Chapter 10

Other Side of the Mirror



Jinki had taken his time figuring out what he wanted to do, a few pages clenched in his hand that he had scribbled across, front and back, lists of pros and cons, and rules that he wanted to be put into place if he would go back. If Minho would take him back. Onew had been a more prominent figure in his life as well, showing up at least once a day whenever the man climbed up to the attic though Jinki had to admit he wasn’t sure how he felt about seeing the male. It had not yet ceased to freak him out.

“Minho?” He called, having forced Onew to promise he’d stay away that day, though the spirit had seemed less than pleased with the request. “Minho, please,” He whispered as he sat in front of the mirror, praying to every form of god that there was that the man would show up soon and bring him back over. His mother had gone back to being cold, leaving him alone and cold and sad. He wanted to go back, he was scared of never being able to see Minho again, terrified even. “Please, I miss you,” he called out once more, breath hitching for a moment before he let out a happy cry when Minho appeared. “You’re here!” He yelled.

The man before him looked confused, his brows knit together in surprise, hair a mess and bags clear as day under his eyes. The two men taking a long moment staring into one another’s eyes before Minho let out a cry of happiness. “Jinki? You’re really Jinki?” He asked, placing his hands against the mirror as the male nodded eagerly, unable to contain his tears as they finally overflowed, chest swelling as he hiccuped in an attempt to hold back a sob. “Why?” Minho finally asked as he reached up to wipe his face.

“I want to come back Minho, I made a mistake, I miss you.” He added as he trembled with sadness, pressing himself closer to the mirror, wanting to force his way through and into that familiar room.

“Jinki, are you sure I-” Minho began only to get cut off when Jinki nodded and unfolded the papers.

“I am sure, I have rules though…” he sputtered as he pressed the page to the mirror in order for Minho to read though the man seemed a little more than reluctant to read, though it was from exhaustion. “I want to be allowed to visit home and I-” he went to continue though this time it was Minho’s turn to cut him off.

“All of them, I’ll follow all of them to have you back,” he whispered before reaching through the mirror, grabbing onto the shorter male and pulling him over, this time much easier than the first. “I’ve missed you,” he whispered as he wrapped his arms around Jinki, holding him close as he breathed in the man’s scent. “So much,” he added, feeling Jinki tremble in his arms.

“I missed you too, so much,” he breathed, clutching Minho’s shirt, refusing to let go as he clutched onto the other, heart pounding in his chest for an extra moment as he leaned back to graze up at the man, reaching up to cup Minho’s face, brushing his thumbs over the bags under Minho’s eyes before simply resting there as the other turned red.

“I missed you too Jinki,” he whispered in return before smiling and reaching up to remove Jinki’s hand from his face before taking the paper from his hands and raising a brow before turning it over to read it carefully, smiling at some of the demands, one of which was that they needed to have fun at least three times a week, something that he found to be adorable. “I think these are doable, and while I can’t promise to have you home every week it should at least be every other week to visit if you want.” he said quietly before setting down the list and sighing as he took Jinki’s hands into his own. “Why did you decide to come back though? You were so mad,” he asked as he pursed his lips.

“Because when I was home I realized that I really don’t like not having you around,” he whispered, cheeks turning a bright red at the admission. He had come to realize that he had fallen for the other male, and whether or not Minho felt the same Jinki wanted him in his life. “Even if I’m just here to help I still get to see you,” he added, the statement causing Minho to perk up and grab his bag from the bed before reaching down to grab Jinki’s hand, the action coming naturally to him.

“Actually, I- well, I thought about things and thanks to that I was able to come up with another plan,” he explained as he grabbed his cloak with his other hand and wrapped it around Jinki, pulling the hood up as usual. “I can show it to you since they’re expecting me anyway,” he said, Jinki only nodding as he held Minho’s hand within his own, staring down at them with a small smile. He didn’t care what they did honestly, something that seemed ridiculous.

“Let’s go then,” he whispered, enjoying Minho’s smile as the taller man led him out of the room to bring him back down to the stables. In the days that had passed since Minho had first met the men they had been able to gather other people to join their cause, though some people were still cautious of Minho he didn’t mind it, they were working together and that was all he needed. Not to mention that the white horse had been fed better since then, often left at the bar as a sign of trust from him to the men who had helped him. It was a tense relationship but he’d prefer a tense relationship over a bad one. However, without the white horse Jinki had to ride on the same steed as Minho, not that the current prince was against the idea. He had also taken the weeks since Jinki had left to mull over his feelings, why he cared so much for the male and it became apparent that he was head over heels for the man. He was kind and funny and sweet beyond belief and he wanted nothing more than to spend most of his life with Jinki wrapped up in his arms. And it seemed that that may be possible.

“Where is the horse-?” Jinki asked once they reached the stables, eyes wide in faint alarm as Minho shook his head and got the saddle ready.

“He’s fine, you’ll see him,” he explained before reaching over to help Jinki up onto the horse, climbing up shortly after, “But I guess that means you’ll have to ride with me, so hold on tight,” he said with a smirk, grabbing the reins before clearing his throat when he felt Jinki wrap his arms around his waist, hugging tightly.

“Okay,”Jinki whispered before smiling as the horse immediately took off towards the bar, taking the route through the threes as always, not wanting to be spotted by anyone who was not meant to take part in the movement. He closed his eyes as they traveled, taking at the moment, simply enjoying the fact that he was there with Minho once again, as though he belonged there, and it sure felt like it. It ended too soon for his liking as the horse slowed to a stop and Minho clicked his tongue and pat the top of the animals head before sliding off and lifting Jinki, setting him down on the floor. The pub behind them, bustling with activity, music pouring out of the windows as well as the chatter of men.

“We’re here, just stay close to me,” Minho advised before taking Jinki’s hand once again and leading the shorter male inside, the first two men to see Minho waving him over eagerly. The bar itself was full, having become a headquarters of sorts, everyone coming to meet there, to learn to use their weapons there and planning their steps. Everything was practically complete, all they needed was for dawn to come before they struck, and having Jinki there may be good luck and raise the spirits of the men. Not that Jinki knew what was happening as he simply watched everything, listening in and peeking at the map before choking in shock when a man grabbed the back of the cloak and jerked him backwards.

“Who is this?” He asked, voice much deeper than anyone Jinki had met before, not to mention his size, the man was easily six and a half feet which caused the young man to tremble.

“He’s with me,” Minho said as he reached out to pull Jinki back, taking a moment to breathe in deeply, “Remember when I told you all that I tried other plans before? Well,” he paused, glancing down at Jinki before pulling off the hood. “My first plan was to find him, Onew’s mirror image,” he explained, the men around him jerking backwards in shock at seeing the spitting image of their dead prince.

“How did you-” the one man asked, pale in the face as he stared at Jinki who simply smiled shyly.

“He just found me and I want to help if I can,” Jinki whispered as the man shook his head, reaching up to rub his eyes before giving the man a once over and sighing. It was impossible but here he was in the flesh.

“You’re able to do all that and you’re here working with us?” Another asked, causing Minho to laugh, glad that there wasn’t a riot, seemed that the lower class seemed to know more about old magic.

“It’s your home too,  you deserve to have a say,” Minho explained before reaching out to pull Jinki close to his side. “But that’s not what we should be focusing on, we don’t have much time,” he reminded the man as they turned back towards their plans, filling in Jinki where they saw fit, though Minho had everyone promise that the man would not be part of the battle.




They didn’t return to the palace that night, taking a room in a worker’s house as they were planning on striking in the morning, though Jinki was unsure if he was upset on being left behind or not. He was worried, what if something happened to Minho? Had he chosen the best time to return? He was unsure, but he didn’t want to go back, not yet at least.

“Minho,” he mumbled as he turned to the man who was laying on the bed, taking a few moments to rest before they had to leave. “Are you sure it’s going to be okay, I can try to help,” he whispered though the man shook his head immediately.

“Knowing you’re here is help enough, it gives me more of a reason to come back.” Minho admitted before biting down on his bottom lip when he realized what that implied, not that it was wrong, but he wasn’t sure if it was the time to say such things. Thankfully Jinki seemed to wrapped up in his concerns to pay much attention.

“You have to come back, or else I’ll be stuck here with no one,” Jinki said in an attempt to joke, leaning back on the bed beside Minho who reached out to wrap his arms around the man, using Jinki like a teddy bear.  

“I will.” He had to.

The conversation didn’t continue after that as Jinki was consumed in his worries, simply playing with Minho’s hair as the hours ticked by until the man was meant to leave, when the sun rose so did the current prince, getting ready as he tried to mask his anxieties. He couldn’t believe the time had actually come. Jinki had long since fallen asleep, giving Minho a chance to lean in closer. “I’ll come back to you,” he whispered, hesitating before placing a gentle kiss to his forehead and sighing as he pulled back to grab his blade and leave the room. The maid promising to keep an eye on Jinki while the battle was waging, though Minho hoped for it to be quick, there was to be only a few guards as he had tipped them off to an attack on the opposite end of the gates, the only men that would be around being his father and mothers personal guards, neither of which would be enough to hold their own against the force that was on their way to their gates.


The march was short, though it had weighed on Minho’s shoulders as he led the men towards what had been his home for years, the numbers behind him chanting what seemed to be a folk tune though it did nothing to raise his spirits as he found the gates open, as he had left them, allowing the flood of men into the palace walls with only two orders, to leave his mother and the innocent workers alone. Soldiers and his father were fair game.

It happened much too quickly, they began to run, the few men who had spotted them shouting in alarm and spreading to their positions as they scrambled to do what they could with the onslaught of attackers, Minho raising his own blade in defense as he battled towards the throne room with the two other men assigned to that room by his sides. He could barely think, could barely process all that was happening as he swung his blade into a soldiers side, the man screaming before crumpling onto the ground, opening the way towards the throne room, the doors being tossed aside by his ally just as an arrow sunk itself into Minho’s shoulder, the man crying out in pain as he spun around to deflect the next arrow, spotting the attacker a moment too late, the next arrow hitting his leg. “Go on!” He yelled to the two who had stopped for him, eyeing the man who loaded another arrow onto his bow, preparing to shoot as Minho lunged forward, ignoring the pain as the motion caused blood to pour from his wounds, the man barely having enough strength to plunge his own weapon into the man’s arm. He was not aiming to kill. Though perhaps he should of as he swayed on his feet, the loss of blood weakening him to collapse along with the man who had shot him.

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970 streak #1
I decided to finally read this. But just looking at the dates of this story seem to also have a story of its own.
You have an interesting foreword immediately introducing the premise of the story. I like it.
I read this years ago :D So amazing <3 Let us make a toast to you finishing it ?
lilith9999 #3
Chapter 7: Thank you for having completed your story!
Chapter 12: CHICKENKING!!!! <3333333333333333333

will go reread all of this again now that I'm done yelling XD
Chapter 12: OMG!!! They are finally together as JINKI and Minho and Onew has done his part and left! This couldn't get better (it can if there is one-shot fluff side story ;p). But thank you so much for continuing with it despite everything and giving this story a happy ending!! I'm so happy right now I could combust ^_^
Chapter 12: Thank you so much, Author-nim.. I really love the ending of this wonderful story which you created. Tbh, I would love to read more and if you can have a small mini story of their adventures in the two worlds, it would be great.. Nonetheless, thank you once again. I pray and hope the best for you irl.. HUGS...
oconje #7
Chapter 21: Great story! Look forward to reading more!
Take your time I'll wait thank you
Chapter 21: Wahhh thank you, author-nim
I'm waiting your update