Triple S


"Didn't your mother taught you never to play with fire? Because when you play with fire, you are bound to get burned."



Joo Eun didn't attend a normal school. She attended the Seoul School for the Superhuman (triple S), also known as the school for freaks. This was where society would put the ones that stood out from the rest, the ones that they were too afraid of. So they would shove them all in a bording school, miles from the city center (but still inside it). The school grounds were kept secret, to protect both students and the public. 


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Misstwilightfan1416 #1
Chapter 8: I wonder if they will all fall for her or just one? I wonder what there mission is? Thanks 4 the update^^
Misstwilightfan1416 #2
Chapter 6: WOW the first encounter with Kris and Chanyeol ^^ Thanks for Updating :) Was wondering when you were going to update again.