Chapter 10

Sing With Me


The light shone in through the curtains as I began turning in my sleep. I blinked myself awake and sat up, ruffling my bed hair. I looked to my right and blinked at a sleeping Sungyeol, and then I finally remembered what happened yesterday. I giggled slightly at his sleeping figure and stood up to get ready. I grabbed my outfit of the day and went to shower. After I showered, brushed my teeth, and did my hair, I walked out of the bathroom to find Sungyeol still asleep in the bed. I went over and flicked his forehead. His eyebrows crunched together and his eyes opened as he blinked at me. “Wake up.”,I chided. He sat up and ruffled his hair as he finally remembered that he was sleeping in my room. “Yo, why are you so quiet in the morning?”,I poked his rib. He turned to me and blinked at me like a lost kid. “Don’t tell me you forgot who I am.”,I frowned. He grinned and pulled me into his lap,”How can I?” “Oh now you talk, huh?”,I teased. “Oh whatever.”,he stood up and looked around,”Err can I use your bathroom?” “Sure. I set out a pair of clothes, towel, and toothbrush for you, too!~”,I sang as I skipped out of the room. “Oh, right. The bathroom’s down the hall.”,I pointed and walked downstairs as I began to make breakfast. I poured cereal with milk in our bowls and put a piece of toast and jelly on a plate. I sat down and began eating as he came down in an outfit I bought for him, jeans, a v-neck, and a cardigan. His hair was still wet and he was drying it with the towel around his shoulders. He sat down next to me,”Is this mine?” “No, it’s for my brother.”,I fibbed. “You have a brother?”,he gaped at me. “You really are a babo sometimes. No, I don’t have a brother. Yes, it’s yours.”,I said in a monotone voice. He began eating and we talked about stuff until we both finished. I put both our plates in the sink and I turned around only to find Sungyeol standing there with his hands in his pockets,”Who’s clothes are these? They fit me perfectly.” “Yours. I bought them for you.”,I shrugged and walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out two juice boxes. I slid one over to him and began drinking mine. “Huh? Why’d you buy them for me?”,he curiously asked as he stabbed his juice box with the straw. “It was supposed to be your Christmas present, but decided you needed it today.”,I shrugged. He nodded in understanding and blinked at my outfit. I was wearing shorts with a v-neck like his and a cardigan like his. He blinked between our outfits and finally spoke,”Are.. We wearing couple clothes?” “Matching clothes. Cute, huh?”,I beamed. I ran upstairs and grabbed both our backpacks and my violin as I went back downstairs. I handed him his backpack,”Here.” “Oh thanks.”,he flung it over his shoulders and I did the same. “Let’s go before we’re late for class.”,I grinned and laced his fingers through mine as we headed off to school.
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“HEY SUNGYEOL! WHERE-- OH MY GOSH.”,Woohyun screamed as we entered the gates of the school. The others began to ‘Oh My Gosh’ too when they saw us. “What?”,Sungyeol blinked at them, his hand still holding mine. L circled us,”Couple clothes, holding hands, are you two dating?” “One, they’re matching clothes. Two, we’re holding hands ‘cause we’re best friends, and no.”,I answered as I stuck my tounge out at them. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you two were a couple~”,Dongwoo sang. “Shut up.”,Sungyeol playfully punched his arm. The bell rang and we separated ways. “Bye, Sungyeol!”,I waved as I went to the stage room. After class, I headed to the cafeteria when a paper airplane flew in my path and landed right in front of me. I blinked at it before picking it up and reading it.
So, we’ve been best friends for like forever, right? I was wondering...
Do you wanna go out with me? Like, boyfriend and girlfriend wise. Just saying.(:
I blinked at it first before a smile spread across my face,*How blunt. It’s kind of cute.* I entered the cafeteria and grabbed my tray as I sat down with Sungyeol and the others. “So, what do you say to Sungyeol’s airplane?”,Hoya wiggled his eyebrows. “Huh, I’m not sure.”,I shrugged casually and began eating. “WHAT?!”,Sungjong gaped at me,”It should be yes!” “Well, I don’t know. I kind of like this other guy.”,I fibbed, looking at Sungyeol’s reaction. “WHAT!? Who?!”,Sungyeol asked. “Babo. I was just kidding.”,I stuck my tounge out at him. He sighed in relief but then asked,”So, is that a yes?” “Nope. I already have a boyfriend.”,I lied again. “HOW COME I NEVER KNEW THIS?!”,he pouted. “Kidding again.”,I laughed. “Seriously.”,Sunggyu shook his head. “Well my answer is yes, you impatient kid.”,I chuckled. “YAY!”,Sungyeol squealed and hugged me like a teddy bear. The lunch period wasn’t boring because Infinite kept the conversation going. The day ended and I packed my things, heading towards the hospital. “Where ya’ going?”,Sungyeol appeared out of no where and asked, his hands behind his head. I shrieked in surprise and held a hand of my chest,”Oh my gosh! Stop doing that!” “Sorry sorry. Anyway, you going to see Sanghae?”,he asked. I nodded,”Wanna come?” “Sureeee.”,he answered boredly.
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“You’re so mean sometimes!”,I shouted at Sungyeol as he pouted and flung his arm over my shoulders,”I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you!” Why is he apologizing? Well, earlier on the way here, there was a store we went into. I was looking at these headbands. I was showing him one, but he suddenly disappeared. I pouted, thinking that he abandoned me. But, when I was walking to the hospital, he grabbed me and pulled me into this abandoned alley, making me think he was a or something. “You didn’t mean to?! You obviously did!”,I shouted, wanting to cry. He abruptly stopped and looked at me face to face with his hands on my shoulders. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry. Forgive me please?”,he said with sincerity in his eyes. I sighed,”Fine. But if you do that again, you’re not getting off easy!” “Thank you! I love you!”,he squealed and kissed me. I kissed him back and when he pulled away, he laced his fingers through mine,”I promise I won’t do it again.” We walked into the hospital and went into Sanghae’s room. She was looking out the window with a faraway look on her face. “Unnie, what’s wrong?”,I blinked at her and she turned to me, smiling widely,”You came!” We sat down and talked to her for a while until we had to go. “I’ll visit again tomorrow, unnie!”,I promised. “Okay~ Take care!”,she waved and we left. Sungyeol walked me back to my house and smiled at me,”I’ll see you tomorrow.” “Okay.”,I mumbled. He held out his arms, wanting a hug. I hugged him like he wanted and he rubbed my hair,”Want me to pick you up tomorrow?” “No, I’m good. I’ll meet you at the school, though!”,I beamed up at him. “Independent as always, huh?”,he chuckled and pulled back. He kissed my forehead and waved,”Sleep well.” “You too.”,I smiled and went inside.
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great job!
Thanksforreading #2
Are you going to update? Plz! I love Sungyeol so much!
@kpopmew LOL i know right! Haha, I bet Woohyun would totally fall for them! 8D And her dad IS jacked up! D:
What the heck? LOL I didn't know they liked cheesy pick up lines xD Shall we all use some on them, then? ;3 haha jk.<br />
Thanks for the update! But what the heck is wrong with her dad!? TT.TT That is so horrible. I'd rather be disowned by a dad like that than have to move so far away.
misskayfresh #5
I squealed in every single chapter, your story is so cute!
Bahaha they got punished for skipping xD and apparently they didn't learn their lesson, so they skipped again =.= lol<br />
Awww how cute :3 Youngmin and Kwangmin visit Sanghae xP haha ^^
@eLiSey hah yeah, I was in the middle of finishing Dream High while writing the chapter :P<br />
@kpopmew LOL ikr! That's just how Infinite rolls! Ditching class while practicing! LOL. :P
Glad the relationship isn't in danger ^^ They must be a strong couple if it took barely any effort to keep it safe.<br />
also, lol at the whole time schedule thing. They didn't give her any say in it AND it uses up all school time xD
eLiSey #9
Dream High<3 update soon~~
@kpopmew LOL yaaay! The relationship isn't in danger after all!~ 8D <br />
&&' I agree, those 4 groups are the hardest to choose from. LOL. XD