Troubling Thoughts

ually Frustrated

"How do I look?" You ask while looking expectantly towards your boyfriend, Daesung who was sitting on the couch, waiting for you. You had on one of your favorite floral summer dresses, that not only looked great on you but it was also the shortest dress you could find in your closet.

He looks up from his phone towards your direction before giving you a thumbs up and an approving nod, "Wow~ you look cute!" But that was it, as he turned his attention back towards his phone. Leaving you completely unsatisfied.

As embarrassing as it was to admit, you and Daesung hadn't had in three weeks, straight. And you had absolutely no idea why. During that three painful weeks, it wasn't "that time of the month", neither of you were exceptionally busy with work, furthermore, you two had been home together majority of that time and yet, he still never touched you. And quite frankly you were extremely frustrated, ually frustrated.

That's why you put on this dress, in hopes to stir something within him. Not to mention he had said before that this was his favorite dress (before taking you right on the kitchen floor). That's right, despite his angelic looks, Daesung was quite an animal when it came to these things... which made the lack of activity even more strange to you.

Not ready to give up yet, you casually strolled over towards him, making sure you gave your dress a little twirl with each step, enough to make it ride up just a little.

"What are you doing?" You ask innocently while stepping in front of him. Casually, you bent over, resting your hands on your knees as you peer over the top of his cell phone. With this, you were sure you'd get him since this dress was not only short, but with the right position and angle, it'd give him a great view of your cleavage. He would be a goner for sure.

Just as you hoped, Daesung looked up from his phone to look at you and you watch carefully as his eyes scan their way up, without a doubt passing by the holy view.

But to your surprise and disappointment, his eyes don't even linger as they make a straight bee-line to your eyes as he speaks to you. "Just looking for places we could go today. Since the weather is so nice and we both get a day off."

Although you should be grateful for his thoughtfulness, you let out a frustrated sigh, that went completely unnoticed by him. Once again, his eyes retreated back to his phone as you stomped away, looking around the house for something to give you an idea. Suddenly, your eyes spot your bag resting on the floor in front of Daesung, just a few feet away. An evil smile forms on your lips as you imaginarily pat yourself on the back for being such a genius (and for thinking ahead).

Time for the big guns.

"What should I bring with us today? Do you know what you want to do?" You call out to him while making your way to your bag. On any normal day, you probably would've picked up your bag, rested it on a chair and rummaged through it. But no, today wasn't any normal day. So you left it where it was on the ground as you stood in front of it, your back facing Daesung who was still sat on the couch. And then, you bent over.

Ever so slowly, you lowered your upper body and could feel the fabric of your dress rise up from behind, exposing yourself completely to your unaware boyfriend. And to top it all off, you were already wearing your iest lace red underwear. You could barely keep the smug smile off your face as you pretend to rummage through your purse, waiting any minute now for a reaction.

"What are you doing?" You hear Daesung suddenly ask. His voice curious but you could've sworn your heard a growl masked beneath it. You heard movement from behind you, assuming he finally got up from the couch and was making his way towards you.

Blood was rushing through you as you stayed where you were, not daring to move until you knew you absolutely had him. But you were almost shaking from anticipation.

Finally, you felt his warmth lingering behind you and soon after his hand presses against you back. You force your smile off your face, not wanting to give away that this was all part of your plan.

"Are you sure you want to bring that bag with us?" He suddenly says while leaning over so that his face was near yours, "If we're going to walk around a lot today, that bag will get too heavy. Why don't you carry the small pink one I bought for you last year? I think that'll be better." He finishes with a smile before standing upright and turning towards the bedroom, leaving you cold and bewildered.

"I'm going to go use the bathroom, then we can go!" He calls out before disappearing into the room. Once you heard the bathroom door shut, your shaky legs collapsed to the floor.

What the hell is going on?!

- - - 

"Ahhh~" Daesung says while stretching his arm into the air, a huge and satisfied smile on his face, "It's so great to be outside. I've been really missing this. Especially spending time with you like this." He says with a sweet smile and holding your hand in his. He really seemed to be in a good mood, while you on the other hand... were not so cheery.

While swinging your linked arms back and forth, Daesung started rambling about work and life, trying to keep a conversation going between the two of you as always. But despite to occasionally 'oh's and 'that's interesting', you weren't able to give much more as your mind was too preoccupied trying to figure out what might be wrong.

You tried to look back on the past few weeks for any signs of something wrong. But it all seemed perfectly fine. You two have been a happy and loving couple for a few years now and every thing seemed to be going great. You couldn't be happier with him, despite the 'without ' part. It was strange how badly you've been needing it, especially since you weren't like this with any of your other past relationships. You glanced over at Daesung, who was still talking happily about the trip you two were planning next month, and couldn't stop yourself from blushing. He was incredibly handsome, especially when he smiled. And how he always kept in shape, the curves and muscles on his body were enough to make your whole body feel weak. There was no doubt that this man was attractive, which didn't help in keeping you from getting 'overheated'.

You then looked down at your own body, thinking about all the things you did back at the apartment and how he didn't even react. What could it be that's causing such drastically different reactions?

And then it hit you... Could it be that Daesung just didn't find you attractive anymore?

You nearly gasp at your realization but somehow kept it to a minimum as you nervously took a look at yourself in the reflection of the store windows you were passing by. There Daesung was, looking as handsome and delicious as ever... and then there was you... Your mind couldn't help but wander to all the food you had been stuffing yourself with the past few weeks... how you haven't been exercising regularly anymore due to work... how much you've just "let go" because you were so comfortable around him.

Did he not find you y anymore...?

Suddenly, your mood just dropped to the pit of your stomach as you were overcome with defeat and despair. How could you not have thought of this? What's going to happen? Is he going to leave you? You felt the energy leave your hand and all confidence wash out of you at once.

Will he not love you anymore?

"Is something wrong?" Daesung's voice brings your out from the darkness you were letting engulf you. You slowly look up at him and can't help but wince at the bright light that seemed to surround him, "You're so quiet today..."

You shake your head, but you already felt the tears threatening to come up so you turn your head away. Embarrassed and confused. If he doesn't love you anymore, why is he still here?

"Do you not feel good? What's wrong, jagiya?" He asks again, but this time makes you stop, holding you by the shoulders and making you face him. But you kept your head turned. "Should we just go home?"

You kept silent. Wondering if you should go along and ask him the questions plaguing your mind. You were scared that if you asked them, the reality would become real... But you knew that at this rate, they'd just eat you up alive from the inside out.

Just as you were about to speak, you let out a loud scream instead as something zoomed past you from behind and the back of your dress flew up, exposing everything below.

"Nice undies, baby!!" A guy cried out and whistled while riding away on his motorcycle. You frantically tried to keep your dress down as your cheeks flushed bright red. You were already feeling like , but this just made everything worse.

But as you tried to move one of your arms, you noticed the tight and painful grip around it... and looked up at the owner of that hand who was staring deadly towards the direction of the biker.

"Daesung... you're hurting me..." You whimpered, terrified by the look in his eyes. If looks could kill, that biker would be dead in an instant. You had never seen Daesung look this way before... he looked as if he could rip the guys head off.

His head snaps back towards you, making you jump. His anger still bubbling at it's surface. But before you could do or say anything else, Daesung strips himself of his jacket and quickly wraps it around your waist, making sure it covered to the back of your knees.

"Let's go home." He says curtly and turns back towards the direction you two had came, leading you by the arm as you trailed behind him not sure what to expect once you two did get home.

- - - 

Several minutes had gone by already and Daesung was still pacing back in forth in the middle of the living room while you sat uncomfortably on the couch. The sun was already going down and you couldn't help but regret how both of your day off had turned out.

It was obvious Daesung was furious, but you couldn't tell at who. Of course, the biker... but he hadn't held your hand or hugged you or showed any sort of affection. Was he mad at you too?

You looked down at your dress and see his jacket still wrapped tightly around you. Could he be mad that you wore this outfit...? Maybe if you never wore this outfit, that wouldn't have happened. Maybe this is all your fault... and now Daesung will not like you even more for being so careless.

And that thought alone was enough to bring you to tears.

"Are you--" Daesung finally speaks but stops when he notices the state you were in. He quickly makes his way towards you and kneels before you so that you were at the same level. "What's wrong? Why are you crying? Are you hurt?"

You shake your head, but his questions just cause you to cry more and harder. This clearly takes him aback as he frantically holds your hands in his. His anger had completely subsided at your current state and only the look of pain and worry remains.

"What's wrong, _________-ah? Talk to me. Tell me what's wrong." Daesung pleads while brushing the hair away from your face. You were sobbing now, since his affection was just making you feel overwhelmed.

"I-I-I'm so-sorry..." Daesung barely catches your words, but repeats them just in case.

"Sorry? Why are you sorry?" He can't wrap his mind around why you were acting like this at all, but he was desperate to make it stop.

"Because... I wore this... and that guy... I shouldn't have worn this outside..." You mutter before sobbing again. You felt his grip tighten around your hand again.

"That bastard..." Daesung says with a sharp sigh, catching you by surprise at his language. He was never the type to swear, but it just showed how angry he was at this whole situation. "You shouldn't be sorry for something like that. It wasn't your fault. He was the one who was wrong, not you. Do you understand?" He says while cupping your face in both of his hands, making you look at him. You could tell he was still angry but just trying to push that away in order to tend to you.

"But... I wore that dress to get attention... And that's exactly what I got." You pressed further, digging yourself deeper into the insecurity you had put yourself in. "It was my fault."

"What do you mean you were 'trying to get attention'? Why would you do that?" He asks, completely bewildered at what you were saying.

You bite the bottom of your lip and looked at him through your tears. There's no way you could say something so embarrassing, but you knew that if you didn't it could just leave to a whole misunderstanding, especially since Daesung seemed to be already at his limit before burning the entire place down.

Before you willed yourself to speak, you buried your face into your hands, "I was trying to get your attention..." You trailed off, your face getting hotter and hotter by the second.

There was a pause before Daesung spoke again, "What do you mean?"

Annoyed, embarrassed, and frustrated you lifted your face to meet his as you let out all of your thoughts and insecurities at once.

"We haven't had in weeks! This whole day I've been trying to get your attention, to make you... to make you initiate something but you didn't even react! I thought you said you liked this dress on me, so I wore it especially today. But you didn't even blink when you saw me in it. Do you not find me attractive anymore? Do you not love me anymore? Are you going to leave me because I a--"

But your were cut off by the sudden force of Daesung's lips on yours as he pushes you back against the couch, both hands on either side of your head as he deepens the kiss. His tongue slips itself into your mouth and explores, hungrily. You were already out of breath but he wasn't letting go as his hands move around to the back of your head and your waist, pulling your whole body against him as he grinds his hips against you, bringing an obvious bulge to your attention.

He finally releases you, your foreheads resting against each other and both of your mouths slightly parted, letting your hot breath roll over each others' tender lips.

"I've been holding back this entire time..." He says, out of breath but eager, barely controlling himself as he continues to move himself against you. The tip of his bulge massaging right at your , making you gasp.

"I've wanted you for so long..." He growls before trailing kisses all over your face. He slips one hand from under you, making it's way up and down your body. Your thin dress being the only thing standing in his way. "I'm not going to hold back any longer."

And with one strong tug, there was a loud rip before he threw your dress to the side.

- - -

Sweaty, tired, but content, you two laid side by side on the living room floor. Remnants of both of your clothing scatted all around the floor. You were curled up against him as his arms were wrapped around your shoulders and waist.

"Happy?" He asks while looking down at you with a small smile. Sweat still trailing down his face from his forehead. His hair was all messy, but just screamed .

With a flushed face, you shyly nod your head before resting it again on his bare chest, listening to the quick thumps of his heart.

"What did you mean by 'holding back'?" You couldn't help but ask, the mystery of the past three weeks still unanswered. You felt his hand run up and down your back, soothingly, occasionally making circles with his finger tips.

"I was getting worried... Before, we were just having every day... and... I wasn't sure if that was normal or a good thing... since you're my first real relationship." He admits with a sigh, "I was worried you'd get bored of it... or that we weren't spending enough time on dates or going out. So I tried to tone it down a bit... but I never imagined you'd be so worried because of it..." He tilts his head to get a clearer view of you and frowns, "I'm sorry..."

You shook your head vigorously, now knowing the real reason on Daesung's strange behavior. You felt embarrassed for jumping to conclusions and drowning yourself with insecure thoughts when in the end, Daesung was just trying to make your relationship that much stronger.

"Next time, if you want to... do it... just say so, okay?" Daesung says while pressing his lips against the top of your forehead.

You nod happily and snuggle against him more. Now with your insecurities and worries washed away, flashes of the past hour you two had spent making up for the lost time kept popping up in your head, heating you up once again.

"Then..." You trail off while sliding your hand further and further down his chest, approaching dangerously close to his manhood, "Can we go for another round?" You ask and look up at him with a mischievous smile.

He returns you with a smile of his own before letting out a slight chuckle, "If you're ready for it... but I need to take care of something first..." He says while turning over to grab his phone from the pocket of his jeans that was lying a few inches away.

"What...?" You whined a little as you watched him dial a few numbers before putting the phone to his ear. "What are you doing about it?"

"I memorized that idiot's license plate number before he could get away." He gives you a proud but dangerous look.

Your jaw drops despite the smile rising to your lips, "What are you going to do with it?"

"I have something in mind..." He says before you hear a click on the receiver end of the line.

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Chapter 1: what did he planning to do..?
Chapter 1: i so want to know what he has in mind for that Idiot.