

The clock beeps angrily from its place on Jimin's bedside and he slaps a hand down on it, sitting still for a few minutes before fumbling around until he manages to shut off his alarm. Sleep-weary brown eyes squint at the red numbers on the clock until Jimin manages to make sense of them and jolts out of bed. 


He scrambles to get shoes on for a moment before deciding to forego it and sprinting out the door. 

And he runs.

Jimin runs until his feet are burning from the pavement, then runs some more until he hits the sand. He curses himself inwardly for almost being too late. The sun is beginning its descent as he's settling down onto a rock, knees providing support for his arms as he cushions his face in his hands. 

Every day, without fail, Jimin comes to watch the sunset. He watches it because it reminds him of bright eyes, soft smiles and burning kisses that left his head spinning and his heart fluttering. He watches it because it reminds him of Yoongi. Beautiful, kind, perfect Yoongi. He can't help the smile tugging at his lips as thoughts of his hyung flood his mind. 

When Yoongi had gone off to college almost a year ago- Jimin marked the days off on a calendar- he'd comforted a crying Jimin by telling him that even if they weren't going to be together, to watch the sunset with him every day, because when he'd be going to sleep Yoongi would be getting up and they'd start and end their days with good thoughts. Yoongi had wiped away countless tears in the moments before his flight left (he'd made fun of Jimin for crying more than Yoongi's own mother) promising to write to him and to skype him often too. Swearing up and down that they wouldn't lose touch. 

They still talk, they do. 

Well. Yoongi talks. Yoongi talks about his life in America, about the amazing people he's met and about the music he's making. Jimin's heart swells every time Yoongi smiles, when he gets excited over his day. Jimin is excited for him too. He's excited because his hyung deserves the world. He deserves the opportunity and blessing that is such a good education, he deserves fantastic new friends.

He deserves to be able to start forgetting Jimin, too. He deserves to be able to forget without worry because Jimin is still a kid in high school and Yoongi has the world at his fingertips.

Some nights he lays awake and wonders about what could have been. Maybe, if he'd said 'I love you' a couple more times. If he'd been born sooner. If he'd been smart enough or interesting enough, maybe, maybe somehow Yoongi wouldn't have left. 

Wouldn't have left without Jimin.

He knows better than to let himself be too miserable over it. Even over Skype, Yoongi can tell when Jimin's upset. That makes Jimin's heart soar even when it feels like it's stuck in his throat or at the bottom of his stomach. Yoongi asks him, sometimes, for relationship advise. Should he ask whatever guy for his number? Is he being stupid? And Jimin will laugh and say yes to both, because he wants Yoongi to be happy. 

He wonders if Yoongi ever thought of them as a serious thing. They never put a label on whatever it was that they had. It was always lazy kisses, easygoing dates and heated nights, but never official. Jimin knew he was always obvious, though. 

Yoongi meant the world and more to him- still does, as much as it hurts to admit some days when he's crying into Jungkook or Hoseok's shoulder- and it showed in everything he did. Jimin doted on his hyung even when he couldn't afford it and ended up borrowing money from others. The soft look Yoongi gave him, like he was the only person there, made it worth it. 

The sunset gives off the same feeling. Whether he's alone like tonight, or the beach has couples or best friends or lovers strolling along its shore. 

He wonders if he could still pick out Yoongi's footprints from the others worn away by the water. 

He wonders until he's about to pass out from lack of sleep. He wonders until a concerned voice tells him to forget already, to give it up. 

Jimin's smile doesn't falter when he thinks about this anymore, but the tears fall just as hotly as they always do. He'll press a finger to his lips and close his eyes, remembering the feeling of his hyung's lips on his own. 

He could never forget, even if he allowed Yoongi to. 

The sunset reminds him every night of what he longs to be able to take home with him. What he wishes so desperately to touch, to see face to face again. 

He misses Yoongi so much he can feel it. He feels the hurt radiate from the tips of his toes to his heart where it gnaws and eats a Yoongi-shaped hole. No matter how many people his friends try to set him up with. No matter how many times Yoongi tells him that he 'really needs to go get laid or something', nothing compares. 

Park Jimin is 18 and convinced he met his soulmate. 

Convinced he let him slip through his fingertips. 

Convinced that he'll never be more sorry for anything in his life, or more grateful.

He can whisper, yell, cry and laugh to the sunset freely. And every time he does, the words are always the same. 

"Min Yoongi. Good night." 

And then, more to himself than to the sky or to the waves that he swears he can hear that gorgeous voice in.

"I love you. I'm sorry." 

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iamnoone #1
Chapter 1: i need a sequel to thisㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠjiminahhhㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
daddy-jjong #2
Chapter 1: This is the second time (maybe third) time that I have read this. It still sad, and still beautiful. But since Sunset Glow is my favorite song, I can't help being a repeat offender.
Mamfaclare #4
Chapter 1: That was beautiful! I loved the style of writing and dammit yoongi love that precious boy back and bake him some cookies ffs
Taoris95 #5
Chapter 1: I cried. What have you done to me?! I can't remember the last time I cried over a story...this is proof you're amazing. I should really invest in a thesaurus...I keep using the same words...gosh, now I'm sad I read everything! *sobs more*
I could really feel Jimin's emotions, how much he missed Yoongi and found comfort in the sunset. And when he mentioned looking for Yoongi's footprints *cries*
Chapter 1: this was written so wonderfully, i could feel how jimin was feeling and it really hurt ;; thank you for writing such an amazing oneshot, it was beautiful <3
HaneulD #7
Even though it's the first chapter but damn I'm already in love with it, you're fics are simply perfect.
minsyubssi #8
Chapter 1: I'm seriously in love with your fics.. you get yourself one more fan hehe.. please keep writing yoonmin.. I love this fic it made me tear up..