
Shattered into Pieces

Hi BaekHyun, how are you today? I know it’s been hard days for you since the dating issue have been revealed to the public. You been bashed by lots of people and even some fans turn their backs.

I have something to tell you but I guess I shouldn’t say it face to face, I will say it through my heart although my lips won’t move an inch.

How long we knew each other? 3 years? I lost count when but I know that I won’t forget how we meet for the first time.

A petite looking guy entered the room with his head down wearing his hood hiding his face to us. The teacher introduced us to him. At that moment that he lift his head and show his face, I know that I won’t forget his face.

“hi I’m Byun BaekHyun” he said showing his beautiful eye smile.

My heart beats fast and I can only see him despite of the crowd inside the room. My breath stops when he looked at me and bow, I also smile at him despite of my red face.

During the early days, you keep hanging out with me although I tried to ignore you. You starts opening up to me and tell me your dreams. I laugh like a retarded seal when you said that you want to date Kim TaeYeon.

“how could you date such perfect girl like her Baekhyun” I laugh. He just shook his head “I will show you” he said to me and my heart sudden stops for I can sense seriousness lace through his words.

Days past and our dreams come true; many people love the group even formed a love team within the group. Though I love that Idea but I know it’s just for entertainment and Baekhyun is far away from being gay.

Many things happened, awards here and there, guestings from different programs, doing some individual projects but I shouldn’t know that these dreams are too good to be true.

Kris left in the middle of his career and concert is around the corner. You being human also feel stress, I try to comfort you but I don’t know, you just keep pushing me away. You often said that you are busy but so am I right?

The past months you keep smiling so I thought that you are fine now, yeah very fine. I tried to asked you but, you just smile and ignore me then the thing happened.


It was said in the internet site but I tried to ignore it until I saw the pictures of you and Taeyeon, my breathing stops like a fish looking for water.


Then my heart shattered into million pieces of glasses. How could you did not say that to me? I’m your best friend right? How could you keep that a secret?

I must admit I’m the first one to keep a secret from you, secret of loving you although it’s forbidden and unethical, but despite of the hurt that I feel I keep my face into pretension through my smile and said to myself that it was okay.

“Chanyeol are you okay?” asked Suho hyung to me.

“I’m fine hyung” I answered.

“let’s go show them that we are one” he said and shoved me to the stage.

“yes we are one” I mumbled and looked at Beakhyun with a fake smile.

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sehunxexoo #1
Chapter 2: More pls!!!
justamemory #2
NiceJob Author-nim.
justamemory #3
NiceJob Author-nim.
-iwasleft #4
More jsy. Pleaaase.
-iwasleft #5
More jsy. Pleaaase.
--parkeu #6
Do more. Fighting!
--parkeu #7
Do more. Fighting!
This is daebak.
I want more-
AwesomeKlee #10
Eeps. Didn’t mean to spam. Sorry.