the spring dance this weeked but please I need your attention so that you can atleast past history for your first semester." pleaded the teacher whose name I didn't catch.


I looked at Minji and gave her an expressionless look. She yet again throwed another paper in a form of a butterfly.


(Ah right! The spring dance. Here in Genie, we have dances according to seasons. And since it's our final year, it's compulsory for us to join all 4 dances C:)


I made a grunt noise. Spring dance ey? I havent been to a dance before. Despite how Minji told me it was compulsory to go, I think im gonna pass on this one. To go to a dance you need to go with a guy. Fat chance for me.


The school bell rung stating out it was lunch time. I'm not gonna go home incase my image is leaked out so I'll just hang around in school. Maybe I should just sleep in class. Saves me from meeting people.


I could hear squeals and fangirls scream. I'm guessing the Kingkas of the school are here. I looked up and I was right. They all had arrogant faces on and was passing by. Psch typical. However one caught my eye. He was staring right back at me. I quickly covered my face on the table and decided to continue sleeping. 




The day went by quickly and school's over. Well, im glad it is. Everywhere I go I hear the girls whisper about the spring dance. And guys stating out which girl they're bringing with them to the spring dance. Not that I went close enough to hear. They just whisper too loud for my liking.


Minji ran up to catch with me,"Hey, let's go back together!"


I stared at her bleakly." Uh yeah sure." She was headed towards the main gate while I went the opposite direction. 


"Hey, the gate's that way" she called as I ran to the back gate of the school. 


"Yeah! Maybe next time!" I breathed out." Or maybe never"


I had specificly told Gyeori to use the back gate. I don’t want anyone to see me in a limo.


"Hello Yunhae, how's sch--"


"Its okay, just drive" I slammed the door shut.


The car sped off and not long after I reached Lee mansion. I really have to be careful not to spoil my image. Afterall, I am Lee Dongwoo's daughter, the richest man in Seoul.


I got out of the car and opened the doors to the mansion. 


Phew. Home at last.


"Miss Yunhae, you have a visitor."


I came to my senses and looked at the maid who stood before me. 


"I do?" I raised an eyebrow.


"Your visitor is in the waiting room, miss" 


I eyed the maid cautiously and headed over to the waiting room. I opened the doors and walked in without any clue on who was my mystery visitor.


"Hello Yunhae"


 I turned around and literally fell to the ground on my .


It was Luhan. Luhan from EXO. I'm not a big fan of them but they are getting popular these days that even dad knows about it. He was still in his school uniform. He was the guy who stared at me during lunch. And he was standing too close. A little too close.


He offered his hand but I declined. I stood up and tried to hide my embarassment. I looked down the whole time. "Uh, dad's not here at the moment. Do you mind waiting for him for a moment?"


"Oh, I'm not here to see your father."


"Ah really? My sister just left for America. Do you want to leave a message?" I say quickly.


"No Yunhae. I'm actually here to see you."


I was startled by his words. I barely know the guy.


"Oh is that so? Well you've found me. State your purpose."


"I'm here so we can find our spring dance outfit together."


Spring dance? I'm not even going with him and he wants to go look for an outfit together? What about his girlfriend? What is going on?


"Uh no thank you. I'm not going and even if I am going why would I go with you?


He gave out a low chuckle, indicating that he found this funny.


"I'm guessing your father hasn't told you, has he?"


"Told me what?"


"We are getting engaged tomorrow"




































Hi ok I I know sorz


Hearts for everyone ♡

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