Their Saturday!

My boyfriend is a spy!

It was Saturday when Mina got waked up by the constructions next to her window. What she hated the most is to be waked up really early. And she will have to bear it for two weeks longer. Her neighbor, Mr.Wu, wanted to renovate his house for his new-born baby.

Mina the other side of the bed to find that she was alone. Somebody was missing. She got out of the bed and went downstairs to find a hot guy cooking some breakfest. That hot guy being her boyfriend. Mina smiled and went to back hug her boyfriend.

"It's smells good." she said before kissing his nape. He turned to face her and smiled.

"Good morning darling." he said and gave her a kiss on the nose.

Mina loved her boyfriend. Yongguk, by his name, was the best boyfriend ever. He was sweet, funny and had the most beautiful gummy smile in the world. What drove Mina more crazy was his really low voice. Every time he was whispering in her ear, she was having goosebumps and she was . He was perfect. He always wanted the best for Mina.

But like every person, Yonguuk has a secret. A secret that there is only a person that knows it. It was a secret that it wasn't just like other people's one. His secret was diffrent. He was a spy. And the only person that knows that is Mina. 

It has been 2 years since they were dating, so Yongukk thought that he can trust Mina. At first, she didn't believe it. She thought that it was crazy. But after some time, she made the conclusion that it was true. She remembered that sometimes Yongguk wasn't answering his phone, he was coming home late, and he was free just in the weekends. Mina was ok with his boyfriend being a spy, but there was a condition. She was forbidden to tell the secret to somebody else.

And she did it. Every time somebody asked her what her boyfriend was doing, she was answering the same thing. "He is at university." If she wanted to be with Yongguk, she needed to say that. It wasn't true, but she love Yongguk and she wants to be with him.

So, from the past years, this was their life. In the week days Mina was working at a hospital for kids, and Yongguk as a spy. Their only free time was the weekends. And if they wanted to go out, they needed to do it at night. Yongguk was having enemies, and he didn't want them to know that he was having a girlfriend. He didn't want them to hurt Mina or her family.

Mina understands that, so they decided that they will stay home. Just like today.

"Darling, do you want to watch a movie after eating?" Yongguk asked with his puppy eyes.

Mina giggled at his cuteness. "Of course." she said before taking the food and putting it on the table.

They sited down and started eating and talking about their week. Yongguk was always coming home after Mina was falling asleep, so they never had the time to talk about their day. Some times he was trying to come earlier, but it was hard. If he didn't have all the informations about that person, he couldn't leave. Also, Mina was trying to stay awake, but she needed to wake up early in the morning to go to work. So they decided to just talk about all of it Saturday or Sunday.

"So, how is going with that person you need to follow now?" Mina asked before putting the bacon in .

"Kim Himchan? It's hard. He is a leader of a mafia gang, so it's really hard to fin the informations about him." Yongguk said.

"Leader of a mafia gang? Yongguk, please be careful." Mina said and took his hand.

"Don't worry. I will." Yongguk said and smiled at her.

Mina smiled back and continued eating, but she didn't let go of Yongguk's hand. She wanted him to know that she was there, and she will help him if he was having a problem.

After finishing eating, Mina was washing the dishes and Yongguk was choosing a movie. At first, he wanted to watch Saw, but Mina was afraid of that movie, so he finished by choosing Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Mina prepared some popcorn. They sat in the sofa and started watching the movie.

It was in the middle of the movie when Mina started feeling a hand on her thigh. She tried to pay attention to the movie, but it was hard. She wanted the same thing as Yongguk.

"Baby, I really can't wait." Yongguk whispered.

Mina couldn't take it anymore. She turned to face Yongguk. He smiled and started kissing her neck. She moaned when he found her sensible spot, right behind her ear. She started playing with his black hair. He took her in his arms and went with her in their room.

This will be a night that she wouldn't forget.

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Chapter 1: Spy Yongguk! XD And Himchan as mafia gang leader?! Omooo~
Thank you for the story and keep writing also supporting B. A. P~
Hwaiting~! \(^0^)/