Chapter 2

We Are a Team

  "Hey Jun Jin, are you gonna play soccer this year?" Minwoo asked as they changed in the locker rooms. Everyone else was already gone, since Minwoo was charged with the task of making sure Jun Jin was okay after the fall he took out on the field. 

  Jun Jin blinked as he looked up, pausing halfway from taking his shirt off.

  "You have a soccer league?" he asked, not even knowing this school had one. He had hoped to hear something about sports in the announcements that played every morning and at the end of the school day, but so far he hadn't. Minwoo's eyes widened as Jun Jin asked, and walked over to him, grabbing him by the shoulders.

  "Why do you think we play soccer all the time in P.E.?" he asked, and it made sense to Jun Jin. Suddenly the younger grinned and nodded.

  "Why wouldn't I? I love soccer!" 

  Minwoo grinned as well before walking back to his locker and closing it after putting his shirt on. Quickly changing, Jun Jin followed after the older boy as they exited the locker rooms and headed off for lunch. 

  So far, Minwoo was the only friend Jun Jin had made so far. Of course he talked to Dongwan sometimes, and although he tried to talk to Hyesung, Hyesung was always too focused on pushing Eric away to listen to him. Eric was just kind of friends with everybody, so he guessed they were sort of friends too. No matter how much he tried to be friendly with Andy though, the younger didn't even spare him a second glance. 

  "Yo!" Dongwan yelled to the two of them as they entered the cafeteria, trying to act cool as he waved them over. Minwoo just rolled his eyes as he ran after the other and hugged him tightly. Looking around for a free table, Jun Jin noticed they were all taken. He had a cold lunch so he didn't need to get in line, and he started to make his way to the exit, set on eating outside since he didn't want to bother anyone. Just as he reached the door though, both his arms were grabbed and he was suddenly met with the faces of both Dongwan and Minwoo who looked at him quizzically.

  "And where do you think-" Minwoo started.

  "You're going?" Dongwan finished as they both started to drag him back towards the lunch table.

  "Um..." Jun Jin started before they turned him around and shoved him down into a seat. "I was going to eat in the garden...because I didn't want to intrude." Both of the other boys blinked as they sat on either side of him before bursting out in laughter.

  "Why do you think you'd be intruding on us?" Dongwan asked as he wiped a tear from his eye due to laughing so hard.

  "I-I don't know." Jun Jin replied, Minwoo still laughing his heart out on his other side. Noticing this, Dongwan reached behind him and slapped the other boy on the back, earning him a pout from Minwoo as he looked up at him from the table. 

  "What was that for Wannie?" he asked, using his puppy eyes. Dongwan pretended not to be affected though and pointed to Jun Jin.

  "You were scaring our baby Jinnie." he replied before he got up to get his food from the lunch line. Minwoo dramatically gasped before side hugging Jun Jin tightly.

  "I'm so sorry Jinnie. Please don't be mad." Shaking his head and laughing, Jun Jin patted Minwoo on the head lightly and told him it was fine before opening his lunch. Just as he started eating his sandwhich, Hyesung entered the cafeteria with Eric trailing behind him, a happy grin on his face.

  Seeing Minwoo and Jun Jin already sitting at the table, Hyesung's scowl was suddenly replaced with a large smile as he jogged over, moving to sit across from them. Eric came right over still following him and sat by Hyesung, but was roughly shoved away before Hyesung placed his head in his hands and watched as Minwoo continued to hug Jun Jin who was trying to eat his food.

  "So you're sitting with us today Jun Jin?" he asked, earning a nod from the younger boy as Minwoo finally let go of him when Dongwan returned with food, which he was gladly starting to partake in. "That's nice. Now I don't have to listen to that mikkulaji the whole time."

  "Hyesung! How can you say that about me!?" Eric responded dramatically, clinging onto the other boy and making a huge scene. All the other students ignored it though, used to Eric and Hyesung's loud banters in the cafeteria (that usually ended with Hyesung hitting Eric before storming out). Jun Jin just laughed as he continued eating. 

  "Why is he sitting here?" a voice suddenly cut through, and everyone stopped either talking or eating at the table, Jun Jin freezing as the other four turned around to face behind him.

  "Ah, Andy!" Minwoo said excitedly, getting up from the table and moving to hug him, only to get pulled back by Dongwan because he knew what would happen if you hugged the younger while he was angry. Getting the message, Minwoo sat and leaned back into Dongwan as he gave a small smile and pointed towards Jun Jin. "Jinnie's sitting with us today because there's no other tables left."

  Jun Jin turned to look at Andy, who only scowled at him when he waved and moved to the other side of the table to sit next to Hyesung. Sighing to himself, Jun Jin finished his sandwhich and pulled his juice out of his bag as he pouted, which went unnoticed by the rest as they all started talking animdatedly.

  Well, almost everyone. Andy just sort of sat there and ate, occasionally nodding, not even sparing Jun Jin so much as a glance.

  Once he finished his juice, Jun Jin pulled his dessert out of the bag before crushing it on the table quietly and standing up. Opening up the plastic package around it, he took a bite as he moved to get away from the table, now knowing he was bothering at least someone.

  "Jinnie? Why are you leaving?" Minwoo asked once he noticed the younger was walking away. 

  Looking behind him to face the other, Jun Jin gave a small smile and waved his hand, mouth full of cake before turning around and walking out of the cafeteria. He threw his bag away on the way out, searching for an empty classroom to finish his treat in.

  "Wannie." Minwoo asked as he clinged to Dongwan's arm. "Why do you think Jun Jin left?" Dongwan just shrugged his shoulders as he pulled his lunch tray away, in order not to get any more of his food stolen by the other. 

  "I don't know Minnie. Maybe he thought he was intruding on us. We did all kind of start ignoring him once Andy got here." he whispered just so the two of them could hear. "After all, you know how he is about bothering people. He doesn't personally tell them but you can see how he'd rather be alone than bother people so he's not lonely."

  "Yeah. I guess so." Minwoo said as he pouted, before noticing Dongwan had pulled the tray away and fake glared. "Yah! I want to eat too!" he said loudly, and all thoughts about Jun Jin were once again flushed down the drain as he reached for something to eat.

  For the shortest of the bunch who weren't always very bright, they certainly did have a way of knowing how someone felt.


A/N: Exciting things start next chapter! >:D We will start having soccer tryouts for the school soccer league! Woo! :3 So anyways, I don't know what this crap chapter is (for now I'll call it a crapter), but I guess it explains more things about how Shinhwa acts off the field. Jun Jin's more reserved unless he has someone to talk to, and hates intruding on others. Andy still doesn't like him for some unknown reason, and woodong totally acts like a couple even though they're not together. Yet. e u e lol ;; I hope it's still okay.

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Hi guys. *waves* It's been awhile. A long while actually. I think I've finally gotten my muse back though so I intend to write Shinhwa fics galore. ^-^


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scrippsydoodle #1
Chapter 6: YAY! Shinhwa + football! Two things I like!!
Junjin's with Shinhwa, he did really good scoring that goal! Why does Andy hate him even? lol
I love to read more! Looking forward to the updates :D
Chapter 6: why it seems Andy doesn't like Junjin?? T.T
Chapter 6: Woahh junjin got invited to join Shinhwa team!! Great! Junjin will be love it... right? XD

Update soon :)
Chapter 3: I feel bad towards Junjin... My baby bird~~~ *hugs tight* ;_;
MMM123 #5
Woodong is so cute here. I like how Minwoo acts so friendly to everyone.
Author-nim fighting!!
Chapter 3: I wonder why Andy looks really cold and like hating Junjin /sigh.. poor Junjin, he must doesn't feel good joining others when Andy keep acts like that to him...

Update soon :)
Chapter 1: It looks interesting.... update soon^^
Chapter 1: This is interesting.. I like the introduction.. Will be waiting for your update~