Just One Last Dance [PG-13]

Just One Last Dance

“Take me…”


He stares at the sleeping figure beside him. His eyes trail down the body, not with lust, but with love and sorrow. The two words still linger in his mind. The two words that resulted to the worsening of their sin. It was only a few hours ago when he open his door and found her standing there. Her eyes were red and puffy; obvious trail of tears could be spotted on her flawless cheeks.




He remembers how the name just came out from his mouth almost immediately. He can still remember the mild shock in his tone.




He remembers how tears formed so quickly in her eyes.


“Take me…”




And she kissed him.


Full on the lips and that’s the spark which caused everything to let loose, which led to this situation now.


“What have we done?” He whispers, brushing his hand through her hair lightly, tears slowly forming in his eyes as he stares at her.


“Wooyoung...” A soft moan awoke Wooyoung out from his trance, “Oppa…”


“Oh, you’ve woke up.”


Sunye sat up and hugs Wooyoung’s body tightly.




Wooyoung said nothing but just wrapped his arms around her petite body.


“You’re regretting.”




“I saw the tears in your eyes when I woke up.”


Wooyoung lowered his head and gives her a light peck on her lips. A light peck becomes a full fledge kiss which then becomes one which involves tongue and passion. Their tongues continue to dance with each other to the same rhythm and beat. She wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him down and closer to her, as if begging him for more.


The room is now once again filled with lust, love and passion.


But before they can continue any further, Wooyoung stopped himself and pulled back from the passionate kiss.


The two stare into each other’s eyes longingly.


“Oppa, do you regret it?” Sunye asked again.


“Sunye, listen to me. The tears were not out of regret but of heartache. I know, I know what we are doing. I know that it’s a sin. A really sinful sin. But I will never regret it. I love you Sunye. But so what if I love you? So what if we don’t bother about what others are thinking? You’re still going to be someone else’s tomorrow.”


Wooyoung sat up, burying his head into his palms.


“It’s actually later…” Sunye whispered, her hands s around Wooyoung’s well built body.


“I’m marrying that disgusting freak later in the morning…”


She slowly leans her head onto his broad back, for comfort. But Wooyoung found her hands and pulled her away. Turning around to face her, he stares into her eyes deeply and whispers.


“You have to go.”




“Appa and Umma will freak out when they find you missing.”


“They will know that I’m with you.”


“Have you forgotten how they reacted when they first found out about us?”


Sunye kept silent this time.


“Appa…” Sunye whispered, “Umma…”


The two elders gave no reply. Their father just continues to glare at the pair while their mother sobbed her eyes out.


“I’m giving you a chance to explain yourself and to defend yourself.”


“There’s no need for that.” Wooyoung retorted, “It’s exactly what you had seen.”




“I dare you to repeat it again, young man.” Their father said slowly, trying to keep his cool.


“I love Sunye and she loves me too. It’s that simple.”








Both Sunye and their mother exclaimed.


“She’s your sister!” Their father yelled, “It’s forbidden!”


“I don’t care!”


Slap again.


Just when he was going to give him another beating-


“Stop! Appa, stop it!” Sunye had dashed forward and flung herself onto her brother, protecting him from the blow. Her sudden charge out startled their father who stood rooted in his spot.


“Sunye you…”


“Appa, what he said is right. I love him.” She trailed away at the end.


Both parents collapsed down into the couch. A look of disbelief was plastered on their father’s face whereas their mother’s sobbing just became louder.


“Wooyoung,” their father spoke up again after a few minutes of silence, “Get out of the house.”


“NO! Why is it only him?”


“Sunye, the Lee family had come to ask for your hand in marriage. At first I was hesitant… but now, you’re going to marry the eldest son of the Lee family.”




“Shut up Wooyoung. Pack your stuffs and get out now.”


He stood there, not moving an inch.


“I will help you.” With that, their father get up, get into Wooyoung’s room, grabbed a luggage and in a few minutes, he came out with a packed luggage.


Giving his son one last look, he grabbed his son’s arm and threw him out of their house along with his luggage.


“Your wallet is inside; use your cards to rent a house.”




“They chased you out.” She whispered softly. “But it’s not your fault! They should chase me out too!”


“That would defeat the whole purpose, they wanted to separate us. To think they had acted so fast. You’re getting married one month after I got chased out.”


“I don’t want to get married!” Sunye stubbornly retorts, “Oppa, let’s run away together! Let’s go to somewhere where they can’t find us. We will find a job and then we will-”


A loud banging on the front door interrupted her.


The two of them gave each other a quick glance.


“Put on some clothing.” Wooyoung instructed while putting on his boxers.


Grabbing his dress robe, he walks calmly to his front door and open it.


Not too much of his surprise, he found his parents standing there. A worried expression on his mother’s face and his father trying to stay calm.


“Is Sunye here.”




And he tried to close the door on them, tried.


“Don’t lie to me. Where else could Sunye go!”


With that he barged into his own son’s house and started to search around frantically. Calling out his daughter’s name and shouting angry threats once in a while. But this only lasted for less than 5 minutes. Because the last door their father opened was actually Wooyoung’s room and that’s where Sunye is.


The expression on their parents face went from worried to disbelief.


Wooyoung could hear Sunye’s soft gasp when their father opened the door. He observed the expressions on his parents’ face. If he wasn’t in this situation, he might have laugh at how fast their facial expression could change.


“A…Appa, Umma…”


Wooyoung walked into his room and wrapped the half Sunye with the blankets before turning to face their parents.


“Now that you know she’s here, can you guys leave?”


He continues to observe the two older people. His father was already shaking; his mother was still in shock, so shock that she’s not even crying.


“I know that we can find Sunye here…” Their father says softly, “But never had I thought that we will find her in this manner!”


He threw a punch at Wooyoung.


“She’s your sister! How many times do I have to say it!”


“And how many times do I have to say I don’t care!”


Their father raised his fist, aiming for another blow and like previously, Sunye dashed out, spreading out her arms, shielding Wooyoung from the blow.


“It’s not oppa’s fault! It’s me who came to find him! I sneaked out of the house to find him. I don’t want to marry a man I don’t love nor am I going to give my ity to him!”


“Young miss; do you know what you’re talking about?”


“I know! If anyone were to take me, it would be oppa!”


This time, their father raised his right hand, wanting to slap his daughter but Wooyoung caught his arm.


“Don’t you dare.”


He warned threateningly.


The pair of father and son glared dangerously into each other’s eyes.


Sunye’s tears started flowing again while her mother rushed forward with her clothes in her hands asking her to dress up.


“Let’s go Sunye, before the two of them starts killing each other.”


“No, I don’t want to leave oppa alone!”


“Let’s go Sunye. In a few hours time, you will be the daughter-in-law of the Lees.” This time it’s their father who spoke up.




“I say let’s go!” He insisted, grabbing her small arms and dragging her out of the room.


“Yah! You’re hurting her!”


The father ignored Wooyoung’s yelling and continues to drag his daughter out with Sunye trying to escape in vain. Tears fall uncontrollably from the woman’s eyes as she begged her father to let her go but her father ignored her pleads completely.


Reaching the door, their father turned to face Wooyoung one last time, giving him one last warning.


“Don’t even come to the wedding.”


With that, he dragged the crying woman out of her lover’s door and onto their car, driving away from her beloved.


Watching the car drives off, Wooyoung collapses down onto his front doorsteps burying his head in his palms; crying silently to himself with only the sunrise as accompany. 


10 in the morning, in a particular mansion, in a particular room, a young woman sits in front of the dressing table, wearing a beautiful wedding gown with a stylist styling her hair. Every woman should have a smile on their wedding day, but this woman is different, all she had was a blank expression.


“Sunye ah!”


She can hear her mother calling her and the next thing she knows, she’s behind her, taking the brush from the stylist hair and started to brush her hair.


“Sunye ah, what’s with the frown?”


“You know why, umma.”


“He’s your brother.”


And Sunye shut up. Staring into her reflection as she thought of Wooyoung, her beloved, her brother. Tears started to well up in her eyes and finally the string inside broke and the drops of tears started flowing non-stop.


“Sunye ah, you’re ruining your make up.”


“I don’t want to get married, umma! I want to see him!”


She hugged her mother who tried to calm her down which took quite a while.


“Mum, can you guys leave me alone for a while?”


He waited for her to come out.


He had an inner war with himself back at home, whether to come and see her, whether secretly or not. And in the end his heart won his mind.


As much as he doesn’t want to see her getting married to another guy; he wants to see her in a wedding gown since this could be the only chance he gets to see it. He has to see her or he will go crazy.


And that’s why he’s here.


Wooyoung hid in a corner when he heard the door clicks open.


There she is.


So beautiful; like an angel.


But she isn’t smiling.


Because humans are selfish, Wooyoung’s secretly happy to see the frown on her face. Yet he yearns to see her smile again.


He witnesses her getting on to the bridal car and yearns for her.




He whispers.


She turns. Looking for the source where her name came from, but he had hid well… And she continues walking, this time even more depressed.


After the bridal car drove away, Wooyoung hurried to his car too.


She had met her groom before, he’s handsome and charming. But he’s isn’t her Wooyoung.


As she walks down the aisle, Sunye could see the random smiles on the guests face. She could see her groom smiling back at her. But all these were just a blur to her. All she had clearly in her mind was the memories from last night; the memories from before her beloved was thrown out; the memories before they were separated; they memories before they were being found out.


A soft smile slowly grows on her small face.


Everything is going to end soon.


Really soon.


His heart aches with every step she took nearer to her groom. Every step she takes equals to one step closer to losing her. But as much as it hurts, he couldn’t bring himself to leave the scene. She’s too breathtakingly beautiful. He wants to stay with her till the end during this moment even if the groom isn’t him.


He witnesses his father handing her over to the groom.


He saw the frown on her expression and felt a little bit better.


Hiding secretly behind the doors, he witnesses the start of the ceremony, the moment when he will lose her forever.


“Do you, Lee Seung Jo, take Min Sunye, to be your lawful wedded wife? Will you love, respect and honor her throughout your years together?


“I do.”


Wooyoung sighs.


“Do you, Min Sunye, take Lee Seung Jo, to be your lawful wedded husband? Will you love, respect and honor him throughout your years together?”


Knowing that this is too much for himself, Wooyoung turned and walk away from the church.


“I…” Sunye stuttered.




Her vision was starting to blur; she can feel her body weakening right when she’s walking down the aisle. She knows that everything is going to end soon.


“I…” That was the last straw, she collapsed and the whole ceremony turned into a chaotic scene. The groom panicked. Parents from the both sides rushed to their sides.


And Wooyoung who had just turned around stopped in his tracks when he heard his mother cried out for Sunye.


And that was the signal for him to show himself to his parents.




Everyone turned to face him, but he was not bothered by any of them, not even one. His eyes were on the fragile figure in the arms of another man. She was so pale and frail. It hurts so much to see her like this.


“Sunye…” He whispered as he moves closer to her.




As he got nearer to his beloved, a hand stopped him.


“I thought I told you not to come?” His father said coldly but all Wooyoung did was to brush him off.


“And since when did I ever listen to you?”


“Oppa…” Sunye’s hand reaches out to him.


“Get lost!” He pushes the poor groom aside, cradling his sister in his embrace.


“I…” She starts weakly, “I… told you… I will never marry anyone else.”


“Stop… Sunye.” Wooyoung whispers, his eyes tearing up, “What did you do to yourself?”


“Rat poison.” She replies with a weak chuckle, “I’d rather die than to marry someone else.”


“Why are you so stupid?”


“Oppa…” Her hand tried to reach for his handsome face, which Wooyoung held onto, “I love you… and always will… till forever.”


“Sunye… no…” Tears started to fall from his eyes as Sunye’s eyes closes slowly.


Holding onto her right hand on his face, he cried. In front of the many guests who had came to witness the wedding. He cried, unable to stop.


But even so, he still stood up and faces his parents.


“Remember this day, for you will lose the only son and daughter you have. You’re the ones who killed them!” He raged.


With that, he walked out of the church, with Sunye in his arms and with many pairs of eyes witnessing his departure.


The next day, two bodies were found on an isolated beach, one female and one male. Both poisoned to death. The female was in a wedding gown while the male was simply in casual clothing. They were found in a position where the male is cradling the female in his arms.

So how is this? Its my very very first time writing this kind of genre, not the angst and romance part but you know. And its also my first time writing rated scenes in the full version of this story. I would appreciate if you give some relative comments/criticism

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maybeSammy #1
Really great :)
Jessiegurl99 #2
Nice! :)
I love your trailer for this story..<br />
i love it..:)