
Most Wanted
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Tao landed on the mat with a thud.

"Amazing," Bruce Khan muttered, "You didn't stand a chance, Tao. Who taught you how to fight?" He turned to me.

"I've had various instructors." I shrugged, "It was mostly for self-defense."

I glanced at the other boys who were staring at me slack jawed from their seats on the floor, "What?"

"Awesome," Baekhyun murmured, and a few others regained their senses enough to nod in agreement.

We left the gym about an hour later, exhausted and starving.

"I want noodles," I stated, draping my towel around my neck and enjoying the way the late afternoon breeze cooled down my overworked muscles while the setting sun drenched the world in red and orange and kept me warm enough to be able to walk around in my short sleeved t-shirt.

"Noodles it is," Chanyeol replied, making a move to put his arm over my shoulder.

"Ew, don't," I flinched, "You're all sweaty." 

"You're sweaty, too!" He exclaimed.

"So why would you even want to touch me?" I grimaced.

"I always want to touch you!" He said, before realizing what he had just implied.

I stopped in my tracks just to give him a look that said get away from me you sick ert.

"No!" He yelled, "No, no, no! I didn't mean it that way!"

"ert," I murmured, and pointedly walked a few meters away from him.

"Hana!" He protested when, as he came towards me, I moved away.

He tried again and soon it turned into a full blown game of tag.

"Yixing!" I latched onto Lay, positioning him as a shield before me and Chanyeol, "That creep is harassing me," I whined.

At my words, the other nine boys turned around, looking worried and, frankly, a bit aggressive. 

"No," Chanyeol put his hands up, "I'm not-."

He was cut off by by Lay, who shook his head, "I can't believe you, trying to corrupt an innocent girl."

"Chanyeol," Tao cracked his knuckles, "You have a lot of explaining to do."

"No!" The alleged byuntae defended himself, "I did'nt do anything."

"He said," I put on an embarassed, albeit traumatized, face, "He wanted to touch me." I whispered the last part.

I held in my laughter at the outraged cries that rang out and stuck my tongue

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PrincessSisi #1
Chapter 44: So I randomly found this story and a am quite disappointed at how it is not super popular! It is well written with a creative story line and a nice ending. Congrats on finishing it. I look forward to looking into some of your other stories!
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 13: Hoo,living with exo boys,who doesnt want ^3^♥
philipo #3
I am so exited to start reading this story..... I feel like such a stalker, I always comment in your stories. I love all of your works. Philipo loves you
Macala #4
O.o I LOVE THIS STORY! Wow, the plot is amazing and the end is also awesome, just, thank you... Keep writing, author-nim, pleaseee
Chapter 44: Ah I'm happy to be able to read this story. This isn't like any other stories, the plot is good and I like it eventhough it focuses on Hana most, not EXO as a boyband but really, it's fresh and I'm waiting for your other stories!
Chapter 44: I love your happy ending ~ don't worry I would support your other story too
Good job author-nim - Yuki
Chapter 41: oh ~ I love this story & I'm looking forward for next update - Yuki
pinkypn #8
Chapter 41: Did she kill Laura? The did she kill the drain men when the police us there already, they coils have just arrested him.how did she even get away when the police was there, shouldn't they have the building surrounded
am_exogalaxyforever #9
Chapter 40: I love the poster....and the plot is just daebak!!!!
pinkypn #10
Chapter 38: I finally caught up and I'm filled with .questions. If she had the tendencies to always get kidnapped or into some kind of trouble why doesn't her benefactor keep a better eye in her? If she knew this always happen, shouldn't she be more aware of her surroundings? What is the point of the game? so far the way i see it, Kai seems to be interested in her and she might be interested in him