Problem 5? (Drinks)

Innocent Love

"Where is this street? I don't even see this sign." I once again ran a frustrated hand through my hair. I slowly turned in a circle, hoping to catch a glance of the name from the piece of paper Himchan had gotten me.  I frowned as I once again saw nothing.  "Aish! Maybe I had taken a wrong turn." I heaved a sigh and looked down at the slip of paper. I jumped as an arm was draped around my shoulders.
"Did ya get lost?" Shaking off the arm I turned around, meeting dark brown eyes of the YongGuk. I felt my cheeks redden and my ears begin to burn as I looked down at my sneakers. I didn't want to admit that I had indeed gotten lost.  I puffed out my bottom lip as I heard YongGuk chuckle. "Is it cause of Himchan's terrible handwriting?" This got me to look up.
"N...No. I couldn't find this." I shoved the piece of paper towards him. He seemed even more amused at my awkwardness. Shaking his head he took the piece of paper and looked at it. He soon frowned,
"Well that's because it no longer exist."
"What?" He looked up and pointed at the street I couldn't find.
"This street name was changed to that." I looked in the direction he pointed. "Himchan must have forgotten." He handed me the piece of paper back and turned towards the street. "Are you coming?" I tilted my head but quietly followed.
"Where are we going?" I asked after a couple of minutes. YongGuk looked back and flashed me a lopsided grin.
"Don't you want to get Himchan and JongUp their drinks?" I shook my head yes. He laughed and motioned for me to hurry and walk beside him.
While manuevering through the isles in the store, YongGuk broke the silence.
"JunHong?" I had been bent down in front of JongUp's drinks when I looked up at YongGuk.
"Yes?" YongGuk crouched down next to me and placed his arms around his knees.
"If I may ask, Why did you come and help me yesterday? All that got you was a punch to the face and having to run around town." I tilted my head before laughing.
"I don't know really. But we got a good work out ,didn't we?" I smiled before looking back at the drinks. I heard him hum in response before quickly reaching and grabbing one of the packs of soda.
"Alright come on Junnie." I frowned at the sudden nickname and stopped. YongGuk seemed to realize that I had stopped and turned. "What's wrong?"
"You called me Junnie, why?" He laughed before walking towards me.
"Well its just a habit."
"Yeah. Everyone in the house gave eachother a nickname. Well actually YoungJae started it. Sorry I didn't mean to, it just slipped." I found myself scratching my palms.
"It's alright. Do you have one?" I don't know what made me ask, but I soon regretted it.
"Actually I don't have one. You can find one if you want. That way we are even." I only hummed and began walking, carrying Himchan's drinks. A small smile plastered my lips as I walked towards the check out. 'Why do I feel happy about giving him a nickname?' I quickly shook off the small happiness I felt, embarrassment filling me. After checking out I slowly followed behind YongGuk, finding my mind drifting off to nicknames.  I was so absorbed in my thoughts I didn't see YongGuk stop and I bumped into his back.
"Aish... Sorry." I bowed my head slightly before tilting my head to the side to see what had caused him to suddenly stop.  I froze as I spotted the familiar form of my mother. "Omo! I forgot about her coming over." I quickly ran around YongGuk and hurridly ran towards my mother.


>.<  Forgive me for not updating. I promise to work extra hard to update soon. Bare with me please, I have been busy with School but I will try to update.

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Chapter 1: More pwease
Chapter 2: cute cute cute jeje