Chapter 4.

2, 3...Hello! We are Infinite!

    It had been already a year. This time, they were certain that this was real. June 9, 2010 would be when they hold their first showcase, followed by a performance on M!Countdown. That was tomorrow. Infinite practiced more than ever, their days only consisting of a repetetive cycle of practicing, eating, and sleeping. After the fight, they grew even closer, supporting each other through tough times, and encouraging each other to try harder. Without them realizing, their debut was just around the corner. Finally, after 5 long years, they were finally going to perform on stage. Their manager, Taewoo, came to their dorm to talk to them before the big day tomorrow. "Guys, you've worked hard throughout these years. Even with the delayed date, you guys didn't give up and continued to work hard. I know how hard it must've been for you guys when your debut was postponed for another year. Well tomorrow's the time for you guys to shine. Don't get nervous, and don't forget about your first fan here." As he pointed at himself, the Infinite members laughed at their managers' cheesiness. Bidding their goodybyes, they went to an anxious sleep, wondering what was in store for them the next day. 

    The next morning, they were getting their makeup done. Each member still couldn't grasp hold of this current situation. Were they really getting their makeup done by their own stylists, and about to hold their very own first showcase in front of their fans? Right behind the curtains would be the fans, who would be expectantly waiting for their appearance. "Get ready, you guys are going out in 2 minutes! 2 minutes!!" The staff warned them and gave them a reassuring smile. "You guys will do great, don't worry." Nervousness was written on every single one of their faces. Sunggyu, in a shaky voice, tried to give an encouraging message before getting up on stage. "Now guys, don't be nervous, just do as we did in the practice room. We've been dreaming about this for  5 years, and it's finally come. Let's show them everything we have today and everyday in the future. Hwaiting!" "Hwaiting!" The younger members all replied at the same time. Finally, their time to fulfill their dreams was right in front of them. With just one step, they were going to be going further down the path towards their future. They were sure that more obstacles would approach the group as time went by, but as long as they were together, they knew they would be fine. As long as Infinite stayed as a team, they knew they could pull through anything. The MC could be heard from the stage. "Now, let's welcome the seven member group....INFINITE!" Each member stepped out onto the stage one by one. Standing side by side, they enthusiastically yelled, "2, 3...Hello, we are infinite!!"

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aliainfinite #1
Chapter 4: wow..i love your story..i'm waiting for your update..:)