Chapter nine

The bad boy in my school- A Park Jimin fanfic
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I stay a little while in his arms. They're so protective and warm. I feel like a baby, i feel sleepy...

"Bella, are you sleeping?" Jimin asks 

My name always comes perfectly out from his mouth. I don't respond. I pretend that i'm sleeping. I guess i'm just too tired. Then he suddenly stands up and lifts me up bridal style. He takes me up to my room where he puts me on my bed. He starts lightly kissing me begging on my mouth and down to my neck. Then he covers my body with a blanket. 

"Good night bae, i will always love you. Remember our star? It's still shining." He says and then walks out  

I love you too Jimin i want to say but instead I immediately fall asleep.

NEXT MORNING i wake up by a delicious and yummy smell. It's smells like Jimin is making breakfast for me. I walk out of my room and down to the yummy smell. I start remembering things from last night, i just wish everything was a dream. 

I walk to the kitchen and see Jimin standing there like a gentleman making pancakes. He sees me coming. 

"Good morning bae. Are you hungry?" He asks 

"Yes. It smells delicious" i say

He've made pancakes with jam and strawberries. I didn't even know we had strawberries. I sit down at the table and Jimin serves me. I take my first bite.

"I'm impressed, i thought you only could bowl water." I say completely honest and Jimin start laughing
"Look Bella, this is my kind of way to say sorry" he say

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michellehappy123 #1
Chapter 17: it's been two years! please update
unique_chim #2
Chapter 17: hope that you update soon :) I cant wait, loving the story between
N3na19 #3
good so far! can't wait to read more.
Chapter 17: update please.. owh~~~ it's killing me
Chapter 11: oh my~~ it can be like that~ T-T oh nooooo
mishyg21 #6
Chapter 17: Please update !!! I want them to be together happily !!
_jongdaeparkyeol #7
Chapter 17: omg please update , this is greattttt
Chapter 16: still blurry . . . *sigh* you better update hurry.. if not i will haunted you in your dream XDDD
Sha_Razhan #9
Chapter 15: daebak. love it.
MsLorainneWu #10
Please update soon! T^T