Last Entry


While one is seeking for his beloved person, the other is praying that he could see the stars again.



Journal Entry No. 258
I wish you would return home. Everyday, I sit here in this poor-lit room and wait for your arrival, the span of my patience is getting shorter, day by day. You gave me the promise infront of the altar that you'd be back. One day, you'd return. But when is that day?


Journal Entry No. 259
I forgot to feed your pet crab. Don't get angry with me when you return and see no trace of your Heinrich. How could you name it Heinrich, I still don't understand how you can have such a weird taste regarding choosing names. 


Journal Entry No. 260
Kai came yesterday to grab his remaining stuff like toothbrush, shoes and clothes. For a brief moment, I saw your face and I presumed it was you who stepped into the room but the disappointment swallowed me whole once I took in Jongin's facial features. The life force was no longer evident inside his brown orbs and he looked like someone who suffered anorexia. But I am not regretting my decision, not now, not tommorrow, never. I thought he was going to hug me but he just ended up running a hand through my hair, though very hesistant, and gave me back the keys for the house, his 
silhouette disappeared behind the thick door and I once again, sat in the dark.


Journal Entry No. 261
I love you and never stopped doing so. Come back. Please. 


title : last entry ( sorrowful melody )

pairings: sekai, krishan, hunhan

genres: romance, mild angst, possible fluff, comedy now and then

words : chaptered fic.

warnings : nope. just crappy english, fail grammar, cheesy content and painful cliffhangers

description : sick of hearing nothing but the painfully loud ticking of the clock echoeing through the empty house amidst the numb silence, sehun grabbed a bag and stuffed it with vital stuff and began searching for him.




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opikonew #1
Chapter 2: love this story, update soon authornim <3
more sekai please :D
Chapter 2: T_T man i pity jongin..
Chapter 1: ................. jongin...........
lalicesarang #4
Chapter 1: Yessssssd make sekai prevail
Arah_Sekai #5
Chapter 1: For a second you trick me there. I was starting to think that was a hunhan fic. Not that i don't like it but NOTHING beats Sekai.
So far so good!
Waiting for the next update!