Escape 1


When I opened the door the girl who claimed to be a Guardian is leisurely seated on my sofa bed. I think, atleast, I deserve some respect. I mean she is practically a stranger. She should atleast wait for my invitation for her to sit down. And as if mocking me, she spoke and asked me to join her. Just a reminder, this is my house and yet I felt like I'm the outsider. Despite that I sat beside her because the ring I am wearing feels like it suddenly weighed heavier. Which is bothering to be honest. Some bizarre and unexplainable feeling is starting to rise up in me. Like I'm excited for something I have no idea about.

"First things first. Drink this. It will make you invisible, your light that is. It can buy you a day or two til you get the swing of the game. Though I don't know how long til your power eats the charm up."

She handed me a small vile with an eew looking liquid inside it. I just looked at her and she looked back expectantly. She doesn't think I'll drink this just like that right? This could be a polyjuice potion for all I know. I don't want to turn into a cat or something.

"You should take me seriously, you know. Your life is on the line. Just saying." She shrugged her shoulder like it is an everyday topic.

"Don't you think I atleast have the right to know who you are, what are you doing here and what the are you talking about? You appeared out of thin air and the mind-boggling appearance of the guy a while ago who just jumped, flew, whatever. I don't know. You're Bom, right? Care to tell me what the hell is this?"

She straightened up a bit and grabbed my hand with the ring. She inspected it for a while before speaking again.

"I don't know how you got this but wearing a cursed ring is your official registration to the most senseless game ever. And not to mention you got the Millenium Chain. So in plain language, you wearing this ring means you are now an official participant of 'The Royal Death Trap'. "

She paused as if waiting for me to gasped or something because of her revelation. I still don't know what she is talking about. The royal what??? Sensing that she won't get any response from me she started speaking again.

"The Royal Death Trap is a legendary treasure hunting game dating back to I-cant-remember-anymore year. The main objective of the game is to survive while looking for the supposed 'treasure'. The early centuries of the game had been fair and in a way less dangerous. The rumor that broke out decades ago turned the TRDT into a merciless killing game. But rest assured, new Runners like you are not gonna be a target anytime soon. The Dark Chasers ought to hunt players who have a high inventory value and yours is practically empty right now. From time to time though, regular Chasers like the guy a while ago shows up to 'bully' the new Runners. Well for the very least, they still abide on rules. They are better than running into some Dark Chaser. You can easily tell a Dark from a regular Chaser by the light their ring is emitting. The hue is always a shade darker. You can also tell by plain instinct. They smell different than the rest of us. Hey, are you still listening?"

She slightly nudged me because I'm slowly dozing off due to information overload. My cute brain can only take as much. She sighed and look pitifully at me.

"To cut the story short, drink this and use your invisible time adjusting and look for the Messenger. I'll be your resident Guardian. Just call me Bom. Dara, just trust me on this. I wouldn't ask this far but you kinda smell different so I am intrigued. Just drink it. It's for your own welfare."

I didn't know what has gotten into me but I grabbed the small bottle and drank its content. The 'excited' feeling a while ago suddenly subsided. Bom told me to sleep for now and that she'll brief me more in the morning. I slowly drifted to dreamland.


Ugh . What is that stinking smell? I am walking in an empty alleyway with no recollection on why I am in such dark place. I hate darkness. It feels like it is eating up the happiness around me. For me, darkness is the very breath of death. I always had my lights on, afraid that if I will be surrounded with blackness a portal will just pop out and swallow me and transport me to another dimension. *shiver shiver

Anyway, as I was saying, I can't remember how I got here. I won't ever go in such place, my conscious mind will just say no no. I looked around and notice the high buildings that was made of stone wall. It kinda feels like I am in a medieval period. I immediately search for light, even a small flashlight will be really really great but nothing. The moonlight is the only thing illumnating the whole place. I continued roaming the place when I heard murmurs that turned into playful laughs. I looked but found nothing but darkness. Ghost? Maybe. I am not particularly afraid of them. What makes them scary is that they show up in a dark place. If ghosts roam around at morning I think if I see one I will even befriend it. The playful laugh became sinister and it is fast becoming ear shattering. I lifted my hands to cover my ears when I noticed the ring on my finger. It is faintly emitting a light.

I remember buying this one afternoon. I was on my way home from the city library. I had a school project so I have no choice but to visit that always dimly lit room. I like bookstores though, especially those who sells secondhand books, despite the fact that they are brighter than a library, the smell of old rotting paper that welcomes you brings tranquility to me. An instant time travel. After being surrounded by recorded history books on the library the moment I saw the ring on the sidewalk stall I immediately got, uhm how to say? Mesmerized? Captivated. When I went closer to check it out it literally looks like it is screaming for me to buy it. Sure the ring looks nice and elegant but what made me buy it is when the moment my skin touched the cold metal, a nostalgic feeling struck me. It made me remember a feeling I cannot quite comprehend.


I saw a silhouette on the end of the alleyway. I called for it to asked where I am but he suddenly bolted into a run. I don't normally chase running strangers but because of my hopeless state right now I ran after him. I shouted to get his attention but he laughed maniacally. He must be the 'ghost' a while ago. It did crossed my mind to just leave him alone but I noticed that my ring is emitting a straight line of light directing towards him. After running past the buildings, we ended up in a coastline and he stopped and looked over the ocean. I stopped a few meters away from him. The moon that reflects on the water is beautiful, even beautiful than the moon itself. The man wearing tattered clothes broke me from my reverie when he spoke.

"I gave you a chance to go back. You didn't. I'm tired of wasted lives so I'm gonna ask you this. Are you prepared to give it your all?" He faced me and noticed something. He is too handsome for the tattered clothes.

"Yes." I answered slightly disoriented. It must be his face or what. I don't know. Wait. He was reffering to how I will get home, right? He smirked on my answer.

"In that case, I am of your service." He put his right hand above his chest and bowed slightly. He was wearing a ring as well and the straight light was connected to my ring. I stared at awe. What is he doing?

When he straightened up again he smiled and the next thing I know everything changed. The ocean, the coastline and the guy disappeared. I just found myself falling and saw endless below me.


I screamed and bolted up to sit. A dream. I am just dreaming. I don't know if my mind is just plain weird or what but I always have bizarre dreams. This one is no different. Sometimes I dreamt about being the avatar. I am totally a Katara when I made a sway on my hands and the water followed and danced on my will. There is this one time when the moon exploded into a small pieces and a new tiny moon appeared out of nowehere. Bizarre dreams are bizarre.

I peeled myself off the bed to get a glass of water. You just need a few strides to get to my little kitchen. I lived in a rooftop room. It is small but big enough for me. I've been living alone for years now. I was exiled on our home by my own mother. Pitiful me, I know I know.



While Sandara Park was asleep, I made rounds to assess this village registry. The records didn't say any specifically notable event that happened here except for some registers of Runners for the last century. This place's object site count isn't even impressive. Just a normal village. It was a surprised that the Millenium Chain chose to spawn again here after it's decades of 'hiding'. What happened to the last bearer? Maybe he died, releasing the ring from the two's binder. Actually not really hiding maybe the ring spirit was just waiting for the right bearer to come. Does that mean Dara is the one? Or she just have a really really bad luck?

The last ring bearer of the Milleniun Chain just disappeared. No one new what happened to him. He was one of the front liners on finishing this legendary game. It created a big fuss when they heard that he was gone. Everyone assumed that he's gone along with the Millenium Chain. No traced found. The appearance of the ring in this generation will surely spread like wildfire. I'm worried for the girl's life.

The potion I gave her last night is the strongest concentration I had. Hopefully, that was enough to masked her ring into just some ordinary cursed ring. She have to find necessary objects to protect her before the potion effect fades.

The object of my concern appeared on her doorway holding a glass of water. She went to the edge and put the glass into the stone railing. She inhaled deeply and stretched her body. She was enjoying the morning breeze while completely oblivious to my presence. She has to work on her Ranging Parameter.

"Morning." I greeted her. When she turned around her face was priceless. Besides the morning look her bulging eyes was really hilarious. I coughed to hide my chuckle. Realization dawned to her after a few minutes of staring at me.

"Bom." She acknowledged tiredly. She hasn't even joined the game but she's already stressed out. This is a lot of work, I guess.

"Prepare. I'm gonna show you around. We don't know how long your invisibilty will last but on normal circumstances a week is to be expected." I hopped off the railings and went near her.

"What do you mean show me around? Just so you know, I've got life before this. And I have plans for today." She answered while raising her eyebrow.

"Sure as hell you do not know the weight of the situation you are in. Cant phrase this any better but I hope this will sink in to you. Life or Death." Her eyes started mirroring her fears. Poor Dara.

"I am in deep , ain't I?"




The logical part of my brain is telling me to refuse everything Bom-related but my instinct says otherwise. If what she is telling is the truth then I have to be prepared for this game. Ugh. This is so annoying. How did I involved myself in such situation? Oh right! The reason is situated in front of me. Bom asked me to show her the stall where I bought the damn ring she calls Millenium Chain. It is not even a chain! The design is just like a twisted knot. Anyway, here we are. Bom is inspecting the other accessories the vendor is selling while I watch her idiocy. She gasped whenever she sees odd looking designs. Gleefully announcing it was her first time seeing something like that. I am pretty sure her initial intentions were already fulfilled so I dragged her away from the place. We ended up in a park and we sat on the side of the fountain.

"I thought you're gonna SHOW ME AROUND." I said hoping she'll come to her senses now.

"I am sorry. It was just such a delight to be able to roam freely again. You see, it's been a decade since I did Guardian duties. I can't cross human realm unless I have an official business."

"I am starting to accept that I am in an extra ordinary situation right now. So just please tell me the detailed about this ." I faced her directly, bracing myself to whatever I am about to know.

"As you wish. We're gonna do it from the top. My name is Bom, a Guardian of The Royal Death Trap. A game wherein you have to find a certain treasure while staying alive. The ring you are wearing is the reason why you became an official participant. I bet you had a connection when you touched it."

As a matter fact, I did. I continued listening to the that is coming out of .

"Cursed ring only shows up to a worthy bearer."

"Cursed? How are they cursed?" I asked. Genuinely curious.

"It is because they are inhabited by a spirit that is said to be the 'children' of the creator of TRDT. They choose their bearer. You received a phone call when you wore the ring, right? She announced that you are a Runner. There are three types of player classifications. The first is Runner, second is Chaser and the last is Prisoner. You're classification varies on you inventory details. You collect precious items to climbed the ranks."

"Items?" This is more bizarre than I actually thought. What is this a video game?

"You can collect certain items to obtain certain privelege. Try removing the ring." I did what she said but I can't remove it.

"You can only remove it if you have the necessary item. There are a lot more items that have useful use. If the masking potion you drank last night losses it's effectivity, you can look for a certain flower that lets you disguise as the lowest level of a Runner. Which is where you are currently at. A newbie. That will be our agenda for the whole time you are 'invisible'. Gather Tamperias (the flower), avoid any Chasers and find a Messenger."

She paused for a while to give me some space. Which I think I badly need but I guess it's not the right time. I'll just go crazy later after she's done telling everything. Better to just let out everything in one go.

"Prisoners are elusive. You won't have a problem with them just yet. Our main concern are the Chasers. Dark Chasers are not simply interested in newbies unless you obtain an object with a high value. Regulars Chasers are who we have to prepare ourselves to. They tend to cast spell on new Runners to keep track on them all the time. There are non-playing personnels too. Like me. There are Guardians, Messenger, Binder, Broker and more which you'll know as you go. The Guardians are the one who explains The Royal Death Trap. The Messengers are the one who is relaying everything to the players. The Binders are the one you need if you think of joining an alliance group. The Brokers are the one you need if you'll compete on the front lines, first on the information is everything in here. But you have to be very careful when transacting with a Broker. Some of them works for Dark Chasers. I think you'll be fine for now. You'll learn more as you go. Let's go. I'll show you how things work on the game."

I wasn't able to reply on her statement because the next thing I know we are flying. Let me repeat. FLYING. OHHHH MY ING GOOOOOshhh. Breathe. We dont have a wing or what. We are floating high in the sky!

"We are not flying. This is just an illusion. I am just gonna show you how players interact."

There goes my happy bubble. Tss. Bummer.

"You see that tree with yellowish leaves?" Bom pointed at my far right and saw a tree near a commercial building. I nodded on her question.

"Remember how they look like. They are your safe space. Other players can't touch when you are within the tree's safe orbit."

The scene before me drastically changed. We are now at the top of a school yard. A man was leaning on the flower box seemingly reaching for something.

"That one is a Runner. You'll instantly know if one is a Runner or Chaser. He's gathering Tamperia. But for you to see other player's inventory details, you have to find an item then after that an application will show on your phone. You need to obtain that one fast. As I said, information is everything."

The scene before me changed again but we are no longer flying. We are in a deadend corner. I asked her where we are but she shushed me.

"I am asking you nicely. Give everything or I will kill you."

I bolted my head to the sound and saw three people surrounding another one. Two guys and a girl is towering over a whimpering guy. A faced Bom and she smiled bitterly. The scene was changed again and we are now back to the fountain.

"Exploitation. It is forbidden to take objects from another player unless you use a legal item. They threaten the victim so that he'll 'drop' the items. In that way, the game's Knights won't be alerted since they did not technically take an object forcibly."

"Wait. You are my resident Guardian, right? So that means that guy has a Guardian too. Can't you help in that kind of situation?" I asked, ridiculed by the idea.

"We can't. It is beyond our limitations. We can't meddle on the business between player interactions. After you fully grasp the concept of the game, I will just disappear. You can only call me back if, like the other game requirement, you have the necessary item."

"No. That can't be! You can't just leave me hanging. That is so unfair. Tell me you are lying." To be honest I am scared right now.

"Game rules." She simply said.

My mind is working in full speed drafting some emergency plans if Bom will really disappear. I came to a realization on how cruel this game is. I have to be smart and wise. I can't trust anyone. Bom said trust my instincts. I exhaled audibly. What have I gotten myself into? I heard Bom speaking low. I looked at her and horror strucked me.

This can't be.



"Dara what did you just thought a while ago? Gosh! I haven't told you everything! Why am I disappearing?" She asked more to herself. She was fast 'fading'.

"Hey! What's happening? You are not going, right?!" I was standing infront of her trying to think of some ways to un-realized what I realized. She can't go yet!

"We can't undo this. Look for any item that bears a value above the average spirit capacity. The value you need is equals to five Tamperias. The common Guardian summon item is an old book."

She instructed me with urgency. I don't know what to do!

"How will I know it is the right book?" Bom looks like a mirage infront me.

"Instinct. Be very careful, Dara. May the Ruler guide you." Just then she suddenly disappeared like a smoke.



Comeback. I can't do this alone!





Just then I saw the guy-with-thick-clothes last night approaching me. HOLY ING .






A/N: thoughts are very much welcome. wishing you a nice day coz im having a bad one T.T *wink

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tntmorales #1
Update plsss