Chapter 11

Other Side of the Mirror


Jinki did not like waiting, much less so when he knew others were in danger, though the woman who was in charge of him was not letting him out of the room much less the building. Minho had effectively trapped him though he hadn’t thought of the window, as such an action was idiotic to him, but not to Jinki who had cracked open the glass before sliding out, making sure to balance carefully on the sharp drop of a landing, gripping the edge of the window before carefully lowering himself until he felt safe enough to drop. A grunt escaping him as he landed on the dirt ground beneath him, tensing as he fell onto his back before cursing and straightening up, brushing off his pants that had been left out for him the night before.

He knew what he planned on doing, though it may not have been the brightest idea, waiting was definitely the best idea possible but he didn’t like that plan, and so he snuck towards the trees that many of the men's horses were tethered to. Finding the one he was familiar with and smiling when the steed reared its head at the sight of Jinki, seeming to be just as excited as the man who untied him and carefully climbed up onto it’s back. It wasn’t hard to remember the route, as it was simply along a dirt path, the man taking off towards the palace with a weight in his stomach.

There had never been a single guard at the door they exited, and he was sure that there wouldn’t be one now, meaning that Jinki would be able to head up to Minho’s room, swipe one of the many swords he had on display before finding his way to the throne room and using himself as a distraction. He was the prime distraction after all, the king had no idea who he was, and if he thought even for a second that he was actually Onew it would be enough to allow a man to get close to him and end it all. Or so he hoped, he wanted to lessen casualties.

Thankfully he had been right with the route and soon the palace came into view, and if it weren’t for the sounds of men screaming he would swear that nothing had changed. He slid off the horse in the woods, swallowing hard before creeping towards the entrance he had used hundreds of times before, body tense as he jumped at every noise, every creak of the floorboards that he heard despite the cries in the distance, every scrape of his food against the stairs on his way to Minho’s room. But he was there before he knew it, grabbing the closest sword and holding it tight in his hands before swallowing hard and pressing his back to the wall. “Onew, if you’re still here with me or inside me, please help,” he whispered, unsure of how it worked but hoping that the man would be able to help him.

He didn’t wait for a spiritual response, taking the moment to dart out of the room amd heading towards the part of the palace he had never been allowed to go to. Taking a chance on the first turn before grunting when he felt a sharp tug in his stomach, some instinct within him telling him to turn the other way, the sword feeling lighter in his hands as he jogged down the hall, listening to what his gut told him as he went through the next two doors just in time to see Minho collapse, two arrows poking out of him as his eyes rolled back and his body lay motionless on the floor. “Minho!”

His voice echoed in the chaos as he ran towards the man, kneeling down and reaching out to cup Minho’s cheeks, tears burning his eyes as he tried to find a way to help. “God, don’t die, don’t die,” he whispered, gaze turning towards the man who had done this, though he felt no anger, only panic and sadness in his center. “Jinki, go,” a voice whispered, the familiar feeling urging Jinki on despite the fact that he didn’t want to leave the man. “Go, he will be fine!” The voice called again, this time clear to the man, it was Onew. Somehow guiding him.

“Okay, okay,” he whispered before taking one last glance at Minho’s body before dashing forward into the room ahead, throwing the doors open and allowing his body to move on it’s own, though he was sure he was being guided, arm flying upwards to black the blade that swung down towards his head. Deflecting it just in time before spinning around and slamming the flat end of the blade against the man’s legs before he turned to look at the rest of the room.

Two men were cornered by guards as the man who he presumed to be the king made his way to the exit, freezing at the sight of Jinki. He didn’t think as he threw himself forward, a white hot rage blossoming in his stomach. The pain of seeing Minho wounded on the floor and the anger that he felt through Onew’s spirit urging him forward as he slammed the blade down onto the man's shoulders, not seeing the blood as the guards, being surprised by the entrance of who they thought to be the dead prince, were taken down, the men coming to Jinki’s aid as he cried out, in sadness and pain, sword clattering to the floor as he dropped to his knees along with the king. Their eyes locked as his sight faded to black.


Minho groaned as he woke, taking a moment to remember what had happened before launching up in his bed, eyes wide and chest heaving as he hissed in pain, hand flying up to press against his bandaged shoulder as Jinki rose from his seat beside the bed.

“You’re awake,” he whispered, eyes red rimmed as he crawled onto the bed towards Minho who looked around in alarm before reaching out with his uninjured arm before gripping onto Jinki’s shirt.

“What happened? Is everyone okay?” He asked quietly as Jinki urged him to lay back down, adjusting the blanket as he smiled weakly.

“It’s over, your father-” he breathed in deeply, closing his eyes tightly, “He’s dead as for your mother, she is safe, on the first ship for the next kingdom, and we’re in your room,” he informed as his eyes burned with tears of relief. “I thought you were dead or in a coma or something,” he hissed, “When I saw you laying there with those arrows I-” he choked out.

“You were there? Why?” Minho growled, though it was clear that he was unable to be mad as he pulled Jinki into his arms, “What if something happened?”

“What if something worse had happened to you! Shut up!” Jinki hissed as he wrapped both arms around Minho and held him close, breathing in deeply. “Onew he- he took over and he finished the job but I out. He said goodbye too, he won’t be bothering us anymore.” Jinki informed Minho as he reached up to wipe his eyes, staring down at the man as he tried to remind himself that Minho was alright. He was there, talking and moving and smiling. “If I hadn’t come…” he whispered only to cut himself off as Minho reached up to caress his cheek, staring into his eyes for a moment before he leaned in, taking a chance that he had convinced himself to never do, their lips looking mid-sentence, Jinki tensing in shock before he felt his heart explode, all of his anger and worries taking the back seat as he gripped onto Minho’s shirt and pulled himself closer to the other, wanting nothing more than to stay in that moment forever, though it had to end as Minho pulled away and grinned, both of their cheeks as red as a rose.

“I’ve been wanting to do that for a while, and well- I figured I should do it now before you yell at me again,” Minho whispered as Jinki swallowed hard before slapping the man’s side gently and rubbing at his eyes.

“You’re lucky your injured,” he whispered before laughing and leaning forward to kiss Minho once more, “and you’re lucky that I wanted that too.”



They had let Minho and Jinki rest a while longer before summoning them down to sort things out, knowing that it wouldn’t be a one day affair but it was best to set things in motion, even as Jinki followed Minho everywhere, worried about his injuries and stress levels. Though the men seemed concerned as well, the meetings that transpired over the next few weeks being short and sweet until the last where they decreed Minho should be king. The man rising against his own father for the people. Needless to say the man refused only to be convinced it was for the best, Jinki in shock beside him when the decision was made, though when everything was in order they called for a celebration of the kingdom, all invited to the palace to settle any bad blood before Minho was able to settle in to the kings room, having it moved since he refused to lay in the bed that his father once had, Jinki beside him, only leaving when he went to visit his own world, and it seemed odd for them to be calm and happy, for there to be no tensions hanging over them, no plans that needed to be followed through.

“Minho?” Jinki called as he stepped out of the bathroom, ready for bed though the other man was sitting at his desk with his brows furrowed, though there was no work before him. “Are you alright?” He asked quietly, walking over to the man and placing a hand on his shoulders.

“I’m alright, just thinking.” he whispered, turning to face the other and smiling at the sight of Jinki with his damp hair, a few drops of water clinging to the strands as he cocked his head to the side in confusion. Yelping in surprise when Minho pulled him forward onto his lap, cheeks burning as he reached out to rest his hands against the mans chest.

“Thinking? This is thinking?” Jinki asked with a laugh as he bit his bottom lip, knowing full well that they had shared quite a few kisses since the first, though nothing like this.

“Yes, I realized that I was busy putting everything in order except for us,” Minho whispered as he leaned forward to place a gentle kiss to Jinki’s lips, sweet and innocent, “So, I should get to that already, shouldn’t I?” he asked quietly, Jinki only able to nod, not trusting himself to speak as his heart pounded in his chest. “Will you rule beside me? Be mine?” He asked quietly, reaching out for Jinki’s hand as his other arm stayed wrapped tightly around Jinki’s waist.

“Yes,” he said with a breathless laugh, “Yes, I thought that was a given!” He gasped out as he held onto the prince turned king, “I don’t think I could be apart from you.”


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960 streak #1
I decided to finally read this. But just looking at the dates of this story seem to also have a story of its own.
You have an interesting foreword immediately introducing the premise of the story. I like it.
I read this years ago :D So amazing <3 Let us make a toast to you finishing it ?
lilith9999 #3
Chapter 7: Thank you for having completed your story!
Chapter 12: CHICKENKING!!!! <3333333333333333333

will go reread all of this again now that I'm done yelling XD
Chapter 12: OMG!!! They are finally together as JINKI and Minho and Onew has done his part and left! This couldn't get better (it can if there is one-shot fluff side story ;p). But thank you so much for continuing with it despite everything and giving this story a happy ending!! I'm so happy right now I could combust ^_^
Chapter 12: Thank you so much, Author-nim.. I really love the ending of this wonderful story which you created. Tbh, I would love to read more and if you can have a small mini story of their adventures in the two worlds, it would be great.. Nonetheless, thank you once again. I pray and hope the best for you irl.. HUGS...
oconje #7
Chapter 21: Great story! Look forward to reading more!
Take your time I'll wait thank you
Chapter 21: Wahhh thank you, author-nim
I'm waiting your update