Prince Charming

Romeo + Juliette


Most fairy tales has a Prince Charming. Every Prince Charming notice his princess. Every princess chosen by the Prince Charming was able to live happily ever after. So who exactly is my Prince? Please come quickly; I'm tired of living like this.

“Onew oppa~” HyunA whined once again; along with her other 'people' talking among themselves in our homeroom classroom. There was still another fifteen minutes before the teacher com and took our registration. People said it's lucky that we have Mr Lee as our homeroom teacher because he's always late. But I think it's pitiful and he should be told to retire from this college. Mr Lee is like in his early 90s, he even forget he has kids; let alone a class with students waiting around for him. I just wish he would retire and the head principle could assign a new teacher who's never late because I can't take anymore of HyunA's attempt to seduce Master. Kim HyunA is the heiress, or as she prefer it: princess of Cube Entertainment. Apparently her dad is the most highly music producer. Onew's mom never did approve of her because her image and Onew's really contrast. Master Onew's company, SM Enterprise is one of the successful company around the world. I'm not sure what they do since I was not allow to serve teas and coffees during meetings at the house. I sighed as I watched what is being unfold in front of me. Apparently, as a personal maid of the prince, I have to be with him 24/7; not that he needed to be taken care of that bad. His mother is just over worried.

She even hired Niel as a bodyguard! Am I not enough? Well Niel does speak Korean, Mandarin, Japanese, Spanish, English, Cantonese, German, Italian and French. Not to mention he is a black belt in Karate, mastered all different types of Kung Fu, champion of boxing in Spain and other unknown methods of fighting. So he could basically beat you up without breaking a sweat and curse in nine different languages you wish you don't understand.

Sure he could protect Onew more than I could. But ever since I met him, I never see him struggling. Not once having trouble in handling things, not carrying an enormous weight heavier than himself. Well, anything is heavier than him since he 's so skinny, literally a stick. But I do notice his pale muscular well define abdomen.

Okay, I'm not a ert! I just happened to notice him practicing his sword skills without a shirt on. I was innocently doing the laundry! Beside, he's my dongsaeng for goodness' sake. I saw his resume on Onew's desk one morning. I was not peeping, it was. . . just there on his desk, so. . . tempting. Anyway he just turned seventeen this year, far too young to work. Well I don't actually have the right to criticized since I was forced to work since I was ten. And the only thing that caught my eyes was the fact he's an orphan just like me.

I sighed and peep at what Niel was doing and saw yesterday's calculus homework. The white paper was no longer clean; various pencil has tainted it. He sighed and ran his fingers through his black, bushy yet perfectly soft curled hair. He looked so stress. . . I decided helping him will be much useful than watching HyunA trying to get Onew once again. I personally think Niel should be put in the first year rather in this third year. He's so struggling with the subjects. The only teacher he could impress was Mr Jason McCartney, our English teacher. And Mr Albert Polita, our music teacher. I pull my chair out from the table and sat near Niel. He looked up because my chair was making a lot of ruckus and he stared blankly at me. I took a look at the homework and steal his pencil. Gosh, I could no longer see the question, he has circle, underline, highlighted and every other ways of marking the question. I took out my book to refer. Thank goodness Calculus is my favorite subject, I could help him and he could help me with my English homework. I was getting stress out that I might flunked it.

“You're suppose to put this one here, so you could the value of x and move it back like so,” I demonstrate it to him, hoping to God he understand. Occasionally I glanced at him, he looks so young, so innocent. And his skin, it was as smooth and as pure as a baby's, not to mention pale, and this is the boy who always train under the sun. It's really impossible to think someone like him have master various martial arts. No wonder Onew's mom hired him. No one would expect someone like Niel is protecting Onew. Niel nodded at the right times when I finished explaining. I wonder if he really does understand. I looked up for a while because my neck was hurting and saw Onew staring at me. The way his eyes just looked straight at me was. . . breathe-taking. I know that sounded so much like a hyperbole but it's true. That gaze made my heart skipped. HyunA was desperately trying to gain back his attention. Now that I think about it, Onew doesn't really have a problem in anything. Not his academic or sports or even performing. He always does it perfectly. Maybe it was because of his mother.

I would be lying if Onew is obedience towards his mom now. But when I was a kid, I remember he was this skinny stick kid, dressed too well like an adult, who always tail behind his mother, too shy, too polite to do anything but only I knew that he was actually afraid of doing anything without that witch's consent. Even my childish mind hated her back then. Because it was me who had to comfort a crying Onew every night before he goes to sleep. But when he hit early teens, his mom started to gain offers from overseas. She had no choice but to go and save whatever was left of the company.

I remember those times, which both Onew and his mother always avoid to talk about. I know little, since my position is basically worthless. And worst of all, she left Onew. True, his mom worked hard at those hard times and she still took me in. I always believe, trying to convince myself that she used to be kind. Now she's a power greed. Onew learned to be independent without her help and right now, he has the rebellious air whenever he face his mother. He has turned into a leader. A 'suitable' one to inherit the family business, as his trainers would always say. And that has always been the only future of this heir of SM Enterprise. He is the only son she had.

Oh by performing I mean singing or dancing, on stage. Master Onew really loves singing. You should really hear him sing. It's hard to describe it actually. And I'm not really the one who should talk because I never actually hear it. Just a word or two or a humming. Even that was just amazing. Onew never really sing in front of his mother freely; he only sings if she asked him to. It's really a shame that way. It's when he really feels like singing is the best. And when he played the piano, just amazing! He taught me how to play sometimes but my fingers were too rough to touch something so delicate and wonderful. Master Onew even made a group with the other classes. Now that I think about it. They should be here right now.

“Hyung~!” Yup, there they were. Everyone know that happy little whine. TaeMin Lee, the youngest one in the group burst in, literally. I'm pretty sure it's not ONLY my hormones or something because whenever I see him, it's just a ray of bright happy sunlight always glow around him. I know for a fact everybody felt the same – at least the girls does -. He's really adorable and even though he's in the first year, he could really beat everyone in the dance floor. He spotted me and smiled, “noona! Good morning!” God, he's really cute. It's not fair that this boy is already engaged to one of the most successful heiress in Japan. I think her name is Shin. Shin Kinomoto.

I met her once during some CEO party last year (Yes, yes I forced to attend since the mistress does not want Onew to go alone, you should have seen it, all the available heiress kept harassing Onew to marry them). I think they make a good couple since both of them are so shy and cute. I was a bit startle to see TaeMin dyed his hair yet again. He used to have this light brown hair and he usually styled it curl, but now it's straight and. . . blonde. He still has that innocent look he tried to get off.

“Yah, how come you didn't hear me calling you??” KiBum, known as Key, also apparently the 'mom' in the group. But believe me, he is as charismatic as any celebrity when he's on stage and still be able to act cute off it. I was glad to see he covered his... one side bald scalp. I have no idea why he ever shaved his hair like that in the first place. Maybe because he's tired to being called adorable. He's one of the best dancer I've ever seen as well. Even though he's in the second year with a guy name MinHo. Both of them are so talented in rapping and singing.

Ah, there's MinHo now. As tall as ever, or has he grown taller again? I'm really scared of this boy because he keeps growing all the time! He changed his hairstyle too, but thank goodness it still has the same colour as the last time, just shorter. Even with MinHo charismatic and quiet image, you could never guess his love for drama. Like drama for acting, not drama for television. Both of their dads are actually working for Onew's mom.

One of the reason they could afford going to this school. This school, is only design for people like them. Rich, powerful, some are dumb though because all they could think about is party or shoes. Which is why the college is trying very hard to accept students with stable and high results, because most of the students are. . . I'm sorry to say but they are just dumb blondes. Occasionally, I feel sorry for the college, they are trying very hard to maintain the school's high academic percentage. But hey, their parents could afford it. The students could do anything they want basically, because their parents were paying the fees and tuition and even the school's fund. Therefore rules do not apply to them. They could dye their hair in different colours; use spare rooms for clubs; and as for the girls, they could shorten their skirts, wear make-up, loosen the first button on their white blouse, you know stuffs that would attract the guys.

But I'm sorry but that's just disgusting, why would you want to show your bra colour through your plain school blouse, or not wearing a bra at all? But they are good people here, like the seniors I know. They also formed a group called Girls' Generation. It's a shame that they're being called plastic. But trust me, they competing with each other for the top students. And this other group of girl, they called themselves Lucifer. I think. They were very close with me until their dads and moms had to work overseas. Yes, all four of them left me here in this academy. But they were good friends.

Then they are people like Niel and I. The ones who studied hard to gain scholarship here or just being sent to protect or serve. You may find it odd that Neil who is seventeen is accepted to a college. Trust me, he is every bit stress with the subjects, which is why he let out all of his negative energy in his training. Worst of all, we were forced to take subjects that Onew took. I seriously do not know what to do with these guys, TaeMin, Key and MinHo I mean. Don't they know that dyeing could cause serious damage to their hair? Gosh, it's like I'm their babysitter or something and I have to keep track of them in case they go into the 'dark' side and have this crazy idea of not inheriting the business; which is the parents' worst nightmare in this world. Well, at least they pay me.

Together they form SHINee. Not that their parents now about it. But hey, they could still afford it.

Then something, or rather someone made me gasped.

He walked in swiftly, sliding smoothly towards us. I swear, every girls' gasp could be heard in the now silence room. He could make the entire female student body quiet just by stepping in. Sorry to say, but I too fell into his spell. I mean, how could you not? His perfectly smooth tan skin was like marble, sculptured by Michelangelo himself. And the soft black hair that keep falling to his deep sweet chocolate eyes. But most importantly, was the smile. The sweet childish crooked smile could make girls faint, literally. Kim JongHyun, the heir of SM Entertainment. My master's trial company.

You do notice the same company name right? Well, I, myself do not like to discuss it. They are the biggest rival in this academy. But even with JongHyun's reputation, Onew still asked him to join his group. Kim JongHyun has the most amazing voice – we were walking passed one of the music room when we heard him singing Nothing Better – but he refused. JongHyun also has always been the player, not wanting to mix easily but still willing to ask every girl out. Today I noticed his black eyes were darker, menacing. Like they always do when he and master are in the same room. Only, there was this red mark on his right cheek, almost like a hand print. Unbelievable, Kim JongHyun had been slapped. I wonder by who.

“Master, I get the car ready,” Niel's stone hard voice stated, I had always hated that tone. As if there is no happiness left in this world for Niel to be grateful for. School just finished, we were walking (well with Niel and I walking behind Onew, side by side) right out of English Class. Onew nodded and began walking to the music room. I sighed, I really just want to go home right now but since I'm the personal maid, I have to follow his everywhere; except bathrooms, that would be Niel's turn. Onew has this habit of checking 'his' personal music room.

You know, making sure the instruments were in their places - TaeMin like to take things random instruments from it's place and never bother to put it back -; To see if anyone take the CD out of the shelves - MinHo has a passion for music and he had the same habit as TaeMin-; And see if anyone throw away Key's collection of hand-made mics - he even asked the janitor not to touch them - but everyone especially hate the hand-made mic with the torn poking out, you stuffs like that. I swear they act more like a children in kindergarten than the actually kids. But even before Onew unlock the door, someone caught our attention.

“Well, well, what do we have here?” The two of us turned to face the voice. Only to see the school's most popular playboy – before JongHyun cause he is not as active – ; HyunSeung, heir of Cube's Entertainment. HyunA's step brother.

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spring8655 #1
This is just DAEBAK! :D
Update soon! author-nim ;)
Can't wait! ^^
ebomtaro #2
this is really really interesting! i'm loving it so far :) fighting~!