Chapter 4

Other Side of the Mirror



Hours had passed since Minho had broken down and the man had, thankfully, been able to calm himself down. Collecting his thoughts before dragging himself to the opposite side of the chamber to dig through the piles of books that stood there. He needed to learn more, that was the only way he’d be able to understand what was happening, to know what would happen to Jinki once Onew took over. Perhaps he could take Jinki to the afterlife with him, that would be a peaceful escape for them both, he wouldn’t feel as bad if he brought Jinki to a wonderful place, such as heaven.

Reaching forward he plucked up the next book, blowing the dust off of the cover before flipping through its pages, pausing when he skimmed words of old lore. He was terrified, old magic often had to do with the soul, so if there was any book he could go to then he was sure that he had picked the right one. He tucked the book under his arm before turning and making his way back to his room, keeping his head held high so that he could ignore any questions that would come his way.

The maids kept their eyes downwards though, avoiding him so that his trip to his room was peaceful, a relieved sigh escaping him when he glanced at the mirror, finding only the reflection of his room, meaning he could sit on his floor as he read, the bed always making him much too tired. He would be damned if Jinki saw what he was reading, though he was certain that the male wouldn’t understand. How could he?”

With a shake of his head, the man dropped the book on the floor and sat down in front of it, legs folding as he began to flip through the pages. Words upon words of magic he could never begin to understand. Though he figured he would have no need to know such things if he planned on dying in a few months.

"Souls..." he whispered to himself, brows creasing before pausing when he found the right page, thumb brushing over the words as he began to read, eyes making their way over each and every word. Taking it all in carefully not wanting to miss a thing.

Two souls identical to one another in two separate worlds, yes, he knew those existed. Though only one could survive in the same world at a time, meaning that if Onew were to possess Jinki that the boy's soul would disappear. But there was nothing telling where it would go, nothing to tell Minho what would happen to Jinki. The boy who he had seen smile and laugh and vent, it was as though no one bothered to find out what would happen. Or that no one had tried such an awful thing as what he was trying now.


Jinki rolled over, eyes closed tightly as he tried to sleep, his hair a nest above his head and blankets kicked down to his feet. His chest felt right, as though someone was sitting atop of him, hands heavy, falling against his side. It was frustrating and Jinki worried that this was him getting sick all over again, but this wasn’t how it felt before, it had been subtle pain in his legs. The weakness, yes, that was the same, he recalled how his body was slowly losing strength until he could barely stand, crying at night as his parents whispered about how they would pay for his medical bills. How terrible it was to have a sick child There had been no trouble breathing until he was in the hospital, and he had always been able to move his hands.

He groaned and moved onto his back once again, taking long deep breaths, doing his best to focus on the movement of his chest, relieved when he saw it rise and fall as he intended. So he closed his eyes, counting sheep as he did his best to trick his mind into a deep sleep.

Within a few moments he dozed off, lips parted as he began to dream.

Bright colors and lights flashed before his lids, forcing his eyes to open, darting around the room he was in, tongue darting out to wet his dry lips.  The room was dark, the air heavy and hard to breathe in, very slowly Jinki stood, eyelids heavy and drooping as he realized that his side was wet, shirt sticking to his skin.

“What the hell?” He breathed, pressing his hand to his side and hissing in pain at the sensation before forcing himself forward, pain shooting up his legs with each step causing a small whimper to escape him. Legs nearly buckling under his weight before his hand shot out to grip onto the wall, a dark handprint being left in its wake. He was trembling, knees knocking together as he edged his way along the wall, dark streak following his palm as he pushed himself to go further, unable to see more than a few inches in front of him.

He froze when he heard voice only a few feet away, “Hello?” He called, frowning when the voices suddenly stopped, “I know you’re there, please! I think I’m hurt!” He called, voice trembling as he slumped against the wall, tears stinging his eyes when there was nothing in return.

The science was deafening, and slowly he sank to the ground. He didn’t know what was happening, where he was or why he was hurt. He was terrified, breath coming quicker as his bottom lip trembled.

“It’s okay Jinki,” A voice whispered, the male’s eyes widening in alarm as he looked around, trying to find the source but there was none. But slowly there was a warmth that surrounded him, urging him to his feet. “This is just a memory you are forced to see, ignore it, shut it out. It has no place in your mind.”

He let out a small whimper at this, hand reaching back to the wall, eyes lighting up when he saw a torch up ahead, reaching for it. “No!” The voice snapped, Jinki crying out as he jerked back, the air becoming cold. “Listen to me, when you wake up you take those gifts and you force that prince to take them back.”

Jinki could only nod, coughing as his body gave up on him, body collapsing as he felt the voice call out to him once again to comfort him.


He woke with a start, chest heaving as his eyes darted around the room, hand flying to the side to check for any blood only to sigh in relief when he found that he was not injured. He was okay, healthy and whole, there was a light in the corner of his room and no strange voice echoing around him. It had just been a dream, and now he was fine. He didn’t need to worry.

Yet there was still a nagging feeling in the back of his mind, causing him to fumble as he took off the locket that Minho had given him, grabbing the ring as well and staring at them for a long moment before shoving them into his pocket. He didn’t want to see them, didn’t want to think about them, wanting desperately to act as they had never touched his skin. He was terrified.

Still trembling the man stood up, skin paler than usual and his mouth dry, though he assumed it was due to the nightmare, which had shaken him much more than anything had before. It had been so vivid, it was all so real. He was able to recall every detail, ever noise and sensation, the blood that held the shirt to his side, the pain. It terrified him.

He shook his head before stumbling downstairs to get something to eat, ignoring the maids as they fretted over him and asked if they could help. He thought they would realize that he was fine by now, but they still worried, and it irritated him beyond belief.

“Jinki, baby, how did you sleep?” His mother asked as soon as he reached the landing, his eyes darting to her before back to the ground as he made his way to the table, sitting down in front of his plate, noting the eggs there and immediately beginning to eat.

“I slept fine,” He said quietly, short with her still from what the doctors had told him, leaving her to go off and do whatever she had on her schedule that day.

He ate silently, wondering if Minho would be there when he went to him, hoping he could answer some questions about his dream if anyone could then he was sure Minho would be able to. Even if it was just a dream it shook him to his core and he had to do what it said.

Plus he was sure Minho wouldn’t mind if he heard what happened, sure he might write him off a crazy, though Jinki had to be honest that thought scared him more than he could say.

Minho was his only friend, after being locked in his house for years he enjoyed having someone to talk to, someone who made him laugh and smile so wide his cheeks hurt.

He huffed at himself before setting down his foot, Minho wouldn’t call him crazy, he was sure weirder things happened wherever the other was from. Minho would probably try to help him, and Jinki was upset that he had, even for a second, doubted his friend. Standing quickly he made his way upstairs to his room, locking the door behind him and going right to the attic, not caring that he may be making too much noise.

Minho would take the items back, would help him relax and tell him that it was all a silly dream.

He was sure of it.

By the time he reached the top of the ladder, which wasn’t long at all, Jinki had a large smile on his face, feeling much better then he had when he woke up. His hands no longer trembled as he shoved his hand into his pocket to take out the two pieces of jewelry, toying with them as he made his way to the mirror and sat down in front of it.

“Minho?” He called, tapping his reflection and frowning for a moment before Minho showed up, the other looking just as disheveled as he felt.

“I’m here,” Minho said, waving to Jinki before fixing his clothes, only to glance down at Jinki’s hand and frown when he didn’t see the ring. “I was a bit busy, my father needed my help,” he added quickly, smiling at Jinki who pulled his knees to his chest.

“What did you help with?” He asked, eyes sparkling with wonder that reminded Minho of a child, causing him to laugh, coming up with a quick story that would satisfy the man without raising any other questions.

“Just a run around the palace to look for something,” Minho said, shrugging before pointing to Jinki’s hand, “Where’s the ring?” He asked, noting how Jinki seemed to tense at the question, his face paling.

“Well, I,” he sighed, “I wanted to give it back to you.” He whispered as he reached into his pocket and pulled the two items out, holding them out to Minho who’s eyes widened.

“I thought you liked them,” Minho asked after clearing his throat.

Jinki shifted awkwardly at the question, looking down at his lap, “Because I had this dream and it felt so real and I- I was really scared Minho. I still am,” He whispered, fearing that the other would laugh at him. But after a moment of silence, he glanced up to find Minho staring at him.

“What was the dream, tell me,” he asked, voice low.

Jinki swallowed hard, “I was in a really dark room, my side was bleeding and I could tell I was injured but it didn’t hurt. I was trying to find a way out but I heard someone,” he whispered, voice becoming more urgent, “I was calling for help but this voice, just a voice, it told me that it was just a memory and it said I have to give you these.” He bit his lip as he finished, looking up at Minho whose face was expressionless for another moment before the man sighed.

“Are you sure that’s what happened?” he asked, reaching up to rub his temples as Jinki nodded slowly.

“Why?” He asked, shifting back in worry as Minho quickly shook his head.

“No reason, I just-” he groaned before swallowing hard, “I actually have a more important question for you?” He asked, voice sounding forward as he reached forward to place his hand to the mirror.

Jinki blinked a few times, not having expected a question from the other, though he smiled faintly and nodded, hoping the other would take the jewelry away soon. “Ask me then, please.”

It was Minho’s turn to shift, smiling a little at the other's expression, “I found a way to bring you here, I’d take good care of you and I’d let you go home in a few hours.” He whispered, Jinki’s eyes growing wide, sparkling as he nodded.

“Really? You’d let me?” He asked, voice high as Minho laughed and nodded.

“It’d have to be tomorrow, but I’d love to have you here,” he whispered, finding how excited the other was to be adorable, especially when he leaped to his feet.

“Yes, Yes I’d love to!” He nearly yelled, the ring and locket falling to the floor though neither seemed to notice or care, Minho nodding and standing up, brushing off his clothes as he did so.

“Then I should go and prepare for your visit, I’ll see you tomorrow Jinki,” The prince said, expression flickering for just a moment as the mirror faded. Jinki was too happy to have questioned what the man’s expression had meant.

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966 streak #1
I decided to finally read this. But just looking at the dates of this story seem to also have a story of its own.
You have an interesting foreword immediately introducing the premise of the story. I like it.
I read this years ago :D So amazing <3 Let us make a toast to you finishing it ?
lilith9999 #3
Chapter 7: Thank you for having completed your story!
Chapter 12: CHICKENKING!!!! <3333333333333333333

will go reread all of this again now that I'm done yelling XD
Chapter 12: OMG!!! They are finally together as JINKI and Minho and Onew has done his part and left! This couldn't get better (it can if there is one-shot fluff side story ;p). But thank you so much for continuing with it despite everything and giving this story a happy ending!! I'm so happy right now I could combust ^_^
Chapter 12: Thank you so much, Author-nim.. I really love the ending of this wonderful story which you created. Tbh, I would love to read more and if you can have a small mini story of their adventures in the two worlds, it would be great.. Nonetheless, thank you once again. I pray and hope the best for you irl.. HUGS...
oconje #7
Chapter 21: Great story! Look forward to reading more!
Take your time I'll wait thank you
Chapter 21: Wahhh thank you, author-nim
I'm waiting your update