
Tutoring: KeyHyun fluff
Jonghyun's POV
I sighed as I walked through the school doors, homework either undone or incorrect. This is usually how I come here to this dreaded place. I've never liked school and I've never been good at it either. I don't have many friends and I tend to be rather shy around people I don't know. The only time I feel confident in myself is when I'm either with my best friend, Minho, or whenever I play my guitar or sing.
I really don't even know why I come to this place besides to see Minho. I don't need a good education for my dream. I just want to be a musician, or maybe be a solo artist..
I snapped myself out of my fantasies as I walked into class, mentally preparing for a long day of scolding. And as I guessed, I got called out on by my teachers, as usual. Something that was rather unusual though, was being told to stay after school.
I sat with my eyebrows raised in shock as my last hour teacher told me to stay after school. I felt my face and the tips of my ears heat up when many students turned their attention to me. I subconsciously crossed my arms defensively and slid down in my chair in an attempt to hide myself.
I was tense for the rest of class. I waited impatiently for the day to end, constantly bouncing my knees. I jumped when the bell FINALLY rung. I quickly made my way over to the teacher's desk as the other students took off for home.
"Jonghyun," My teacher said to me, the tone of her voice said that she had a lot of things on her mind. "As you probably know, you have a terrible grade in, not only this class but all of them." I could only nod. I have no idea where she's going with this.. "I-"
"Sorry I'm a little late Seonsaeng-nim! I had to stop by the bathroom. So, is this the one I need to shed my brilliance on?"
My teacher was interrupted by a tall, blonde haired boy with feline like eyes. He had a very confident aura around him as he walked into the class room. He stopped by my side and winked at me. He winked at me.. He ing winked at me!! I felt the blood run up to my cheeks before I quickly looked away from the attractive blonde and focused on the teacher. 
"No worries, Kibum." My teacher smiled kindly to him before continuing. "As you may or may not know, Kibum is a sophomore with high grades. So Jonghyun, I had a talk with all of your other teachers and they agree that Kibum here, should be your tutor until you get your grades up."
"WHAT?!" I shouted with my eyes probably bulging out of my head. After years of bad grades in both junior high AND elementary school they decide that NOW I need a ing tutor?!
"Don't look so surprised, shorty. You know you had this coming." Kibum said with a nudge to my shoulder. 
"YAH!" I shouted due to his new name for me.
Yes, I know I had this coming I just expected it to be sooner..
I rolled my eyes as Kibum tried to explain how simple fractions are. We were at the library, our assigned tutoring sessions are taking place here. I sighed and rested my head on my crossed arms over the table, facing away from my cocky tutor.
"..Just simply change the- YAH! Are you even listening to me?" I heard his annoying voice interrupt my cat nap.
"No." I stated matter of factly, still facing away from him.
"Come on, shorty, sit up." His tone sounded irritated as he attempted to lift my body.
I felt my heart skip a beat and my blood heat up when I felt his hands on me, making me forget about his insulting nickname for me. I quickly sat up so that weird feeling would stop, causing him to sit back down in his seat. I puffed out my bottom lip subconsciously and crossed my arms. 
"Tsk, tsk, you're cute." Kibum said to me. I felt that weird feeling in my body when he said that. I blushed and dropped my arms before looking away from him.
"Now come on, fractions aren't that hard if you actually try to learn it." He said in a much softer tone, It sounded more.. encouraging than his usual tone of voice. 
"But.. It's still hard.." I mumbled pathetically. I have to admit, I really am pathetic to not know something that people have been trying to teach me for the past 5 years. I felt Kibum's hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see his.. sympathetic face which caused me to send him a confused look.
"Listen Jonghyun," I was kind of surprised when he called me by my real name, but I was mostly surprised when I felt his hand move from my shoulder to grab my hand. "I know what you're going through, two years ago I was in the same position as you. Bad grades and completely clueless in class. Then I got a tutor. He taught me everything I know. Now I have a scholarship for college. I just want to same thing to happen to you."
He ended his unexpected speech with a soft smile and a light rub on the back of my hand with his thumb. I bright red blush covered my face and ears. I was blushing for the rest of the tutoring session after he refused to let go of my hand. 
For the rest of the time I paid attention to what Kibum said and I think that I actually started understanding it.
I was honestly kind of sad when it was time to leave. We exchanged phone numbers and hugged before we left. I got that tingly feeling in my chest as he hugged me. Even after I walked out the doors I was in a daze from the hug.
I felt an arm being slung around my shoulders. I looked up to see Minho, my best friend. "Well you look happy. What happened?" He asked with a wink. 
I hummed as another bright blush flew up to my cheeks. I shrugged and with a smile simply said, "Tutoring."
So, how was it? I know it's not exactly fluff but hey this is where my mind went ^^
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Naina_122 #1
Chapter 1: Cute! Jonghyun has a crush on his tutor! Who wouldn't...it's Key aka Me. Beautiful!
Chapter 1: Adorable! Can you write a sequel for this? It's really cute how Jonghyun behaves and I don't read that a lot so I would love to read more of it ^-^

Thanks for writing this pretty piece of fluffier fluffiness and hope to you'll write another soon ;D
magicbananas #3
Chapter 1: Aww!!! I love it!! ^^
haradatwin11 #4
Chapter 1: Jonghyun is super adorable in this story! :)
Chapter 1: Aa jjong is so cutee XDD
Chapter 1: I love this, it just abit short lol but still love it xD