A Spark of Life

            Jongin’s life was a drag. There was nothing special. Everyday consisted of the same routine – go to school, go to dance practice, do homework, and repeat. There was no variety aside from the occasional party that he would be dragged to courtesy of Oh Sehun. Other than that, it would be rare for him to step outside of the routine he was stuck in. Being with the same group of people, doing the same mundane things… he was living for the sake of living. Everything seemed pointless. The only thing he truly enjoyed was dancing. Dancing allowed him to convey a multitude of emotions and scenarios that normally didn’t occur to him. He felt so adventurous when he danced, like he was experiencing a whole new life. He just felt vigorous and alive when he danced, the only time he felt alive… that was until he stumbled upon a little cutie one day.

            Baekhyun… that was his name, Byun Baekhyun. He came across the boy one day when his best friend, Kyungsoo, insisted on trying out a new bakery that recently opened on the other side of town. Together, they rode the bus and made their way to the place, filling the tranquil bakery with their boisterous laughter. While Kyungsoo was having the most difficult time deciding which baked good to choose, Jongin quickly found his favorite and grabbed it, also ordering an iced Americano upon arriving at the cash register. Behind him, he could hear someone frantically repeating, “No. No. No. This can’t be happening” and turned to find a very distressed boy. Though completely hysterical, he looked as cute as ever ruffling his hair in frustration and stomping his feet a bit. He quickly ran to the register, pushing pass Jongin, and asked the cashier is there was any mocha bread left. His face dropped immediately when he was replied with, “We already made the last batch so if there’s none out then it must be all gone. I apologize, sir.”

He let out a dejected sigh and pulled out his phone. After pressing a few buttons and waiting several seconds, he began speaking, “Minseokkie, there’s no more mocha bread at the bakery. Hyung is sorry… I know it’s your favorite, but… I know it’s my fault, if only I got here sooner… Ah, Minseok! Don’t cry! No, no, no! Hyung’s sorry! Tomorrow I’ll buy you two to make up for today… Are you okay? Fine, I’ll see you when I get home. Love you.”

            He ended the call with another sigh and trudged to the door. Before he made it to the exit, a hand stopped him. There stood Jongin as shy as ever, looking down at the ground and scratching the nonexistent itch on his nape. His other hand slowly reached up to Baekhyun’s line of vision to reveal a mocha bread wrapped inside of a takeout bag. “I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation, sorry about that,” he began. “I guess I have the last one. Uh, you should take it… I’m sure your brother would enjoy it much more than I would.”

            Baekhyun let out a gasp as his eyes widened at the offer. “I couldn’t, I really couldn’t. Please, don’t worry about my little brother.”

            “But I insist. Don’t worry about it.”

            “Are you sure about this?”

            Jongin simply nodded in response, his hair bouncing slightly with the action. Baekhyun gladly accepted, flashing his cute, yet oddly rectangular, smile and reached for his wallet. However, he was stopped once again by the other.

            “I said don’t worry about it!” he said as he walked back to Kyungsoo, who was oblivious to the situation due to the fact that he still hadn’t chosen a pastry.

            Baekhyun vaguely heard Kyungsoo questioning, “Why did you only get a drink, Jongin?”

            He walked out with a triumphant smirk gracing his face. What kind Jonginnie didn’t know was that there was no Minseok; he was an only child. Baekhyun just really wanted to get his mocha bread fix and he knew very well how to manipulate people to get what he wanted. He continued to stroll down the street, tearing pieces of bread to eat, humming a happy little tune.


Author's Note:

This is just a short little chapter I wrote during my online class because I really didn't want to do any work after two hours, haha.

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