Chapter 08

Sing With Me


I was pacing down the hallways, ignoring the fact that people were trying to talk to me. My attention to all things spaced out as the only thing that flashed in my head was the day that incident took place. Before the tears could spill, I darted into the stage room, which was empty. I checked my watch and sat down,”I still have 45 minutes until class..” The incident continued replaying over and over again in my mind which was obviously driving me crazy. Tears began slipping down my face ragingly as I clutched onto my head, trying to get that scene to stop. The tears continued falling like a river that was endless. Before I could let out a loud sob, something, or rather someone, lifted my chin up to face him. I was then face to face with Sungyeol. He was looking at me with sympathy written all over his eyes,”It’s okay to cry sometimes, you know that, right?” At his words, I began sobbing loudly with his hand still on my chin. He gently put his hand down and pulled me towards him where my face was buried in his shoulder. I squeezed his shirt as the drops continued falling onto his shirt as he soothingly ran his hand in my hair.
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My face was flaming red from the embarrassment as Sungyeol gently put the ice pack on my swollen eyes. He chuckled,”Dang, girl. You sure know how to ruin a guy’s shirt.” I looked down to the shoulder of his shirt that was wet with my tears. “I already apologized like 50 times, Sungyeol!”,I pouted and crossed my arms. “You over-exaggerate a lot, too.”,he stuck his tounge out. “Whatever, like you don’t!”,I made a face. “True.”,he shrugged and continued putting the ice on my eyes,”I already told L to cover for us, so we don’t really have to go to class. Wanna go somewhere else?” I stared at him with one eye because the other eye was covered with the ice. He switched and put the ice pack on the other eye,”Just a suggestion.” “Sure. But, we have to go visit Sanghae first.”,I beamed up at him and grinned. “No problem.”,he grinned in return. After my eyes weren’t swollen anymore and he changed into a different shirt, we walked to the hospital.
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I punched in the digits of the password and the door automatically opened. “Unnie~”,I sang as we walked in. I expected to see Sanghae sitting on her bed with that happy smile of hers, but she was no where to be seen. The nurse came by and tilted her head at me,”Oh, miss Sangeun.” “Hello. Have you seen Sanghae?”,I bowed and asked. She nodded,”She’s somewhere around here. There was a boy she was walking with sort of. Well, the boy was just sick, but Sanghae... She was actually trying to walk with him. She had his arm around his neck and he was helping her.”,her eyes twinkled. “Really!?”,I gaped at her. The nurse nodded once more and blinked at Sungyeol,”Miss, may I ask, is this your boyfriend?” “B-Boyfriend?!”,I stuttered. “Nurse!”,a patient called and she waved,”Sorry, got to go! Good luck finding Sanghae, miss!” I shrugged it off and quickly interlaced my fingers through Sungyeol’s as I tugged on his arm,”Hurry! We need to find Sanghae!” “A-Ah! Right!”,he snapped out of his daze and we began searching the hospital for her. We finally spotted her walking down a hallway, talking to that boy. “Sanghae!”,I beamed and ran over with Sungyeol’s hand still in mine as we ran together. The boy and Sanghae stopped talking and they looked at us. The boy blinked at us as Sanghae smiled,”Hey.” “Who’s this?”,I blinked at the boy. “Jo Youngmin.”,Sanghae answered for him. The blonde-haired boy smiled at me and held his hand out,”Hi.” I slipped my hand into his,”Hi, I’m Sanghae’s sister, Sangeun.” “She talks about you a lot.”,Youngmin smiled at Sanghae. Sanghae blushed,”W-Whatever.” I was going to continued the conversation but Sungyeol was blinking in confusion. “Oh, right.”,I muttered and pulled Sungyeol over,”This is my friend Sungyeol!”,I beamed. “Hey, brother-in-law.”,Sanghae wiggled her eyebrows again. We all continued talking until a boy that looked like Youngmin came running towards the group,”Youngmin!”
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“Oh, Kwangmin.”,Youngmin blinked at him. I looked between the two and finally noticed, they’re TWINS. “ASDFGHJKL YOU’RE TWINS.”,I spazzed. Sungyeol suddenly got a text, saying he had to go to practice. “Sorry, I have to go. See you tomorrow, Sangeun. Bye, Sanghae and Youngmin.”,he waved and left. “Oh, right. This is my twin, Kwangmin.”,Youngmin proudly pointed at Kwangmin. “Hi, nice to meet you.”,Kwangmin smiled and held his hand out to me. I slipped my hand into his and shook it,”I’m Sangeun. Nice to meet you too.” “Er, sorry, but can we go into my room? My foot’s starting to hurt.”,Sanghae pouted and we walked to her room.
OH YES, 4 CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY. :D Feels so accomplished(: ASDFGHJKL THE JO TWINS HAVE CREATED THEIR APPEARANCE. Who's watched Boyfriend's new MV? Sorry, sorta in a hardcore fangirl stage right now LOL.(:
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great job!
Thanksforreading #2
Are you going to update? Plz! I love Sungyeol so much!
@kpopmew LOL i know right! Haha, I bet Woohyun would totally fall for them! 8D And her dad IS jacked up! D:
What the heck? LOL I didn't know they liked cheesy pick up lines xD Shall we all use some on them, then? ;3 haha jk.<br />
Thanks for the update! But what the heck is wrong with her dad!? TT.TT That is so horrible. I'd rather be disowned by a dad like that than have to move so far away.
misskayfresh #5
I squealed in every single chapter, your story is so cute!
Bahaha they got punished for skipping xD and apparently they didn't learn their lesson, so they skipped again =.= lol<br />
Awww how cute :3 Youngmin and Kwangmin visit Sanghae xP haha ^^
@eLiSey hah yeah, I was in the middle of finishing Dream High while writing the chapter :P<br />
@kpopmew LOL ikr! That's just how Infinite rolls! Ditching class while practicing! LOL. :P
Glad the relationship isn't in danger ^^ They must be a strong couple if it took barely any effort to keep it safe.<br />
also, lol at the whole time schedule thing. They didn't give her any say in it AND it uses up all school time xD
eLiSey #9
Dream High<3 update soon~~
@kpopmew LOL yaaay! The relationship isn't in danger after all!~ 8D <br />
&&' I agree, those 4 groups are the hardest to choose from. LOL. XD