Leave Him Be

I Hate Discrimination (Side Story! To RED SILK)

HanGeng and Henry walk inside the school gates and he sees a group hovering in the corner behind the gates. "What's going on over there...?" HanGeng whispers to himself.

"Geng Ge... The people over there look mad..." Henry says as he stands behind HanGeng clutching the elder males shirt.

HanGeng hears laughter and the group shifted a little bit and he saw a small red haired boy whimpering and... crying.. "Henry-ah.. you stay here.. Don't move. Stay here and don't you dare come after me got that?" Henry looks at HanGeng wide eyed trying to figure out what he was going to do; but just nodded.

"Good." HanGeng says and dropped his bag next to Henry and dashed towards the group of students. "HEY! What the hell are you doing with him?" HanGeng said in Korean. He had been taught Korean for three months by the teacher in order to stay in Korea and be able to communicate.

"Who the hell are you? And what the hell kind of an accent is that? Sounds stupid..." One of the boys said and the other members of the mob laughed along with him.

"Stupid? What's stupid is being able to talk instead of trying to face me. Don't you Koreans follow the rules here? You aren't supposed to be fighting or bullying anyone in school.. It's against the rules.." HanGeng hissed at the males. HanGeng say the red headed boy bleeding in his mouth and crying.. He was scared.. "Leave him alone.. You have no right to abuse anyone that way..."

"My ! I don't give a what a foreigner would say. And how dare you try to make us sound like thugs!" The other boy shouted.

"Well... By definition of thugs ... are people who are complete jerks to others and gang up on someone who is defenseless and beats the hell out of them.." HanGeng snapped. "What has this kid done to you? To me it looks like you are trying to make yourselves the victims here.. but you do know that the scene that I'm seeing right now.. tells me that he's the victim.. not you.."

"you don't know !" The boy shouted. "Get the hell out of here or we'll beat your ! You have no business in here. We just don't like this kid. His smile is so ugly it makes our school disgraceful! We are supposed to have handsome and beautiful here not creatures!"

"They only thing that I find ugly here is the fact that you guys are ganging up on a smaller male.." HanGeng steps forward. "Please... just leave now and no one will get hurt.."

"Shut the up! You're the one who needs to leave! and If you don't YOU are the one who's going to get hurt." The boys shouted.

HanGeng stepped closer, please.. just leave.. I hate fighting.. He hoped it would tell the group off but they only stepped closer to him.  Damn...

The first boy ran up to HanGeng and puched him in the face. HanGEng stumbles backwards but quickly regains his balance. "Damn.." he mumbles as he wipes the blood off his lips. The next boy comes up from behind him and tries to grab onto his neck into a chokehold but HanGeng quickly grabs his arm and throws the boy of the floor leaving the boy breathless.

The next boy comes up straight for HanGeng and throws a puch at HanGeng. HanGeng quickly grabs his hand and twists it. "Ow! !" HanGeng hits a spot on the boys legs and arms. "What the hell--?"

"GENG! WATCH OUT!" HanGeng heard Henry cry out and he quickly turns around to see the last boy with a pipe in his hands running towards him. HanGeng quickly bent down and kicked the male's face as he hovered over him.

HanGeng gets up and brushes himself off.. "Idiots.. they should know they should find out whether or not their opponent is trained in martial arts..." HanGeng scoffs.

"what the hell did you do to me? I can't feel my legs and arms!" The second boy who attacked him said.

"Its asleep.. You will regain control soon in about an hour or so..." HanGeng says as he walked towards the red headed boy had been wide eyed at the scene. "Are you okay...? hey... You're safe don't worry.. Hyung will take care of you..." HanGeng streches a hand for the red headed boy.

"th--" The red haired boy was cut off by a loud whistle.

"Hankyung-sshi! How could you?! Its your first day! I'm sorry but we are to report this to your school in your homeland and contact your mother.. Please follow me..." It was the principle. He looked in disbelief at HanGeng who only lowered his head and nodded.

"B-But! NO! HanGeng didn't do anything wrong! Those guys were beating that red haired boy up! That's not fair!" Henry cried and the principle looked at HanGeng who was looking at Henry ; telling him not to worry.

"I'll send the gaurds over to pick those three up and we will be contacting their homes. Henry-ah.. go to class. and you." the principle pointed at the red haired. "I will be sending someone from the infirmary to help you. Let's go Hankyung-sshi.." HanGeng nods and follows the teacher.

The red haired boy watches as the Chinese male who saved him passed by him.  The nurse from the infirmary comes to help the red haired boy and he mutters, "Thank you...." The nurse nods and says you're welcome in return.. But the red haired boy shook his head.. he wasn't thanking her.. He was thanking.. HanGeng..

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Geng is so sweet, and such a dork "Let's get down to learning". I mean seriously :D
Hangeng is EunHyuk's hero...that was cute...thank you for this side story...
wongeng_ai #3
I'm a SiHan shipper,though I liked this side story :D<br />
<br />
Can't wait updates from the main story :3<br />
followurdestiny #4
ahwww... cute, endearing, though poor Hyukkie will he ever have a chance to be more than a friend/brother to Geng?<br />
i like this story.....i can't wait for ur story...<br />