Episode 1 : The Birth Of The Unlucky One(1) , Thief(2) , Magic(3)

The Child Of The Abyss


Chapter One : The Birth Of The Unlucky One


Long ago, there lived a wealthy man. He had a beautiful wife. But, it wasn't enough. When he learnt that his wife couldn't give birth , he was devastated. He didn't know what to do. Her beauty wasn't enough after all...

Then one day , his mother said , "Then , we have to offer something or someone to the Abyss... I know you wouldn't believe in me but it is a really old legend that if you offer something to the Abyss , it will grant your wish..."


The wealthy man was desperate so he offered his beautiful wife as the offering to the Abyss. He only wished for a son to inherit his wealth.

He felt regretful when he made that decision but his wife didn't mind it. She understood that she was needed to be sacrificed. She loved him alot that she was willing to sacrifice herself.

The man did a ritual and sacrificed his wife. His wife disappeared into the Abyss forever and was never seen again. In her place , there laid a child. But. It wasn't what they wished for. Instead of a son , what they have gotten was a daughter.


The man was furious. He blamed the Abyss for not giving him what he wanted when he sacrificed someone he loved. He said he couldn't face anyone anymore and he committed suicide.

His mother went mad and she vented her anger on the poor child. Naming her , "Abyss" , she continued to torment the girl.


For years , the child was tortured by the whole family. No one was at her aid.

Everyday , they would make her do things she didn't want to do and would abuse her for nothing.

Her grandmother was the worst. She tried killing the girl but everytime she tried , something would stop her.


One day , the women couldn't hold it in anymore...

"You. You MONSTER! You killed my wonderful daughter-in-law and my lovely son! You child of the Abyss! I curse you! You will never have anyone to love for eternity! " The women cried as she set the mansion on fire.

Hundreds of people in the mansion was dead in one day.


The only one who survived was Abyss. Everyone around her knew her background and hated her.

She continued to live on her life as The Child Of The Abyss.


Chapter 2 : Thief


Even as years passed , Abyss never experienced before a happy day. She wandered around the streets hoping for someone to take care of her but no one would do it. She , herself also know the reason.

" I am The Child Of The Abyss... No one would take pity of me. I was born like that..." She said.


As she continued her life as a wanderer , she would frequently steal food from those fruits shop , pastry shop , and more. She knew it was wrong but no one wanted to help her.

One day , someone caught her and yelled , "THIEF!! CATCH THAT THIEF!!!"

Many people crowd around her and started to kick her , punch her and even throw stones at her.


There was no defence. All she could do was to cry.


She have been living like that since young though. She was used to it. But for some reason , her tears would not stop falling when people do such cruel things to her.

Yes. She is also a human being too. Of course she have feelings. But , do anyone understand that? No one did. All they believed was that she was the cause of the massacre of the mansion.


"What to do? You are the one to be blamed after all~" A young girl chirped.

That girl was the only person whom Abyss ever talked to.

"Alicia..." She cried.

"No, no. No crying. Everyone will hate you if you cry." Alicia said.

"But... My tears... They wouldn't stop falling..." Abyss cried again.

"Then... Make them stop. They will only hate you more if you cry. And even if you don't cry... You are still hated." Alicia smiled.

"Be-because I'm The Child Of The Abyss?" Abyss said.

"Yes! Because you are The Child Of The Abyss! That is why everyone hates you!" Alicia smiled again.

"And no one will ever love you! Isn't that what your grandmother cursed you? Hehe!" Alicia laughed and walked away.


Alicia Ressia. She is the town's most loved girl. She may seem very innocent on front of the town folks , but she is actually very attention-seeking. She wanted everyone to hate Abyss and love her. She always talk to Abyss to make her very sad and depress.

She is the same age as Abyss.


Chapter 3 : Magic 


After the night when everyone caught Abyss as the thief , the Ressia house caught on fire and no one was left alive.

"It's the child of the Abyss! It must be her! She is jealous of our poor Alicia! She killed them! She is truely a monster! She must be punished! PUNISHED I TELL YOU!!" An elderly women cried as she ran through the streets.


They all crowd at the center of the town and placed Abyss on a cross. They placed fire woods around and was ready to burn her alive.

"I didn't do anything! I swear! Please! I'm innocent! Please believe me!" Abyss cried.

But the town folks weren't in the mood to listen to her. They burnt the fire woods but suddenly , someone stopped the fire.


"Hehe... We have found our princess. I repeat Princess is with us now." A man wearing a black tattered coat said.

"It's a good thing we followed the crowd~ <3" The girl with the man smiled.

"W-WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!" The town folks cried as they point the pitch forks at them.


"Do you think those paper forks can even hurt us?" The girl smirked.

She swing her hand and suddenly , a huge gush of wind blew the town folks away.

"Mo-MONSTERS! THEY ALL ARE MAGIC-USERS! KILL THEM!" They all cried as they got up again.

"W-what are you guys going to do with my town folks?" Abyss tensed up.

"Oh Princess~ Don't worry! We're... Just going to make things a little spicier! " The girl smiled at Abyss.

"Rei! Do your thing!" She smiled at the man in the black coat.

"You seriously got nothing better to do , do you? Rins?" Rei said coldly.


Those two... What is their motive? Why are they doing this? Are they going to torment me like others too? Abyss thought.

"Oi! Princess! Stop dazing and untie yourself already!" Rei scolded.

She stared at him confusedly when Rins said , "Use your magic! Just try it!"

Magic? What do they mean by magic? Abyss thought.



----To be continued----

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