Once In a Lifetime


Once in a lifetime, Chanyeol learns the true meaning of happiness and Baekhyun falls in love.

They both finally learn that they're meant for each other, but only after Kyungsoo agrees to marry Chanyeol.

"Life will never be perfect, but I know you were the only thing perfect in my life, Baekhyun" -Chanyeol

"It took me a long time to realize this, but true love only come once in a lifetime Chanyeol. And you were mine" - Baekhyun



                                                                      POSTER MADE BY iRawrxXxLove!!!!!!!!!!!! FROM COFFTEA SHOP

                                                                      This is the second poster she made for me! I LOVE HER. SO MUCH!!!

                                                                                       THIS POSTER IS BEYOND BEAUTIFUL!!!!



                                                            "Once in a lifetime, you will meet someone who changes everything"                      

                                                                                "A love like ours happens once in a lifetime"



oial- new update


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oh my god this story is so interesting! i hope you'll update soon! fighting!
faithlane #2
Chapter 5: Hi author-nim, maybe you can draft the story line in a piece of paper and later you turn that into words? Writer's blocked can hit hard sometimes, but don't give up. Anytime when an idea comes up or appear, maybe u can just jot it down first? You can always use words document to write, when u feel satisfied with it, you copy it here in AFF? I just honestly think if you can think this through, this can make a very interesting story. The character can be expend, if it's too hard to put all pairing together, then make one or two couples as your main character and the rest is just to compliment the story lines. I dunno, i'm not a writer myself, but I've read so many fanfics and stays with AFF for a very long time. Try to have fun in writing author-nim. You don't need to create too complicated story lines, go easy on the conflicts and maybe focus on the emotion part, feelings can change - realization can come too late but there is hope some where in between. I'm not sure if this helps, but maybe u can consider to take a little break and think through all this? If it helps that will be good for you. Anyway - good luck author nim. Don't feel to bad and sad... little step makes a mile stones rite? Take it easy ya, we will support you all the way!
Chaniphi #3
Chapter 4: finally . . . thank you author-nim for this update :)
feel bad bcause Kyungsoo reject Chanyeol's proposal, but thats for a better future /yay Chanbaek and Kaisoo on the way/
Thanushika #4
Chapter 4: Wait I'm confused.. Why is there a "I love u I love u I love you chanyeol " at da end? Didn't kyungie say dat he can't marry chanyeol?
Chaniphi #5
Chapter 3: Omg, I really need an update . . . where are you author-nim??
Thanushika #6
Chapter 3: Omg I can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
It's killing me
Lulyhan #7
Chapter 2: can't wait ! :))
Chapter 2: Can't wait for more updates. Fighting! ^^
Frozenxiumin #9
Nice story^^
im a terrible, terrible person to still ship bAEKYEOL WOOP WOOP LMFAO.