Life is Cruel

Innocent Murderers

**WARNING: Character deaths will be included

Elle and Suho ran side by side. Elle was wearing black leggings that were hugging her curves tightly and a black longsleeved turtle neck with matching black biker gloves and combat boots. She had her hair up in a high ponytail and her poket knives were attached to her belt and around her ankle. She wore a black mask that covered her bottom lip and hid behind a tree. Suho had hidden on the tree on the opposite side from Elle, he was wearing black military pants and boots, and a black wife beater on under a thick black jacket that had pokets for bullets. He had a matching mask like Elle and his sash attached to his rifle swung around his body. He peered his head slowly pass the tree and noticed two figures making their way out of the door and into a large garden, covered and decorated with various roses. Elle had spotted an elegant woman in a beautiful silky dress, accompanied by a stiff man in a black tux. Elle looked at Suho who had nodded at her.

"I'll get the girl, you take out her bodyguard."

Suho nodded and Elle stood up quietly and pressed her back against the tree as she stealthly ran behind the bushes. She sat behind a tree that was 2 meters from the queen and she pressed on her earpiece. She glanced at the two and for some reason, it gave her stomach an uneasy feel. But since when does murder make you feel good any way. She shrugged off the feeling of uneasiness and glanced at the elegant woman one last time before speaking through the earpiece to communicate with Suho. He was on the other side of the garden and he is in position to take out the body guard with his sniper while she takes out the main target.

'Target in sight and I'm in position, I'll give my signal in-'

Suho noticed Elle's sudden silence and he pressed on his earpiece in panic and worry.

'What happened? Elle.'

Nothing, she wasn't speaking. Suho took the opportunity to raise his head up slightly and see if he can spot Elle and spot her he did, but something caught his eye more. She had the look of fear and tears were streaming down her fair face. In panic, he took back his rifle and climbed down the tree. He silently ran behind the bushes and eventually made his way to the stiff Elle. He held her shoulders and stared into her watery eyes, he could only make out a handful of emotions running amock in her body: sadness, guilt, hesitance, and ...fear? Elle had shaken her head slowly and she gestured her head weakly towards the target. Suho turned to look his head and he shrugged. Obviously that is their target and of course he would feel guilty about taking her life, especially taking another life unnecesarily. Elle shook her head again and she mouthed a single sentence weakly.

"Look closely."

Suho raised a brow and he looked at the target and he squinted his eyes, suddenly they were as wide as saucers when he realised who it was. Long flowing hair, bright kind eyes, fair was Seohyun. The queen they were told to murder, was their friend. Elle began to weep uncontrollably but she kept her volume extremely low as she buried her face into Suho's chest. The man was still in a state of disbelief but nonetheless comforted the crying girl. The two were silent for a moment before Suho put his hands on her shoulder again and pulled her away from his body softly. She looked up into his stern hard stare with her swollen teary eyes.

"I can't-I just can't do it Suho."

She continued to bry bitter tears at the thought of having to kill the kind friend she holds dear to her heart. Suho felt heartbroken at the sight of Elle being broken down and having to do something like this. He cringed and bit his bottom lip as his hands tightened their grips on her shoulders. He let out a heavy sigh as he took his hands off of her and took out a handgun into his hands, feeling the cool eerie metal in his hands once again. Elle's face paled and she shook her head in total disbelief. Suho cocked the gun and stared into Elle's eyes sadly.

"Suho please I can't do this, I don't want to-"

"Who says that it will be you that will kill them...This will be my burden that you won't have to live with. this will be MY sin alone."


The minute Suho had finished, he moved out of the spot behind the tree and shot both Seohyun and Yunho right through their hearts. Elle let out a silent scream of horror when she heard two thumps hit the ground beneath their feet. Her body trembled and quaked and Suho quickly took Elle's hand and the two rushed out of the scene quickly. Fleeing away from the site where someone other than the king had come into their lives, had fallen by their own hands. It wasn't long before cries of men and shrieks of horror from the maids could be heard in the distance. Suho cringed and bit his lower lip, fighting the urge to even let a single tear escapse where as Elle was sobbing a river uncontrollably. The pain of loosing someone that you have come to hold dear had perished by their hands, Elle couldn't imagine the thought of loosing the only person man she has come to love.

Suho was her one and only light in their cruel gray world.


Seconds turned into minutes, minutes to hours, hours to days. It wasn't long until the days turn into torturous months. Assignments were given to the pair daily, faces of targets turned pale and motionless, bodies fell, and empty words known as praises were sent their way by a demon known as their king. Elle had stayed still by the window for hours, ignoring the growling of her stomach and only focusing on the sun's rays. How long had she been like this? Even she does not know. Her eyes were blank like a sheet of paper and her body was as still as a mannequin, if someone were to look at her from a distance they could mistaken her as a doll: beautiful and motionless but also emotionless. She blinked after what felt like an eternity for her but other than that did not move a finger. Suho had come into the room a few seconds ago and he sighed when he saw Elle's still figure beside the window. He furrowed his brows and his heart clentched, not even bothering to release the uneasiness and guilt swelling up inside his heart. He couldn't tell which guilt was worse: murdering their friend and having to see Elle suffer for it or not knowing how to help her. Suho always had scenrios thought about every now and then about situations like this but now he's just at a lost. He bit his bottom lip and exhaled deeply, he took heavy steps towards the doll-like girl and stopped when he was right beside her. She did not move and her breathing did not change its pace.

"How long do you plan to stay like that?"




"Please say something."


Suho did not know what else to say that could get her to respond. The man was desparate and he wanted to hear her voice again, and with that way of thinking he had some hope left inside him. Out of instinct, his hands found their way on top of her smaller ones. Her breath hitched slightly but her face was still blank and emotionless. Suho's eyes saddened as he looked up at her unmoving face.

"Please, just say something or do something. Look at me, please just look so I know that...that..."

Suho's eyes looked down when his voice couldn't find a way to put his feelings of desperation and fear into words. His solemn face was in her lap and her hands were held tightly in his, his body shook softly. Although he had this storm growing wild inside him, he was still a man with some pride left. Elle felt his hands tremble on her's and she looked down slowly. Her eyes landed pitifully on the back of his head and her hands unconsciously squeezed his in return. His head shot upwards and he gasped when he saw Elle beginning to cry.


"I'm afraid Suho...I-I'm scared."

Suho's jaws dropped but he shook his head and pulled Elle into a tight hug. She buried her face into his chest and Suho ignored the salty tears that are damping his shirt, instead it only made him hold her tighter. She wept loudly and uncontrollably, shaking from the fear that was eating her from the inside out as she felt Suho's warmft embrace her.

"Don't be afraid, I will never let you be hurt."

"I-*sniff* It isn't that."

"...then what is it-"

Elle's swollen wet eyes looked into Suho's surprised dark brown orbs.



Now it was Suho's turn to freeze, he was speechless. Was she actually thinking about him, the man who shed the blood of her new friend, instead of the late Queen?

'Why would you think about me instead of Seohyun?'

"I don't want to loose you Suho! I don't know what this feeling is inside me or what this little voice inside is telling me, but because of these weird things I know what it feels like to be afraid. So now I'm afraid that I'll loose you.."


"Why aren't you saying anthing?"




"O-or did I just weird you out...?"

Elle shifted in Suho's arms and she slowly pulled away from the said man's embrace.

"I-I'm sorry, just forget what I said."

She hurriedly left the room and rushed upstairs. Every step she took felt like a dagger to Suho's heart. He stared at the floor with wide eyes, as Elle began to walk farther away from him so did his heart. Both of them knew that actions spoke more than words so Suho's head shot upwards and he ran towards Elle. He grabbed her shoulders strongly and spun her around so her back would hit the wall. Elle's eyes shot wide open and she opened to speak but nothing came out of . Only to have her breathing stopped when Suho pressed his lips softly onto her plump pink ones. Her body froze, millions of thoughts were running through her mind as she tried to process what Suho was doing. She stared at his God-given face, his smooth skin which is just a miracle considering the "work" they do and how soft his lips were made her legs weak. She closed her eyes and let the gentle kiss last until Suho pulled away and looked into her eyes. He held onto her hand and smiled as he stared into orbs.

"Did my silence give you a misunderstanding?"

Elle suddenly felt embarrassed when she realized that she had indirectly given him the silent treatment and looked down in shame.


"Don't be."


Suho suddenly leaned in close again and his face was just milimeters away from her fiery red face. Her cheeks felt like she had lava on them and hung open while Suho had a tint of pink on his cheeks but a cheesy grin on his angelic face.

"Because if you haven't been that quiet, I wouldn't have been able to have done that."

Elle blinked then she pouted, she punched Suho's shoulder and he winced at the impact. She let out a weak laugh as she made her way up the stairs, Suho's eyes capturing her every moment with every passing second. Before she went into her room, she turned around and gave him a small smile and whispered something even he could not hear.

"Thank you..."


So what else is yet to happen to these star-crossed lovers? Or should I even use that term with these two characters. So I hope this update was to your liking! I have the outline of this story out but I want to hear your thoughts so far(: How do you think things will turn out for Suho and Elle? Will things go their way or end up crumbling in the end? Feedback and thoughts would be great and I would love to know what is going through your minds right now :)

Comments and feedback would be appreciated and subscribes and upvotes will be loved <3


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Chapter 3: Aghhhhh I'm dying here I can't take it akdjdjdhejejwjs I can't wait for that epilogue. This is so good!
Chapter 3: Girrrrrrrl this is so good!