Everybody's Got Somebody... But Me...

                Myungsoo scowled. A few feet away from him, a couple was lip-locked and completely unaware of his presence. Their exchange of fluids was more or less grinding on Myungsoo’s nerves, so the raven purposely made as much noise as he could while packing up his things. It didn’t do much.
                With a huff, he finally left the semi-empty library with hopes of making it home. It proved to be difficult, though. It seemed like everywhere Myungsoo went a couple would pass by him. Holding hands, laughing, exchanging sweet words under the moonlit sky.
                It made Myungsoo sick, but at the same time, it made him extremely lonely.
                The boy stopped abruptly in front of a store that had once been a favorite. It was a small store, homely, filled with knick-knacks and decorations for the home. It had been their store. It was going to fill a home.
                Not anymore.
                Let it go.
Forcing his stiff body along, Myungsoo made it home, into a dark apartment that once had been filled with laughter and the smell of cooking. The smell of him. Now, all that was left in the air was the smell of an overwhelming freshener that Myungsoo hated and memories swirling all over the apartment.
                He walked past the couch where they slept whenever they had late night movies. Past the coffee table that Myungsoo had picked out because “I don’t want our cups on the carpet!” Past the hole in the wall that his lover had made on accident when trying to hang a painting.
                “There goes our security deposit,” Myungsoo had sighed, but the other had simply waved his hand and said he’d fix it.
                It never got fixed.
                The dining room light was the only light on for Myungsoo at the moment, and as he ate a cup of noodles, he rang up his friends.
                 “Sorry, Myung, I’m busy.”
                “I told you I had plans with Sungjong tonight.”
                “I have a date!”
                “Myungsoo, just man up and call him.”
                Myungsoo wanted to punch Sungkyu in the face for that and the silence on the other end made the elder realize it.
                “I know you don’t want to hear that, Myung, but… it’s what you need to hear. Just man up and call him. We’re tired of your moping and tired of picking him up from the bar. That was your job.” Myungsoo couldn’t help but laugh. He had never been a good drinker…
                “If you think he won’t pick up, you’re wrong. He’s my best friend, Myungsoo. Trust me on this. Just call him.” The dial-tone followed Sungkyu’s mini speech and Myungsoo silently cursed his friend for being so perceptive. However, that didn’t stop him from dialing the number he knew by heart.
                One ring.
                Two rings.
                Myungsoo was about to hang up when there was a click and a voice. But… not… his voice…
                “Hello?” The voice was heavy and hard and not his in the least so Myungsoo hung up.


                “What did he do, Sungkyu?”      
                “How should I know!?”
                Myungsoo could hear their whispers, but it didn’t matter. All that mattered was the balloon in Myungsoo’s hand and the pin in the other. He was popping multiple heart-shaped balloons in the middle of his living room with his friends all gathered by the door. Myungsoo hadn’t told them what happened. He hadn’t even requested their presence. They all just kinda showed up when Sungkyu inquired on their friend.
                “Myungsoo…” Sungyeol. Of course they would send in Sungyeol first. How smart. Myungsoo looked up at his lanky friend, balloon popping easily in his hold.
                “What happened, Myung?” Sungyeol asked, easing down next to his childhood friend. Sungyeol had been there for each and every one of Myungsoo’s breakups, as few and far between as they were. But he was there, and this was no exception.
                “Someone else picked up the phone.” Myungsoo said simply, loud enough for everyone to hear. Saying it out loud now, Myungsoo felt like a child. There could be many reasons as to why Woohyun’s phone was being handled by another. Logical reasons that could be explained, but Myungsoo wasn’t logical when it came to Woohyun.
                Meeting early in college, they shared a dorm and the rest, as they say, was history. Now, four years down the road with a degree and a well-paying job, though, they had simply grown apart. Their first break-up had only happened a month ago, and yet, Myungsoo couldn’t help but feel like he didn’t fit in anymore.
                “Call him back.” Dongwoo chimed, walking over and sitting down as well. He took the rest of the balloons away, dialing Woohyun’s number and handing it to Myungsoo. The boy simply stared at it, so Dongwoo put it on speaker.
                It went to voicemail.
                A voicemail that consisted of two voices.
                POP! POP! POP!
Myungsoo had snatched the balloons back and was popping them furiously. Angry tears streamed down his face. Angry, frustrated, heart-broken tears. Once the balloons had run out and Myungoo’s ears were ringing, he dropped the pin and let the sobs rack his body while arms encircled his body.
                It was only a matter of time, wasn’t it? Myungsoo was going to figure it out eventually. Woohyun wasn’t committed to him any longer. They weren’t a couple. They weren’t involved.
                Encouraging, helpful, sorrowful words flowed into his ears and Myungsoo couldn’t feel more relieved. They all apologized and promised to help Myungsoo, realizing that this was long overdue. That they all had coddled Myungsoo for much too long after the break-up and it was time for him to realize that Woohyun had indeed moved on.
                So now, it was his turn.
                “Do you regret it?” Sungkyu asked, holding Myungsoo in his arms. He was the only one left now, late at night with the tv on in Myungsoo’s apartment. The half-asleep boy mulled over the question.
                “No.” He finally answered. Sure, Myungsoo wouldn’t feel quite right for some time. He’d feel out of place in a world of couples and relationships, but he’d move on. Those four years weren’t wasted. They were spent in the most beautiful of ways.
                I never would have noticed if we never met but everybody’s got somebody but me.
And that’s okay. That’s okay. Myungsoo wasn’t really alone. The press of Sungkyu’s body against his, protective and friendly and familiar, proved that.
                He wasn’t really alone. 


Author's Note: Not beta'd and not proof-read. I was just kinda writing. Hope you liked it though! 

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Chapter 1: Myunggyu!! I like it o/