The Day I Met Him.

I Found Hope in Love at First Sight

"Happy Birthday Baby!" I had been waiting for this for 2 hours. I've been here, lying awake, in the most beautiful hotel, in the middle of Seoul, on the most amazing holiday, finally 17, waiting for someone to say those two words 'happy birthday' 

"Oh Kiera! You're 17!" tears welled up in my mothers overemotional foundation caked face, slowly black tears of excitement and runny mascara trickled down her rosy red cheeks. "Mom! Don't cry!" I giggled when she wiped her tears and created a black line across her face. Dad smiled a I-know you're growing up - but it doesn't mean your an adult - smile, subtle and fresh. I grinned childishly waiting for the gift envelope behind my Dad's back. He passed it over and I ripped it open.... No freaking' way. SHINEE TICKETS?!!?!?!? My animated face lit up as a let out a huge scream and jumped up to hug both of my wonderful parents. "Do you like it?" my Mom cunningly said, "No....." there faces dropped... "I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. THANK YOU!" 

I had woken up my tiresome little brother, he didn't seem to happy about the fact he had been woken up from his beauty sleep, or about the fact he would have to be dragged a long to a SHINee concert. But I didn't have a care in the world! 

I updated my Facebook status and got ready wearing a cute half open boyfriend shirt on top of a white vest with dark blue jeggings and ballet pumps. I did up my hair in the usual loose bun and waited outside my parents suite waiting for them to get ready. My brother dragged his feet over to me. He gave out a depressing sigh, "Kiera, why do I have to go?." he said with tired eyes and a desperate voice. My brothers hair had a similar resembelance to Justin Bieber's and his style of clothing was one of a skateboarder... Not very unique. "Kyle, its not that big of a deal! I mean its not like we're taking you to a museum or something!" 

"But thats not fair!"

"Its my birthday!"

"So?! You didn't come to Chuck E Cheese for mine!" 

"But we were back home! We don't have a babysitter for you!" Mum came out just at the right time. "Come on you two, lets get into the taxi." On the way to the arena my hands went clammy and my stomach started fluttering. Why was I so worried? Its not like they would notice me! Its just a concert! Just for the music! "Lucifer, Lucifer" my phone started to ring, it was my friend Lola. "Lola! Oh my God! Did you know that I'm -" She stopped me mid sentence. "Your status! Oh my God! Kiera! You're gonna meet Minho!" 

"Lola! Its just a concert!"

"I guess. But take lots of videos of Taemin for me! I love him" she said, sighing. Lola and me talked about SHINee almost everyday. She loved Taemin and I loved Minho, thats sort of how its always been. We were loyal to them and we hadn't even met them yet! 

Here. We're here. I could hear the screaming girls shouting "Oppa! Oppa!" We were right on time. Once we found our seats I looked to the stage. We were pretty close, close enough to see the seams in their clothes and feel their sweat. They came on. My heart was racing like how you feel just before you start a sprint. My head way spinning and I couldnt help but smile. They sounded beautiful, and Minho was gorgeous. Then "Love like oxygen" came on. I knew they were going to pick a girl from the crowd to sing to. Jonghyun looked around, missing me completely ready to say "Noona Jeojjoge" (Girl over there) until he noticed Minho staring at some girl behind me, he walked closer not even noticing the other girls excitement or the other members confused faces. There were people from backstage staring at him, about to come out from the wings to stop him. He came closer, and closer until he stopped. His face was so pure, so 'in the moment,' so... close. Minho was standing there. Right in front of my face, I was an ice cream and I was melting fast. I thought I had stopped breathing. This is everything I ever wanted, Minho right next to me. His eyes locked to mine and then he spoke. He spoke to me. "Anneyong Noona." 

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please update and finish this it's amazing:)
Tru_Otaku #2
keeeeeeeep writing eoniiieeee~
Mei_Mao #3
U MAY BE.... thank you ding dong head <3333 love you
Tru_Otaku #4
AM I LOLA?! HAHA. this is amazing btwsss