Chapter 5

Other Side of the Mirror



The moment Jinki disappeared Minho allowed himself to let out a heavy groan, reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose, staring down at his feet as his mind began to spin, knowing very well that Jinki had forgotten to give back the objects which excited and disappointed him. He knew that it was better for Jinki to give back the jewelry but he was torn between his home and an innocent young man. It made him tremble.

There was no way that Jinki could have come up with the idea that the items were a danger to him, but when Minho tried to figure out what could have warned the other nothing came to mind. Onew’s soul was stagnant for years, there was no way he could have stirred himself into such a powerful force yet. Yet as much as he hated to admit it, Minho was happy, ecstatic even that something had warned Jinki. Something wanted to protect him while Minho couldn’t, he was the one harming the man.

It was heartbreaking to know that he was no better than his father, killing so someone would fall from power. He was a murderer, and while he was not killing Jinki’s physical being he was murdering the man’s soul, which was much worse. Minho shook his head, shoving his hands into his pockets as he walked to the large window in the corner of his room before leaning in to press his forehead to the glass, staring down at the pitiful town that stood closest to the palace, doing his best to convince himself that Jinki wouldn’t be in pain, but it seemed that the only thing Minho was able to cause was pain.

“This is so frustrating,” he groaned as he shook his head and breathed in deeply, taking a long moment for himself before slowly backing away and exiting his room, walking down to the storage unit, eyes unfocused as he went, not speaking to anyone he passed before he slipped inside the room and closed the doors behind himself, immediately spinning around to face the portrait of the prince. Those cold eyes watching him, judging him for everything that he was doing. He shuddered before walking over to the table that was covered with objects that he had plucked out weeks before. Clothing that the prince had worn, a dagger that the other had kept strapped to his side, and a diary that the prince had filled to the brim with his thoughts and memoirs. There was a list from the book that listed different things that Jinki would have to do in order to open himself to Onew, first was to shed blood in the prince’s world, second was to eat something from the world, leaving a part of himself and adapting a part of the other.

Slowly the man gathered everything into his arms, biting down on the inside of his cheek, feeling slightly excited at the idea of bringing Jinki over to the world. While he was plotting something so vile, feeling as detestable as his father, but he would get to reach out and touch the man, to smile at him and spend time with him before it was all over. He shook his head, stopping his thoughts before they could get out of hand, walking back up to his room with the objects that he held close, hoping that Jinki would fit into everything.

He was nervous as he entered his room, setting everything down before running his index finger over the spine of the diary, grinning as he thought of having Jinki in his room, beside him, laughing and talking as they spent what little time they had together. Never had Minho felt such a surge of emotions fighting within him, the guilt, excitement, fear, and adoration that all sat within the pit of his very being, mixing within him. His head fell into his hands, he was terrible, a killer, but as far as he could see there was no going back.


Jinki was excited, bouncing through his day as he did his best to imagine what it would be like in Minho’s world, a world that he thought could only exist in books and movies. It was a dream that he was escaping to, it was happening.

He nearly squealed when he thought about it, staring down at his food as he clutched his fork tightly, ignoring his mother’s words, barely bothering to take notice of her, just as she took no notice of him. Jinki had barely been able to eat, the butterflies in his stomach taking up all available space. However, there was a part of him, a very small part, that felt as though his parents would be upset that he disappeared, but he could say with all honesty that he didn’t care. They had placed him up in his tower, he was finally escaping. It would probably be the nurses who found out that he was gone, and he suddenly cared even less than he had before.

He stood, pushing his chair back and bowing his head with a faint excuse before walking upstairs, dodging one of the maids who stopped to question him, entering his bedroom and locking the door behind him. A sharp breath escaping him as he turned to look around his small room, his domain of sorts, realizing how much he hated the house, and everything within it. And without a second thought he climbed the small set of stairs up to the attic, hoping that Minho would be ready and waiting.

His legs were shaking, though he wouldn’t admit it to himself, simply crawling to the mirror and knocking on the glass a few times, having to swallow his excitement when Minho appeared before him. The man smiling as he adjusted himself, “Ready?” The simple word had Jinki nodding eagerly, watching curiously as Minho nodded before handing over a few items, each of them clattering to the ground only to be plucked up by him a few moments later, staring curiously at the dagger as well as a small fruit that had fallen beside it. “You need to take a bite of that before you come over here, and prick your finger with the blade, leave a part of you behind.” Minho explained, though Jinki’s face paled at the instructions.

“I have to?” He asked, swallowing hard as Minho nodded before forcing clothing through the small separation, Jinki picking up those as well before sighing and stepping to the side, out of Minho’s view to change. Nose wrinkling at the musty smell before forcing himself to get over it as he walked back to his usual spot and lifted the fruit first, taking a large bite and humming at the taste. “It’s really sweet,” He commented before placing it aside and lifting the dagger instead, having to swallow hard as he stared down at the bright silver that twinkled in the dim lighting of the room. “Okay,” he breathed before pressing the tip into the pad of his thumb, hissing quietly in pain before squeezing a drop of blood onto the floor, staring at it for a moment before looking up to Minho with wide eyes, hoping that it was all.

“Now take my hand,” Minho instructed, slowly pushing his hand through the glass, giving Jinki only a moment to hesitate before he reached forward and immediately pulled him through.

The sensation was immediately painful, Jinki wanted to open his mouth to scream, but there was no air, his bones feeling as though they were being crushed one by one, unable to see as his body was being pulled into some abyss he couldn’t see.

Then there were hands on his hips, steading him as he stumbled forward, in large gasps of breath as he reached up to place his hand on his chest. Free hand reaching forward to brace himself against Minho’s chest for a second before he realized who he was touching. A cry escaping him as he threw himself at the other, causing Minho to topple to the floor. “It worked!” He cheered as Minho wrapped his arms around his waist.

He could barely breathe himself as Jinki laid on his chest, heart pounding as he tried to process the fact that everything had worked and Jinki was in his arms., he could touch him without pushing himself too hard, he could feel his warmth and the way his chest rose and fell as he laughed, he was real.

“It worked,” Jinki whispered again as he shook his head in disbelief and pulled out of Minho’s grasp to help him up, smiling bashfully from their interaction, Minho rising to his feet as well before guiding the male to the bed and urging him to sit down. The taller man finding a spot beside him as he tried to take a moment to fully process the situation.

"I can't believe you're here," He said quietly, voice barely above a whisper as he gazed at Jinki, taking in each of his features and how his eyes constantly darted from one to the other, fingers curled tightly around the shirt that he wore. The similarities that he held to the prince was even more striking in the flesh, the thought cause his mood to plummet though, reminding him of what Jinki was truly here for. It was not for Minho to enjoy his company, it was not fo them to bond. It was simply for Minho to complete his mission and to have his father overthrown. If his plan worked then Jinki would not be around for long, it pained Minho to think it but his plan was important. More important than any one life.

“Me either,” Jinki breathed, laughing quietly as Minho nodded, giving them both a moment to take in one another’s presence, wonder filling Jinki as his lips stayed curved upwards into a wide smile, the corners of his eyes wrinkling with it. Suddenly he stood, a small sigh escaping him as he walked towards the swords that Minho had on display in his room. He reached up, running two fingers along the flat edge of the blade, carefully avoiding the edges before looking back at the taller male with wide eyes. “This is yours?” He asked, watching as Minho nodded, causing Jinki to laugh before continuing to look around.

Minho didn’t mind though, as he knew what was to happen within the next couple of days and he would much rather have Jinki’s last days be filled with wonder rather than full of worry or pain, Minho wanted nothing more than to avoid the sadness that filled Jinki’s home. Of course, he had never told Minho outright that he was sad, or that his life was a burden but it was not hard to see. The way his shoulders slumped, as though the very skin on them was too heavy, or how his smile would falter when they spoke of him or his family, it pained Minho to think the other would never truly experience joy before he was forced to give up his body.

“They’re so cool,” Jinki chirped after a moment, jolting Minho out of his thoughts, a smile fluttering to his face as he walked towards the shorter man. Lifting one of the swords by the hilt, extending it before him before flipping it over effortlessly.

“Are you really that interested in them?” Minho asked, chuckling at the eager nod he received in return, though Minho put it down soon after much to Jinki’s disappointment. “How about we go out for a bit instead of just sitting around in my room?” He suggested, not wanting to hold an instrument of death around Jinki. Though a small part of him wished that Jinki would say no, but he nodded and Minho had to force a smile onto his face, extending a hand to the shorter man and leading him out of the room. He took a moment to close his eyes though, bracing himself for what would come next.

Of course taking Jinki out in public was dangerous, he knew that, but he wanted someone to see the boy. A few workers, peasants, they would start rumors and hope would spark amongst the people. As he prepared the prince inside people would be rising, ready to greet him with open arms.

He wanted to scoff, throw his thoughts aside in order to turn his attention back to Jinki who was staring at each of the large paintings that they passed. Minho guiding them down the halls that were barely used, rumored to be haunted, though Minho found those rumors to be ridiculous and ignored them.

“Here we are,” He said quietly, pushing open the door that led out towards the stables, letting Jinki dash forward excitedly, slipping into the stables in order to see the horses, Minho following behind him slowly. “You like it?” He asked, opening the stall  his horse lived in, the animal a rich black, groomed daily, fed often enough to keep him strong and able to carry Minho where he needed to go. The horse beside it was covered in dirt, feed much less than Minho, though it still stood proudly, reacting to Jinki’s voice.

“I do, I’ve never been so close to a horse,” he whispered, ignoring Minho’s chuckle as he watched the white horse that stared at him. Minho taking his time to prepare his own horse, placing the saddle on it’s back only to pause when Jinki spoke up once again. “Can I ride this one?” He asked, the animal stamping it’s hooves impatiently.

“Why do you want to rude that one? It’s filthy,” He said, nodding his head at the line of horses that filled the rest of the stables, “They’re much better.”

Jinki only shrugged, tentatively reaching up to the horse’s mane, the animal allowing it as Minho placed a saddle on it’s back, doubling the padding that lay under the saddle and it’s back since it was thinner and more likely to be in pain. “I just like this one better.” He said, Minho scoffing at his words before focusing on helping Jinki onto the steeds back.

“I’ll hold onto this rope here,” Minho said, tugging onto the rope attached to the muzzle on the horse’s mouth, “and guide you. Don’t try to ride since you don’t know how, it might agitate the horse.” He explained, smiling at Jinki’s excited expression before climbing onto his own horse and slowly making his way out of the stables.

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970 streak #1
I decided to finally read this. But just looking at the dates of this story seem to also have a story of its own.
You have an interesting foreword immediately introducing the premise of the story. I like it.
I read this years ago :D So amazing <3 Let us make a toast to you finishing it ?
lilith9999 #3
Chapter 7: Thank you for having completed your story!
Chapter 12: CHICKENKING!!!! <3333333333333333333

will go reread all of this again now that I'm done yelling XD
Chapter 12: OMG!!! They are finally together as JINKI and Minho and Onew has done his part and left! This couldn't get better (it can if there is one-shot fluff side story ;p). But thank you so much for continuing with it despite everything and giving this story a happy ending!! I'm so happy right now I could combust ^_^
Chapter 12: Thank you so much, Author-nim.. I really love the ending of this wonderful story which you created. Tbh, I would love to read more and if you can have a small mini story of their adventures in the two worlds, it would be great.. Nonetheless, thank you once again. I pray and hope the best for you irl.. HUGS...
oconje #7
Chapter 21: Great story! Look forward to reading more!
Take your time I'll wait thank you
Chapter 21: Wahhh thank you, author-nim
I'm waiting your update