Those Queenkas

Two Different Worlds

Chapter 2 : Those Queenkas

Seoul, 19th of July 2009.

               You walked to the school with your only sister, Minha. Your sister already knew about you admiring Nam Woohyun since last year and she just agreed because you told her that he saved you last year and he was a handsome, kind and smart boy. And the smart thing about Woohyun was true, he came up as 3rd best on your school. Well you didn’t expect him or Nayoung to be your rival since you took the 1st place and Nayoung took the 2nd place. Well unpopular had the right to be smart too, right?


               “Yes Minha? What’s wr-“ You gasped. It’s… Woohyun. Right in front of you and your sister, walking with 6 other guys. They called themselves as INFINITE. And yes, they were ing popular. Girls would follow right behind them.

               Minha pulled your hand to a tree and you were hiding behind it.

               You told her that you didn’t want to be recognized by Woohyun since you hated to be the center of attention. And you just realized that your allergic to attention made you and Woohyun would never know each other. Woohyun and I are not meant to be. You thought.

               “Eonni, when will I see you with him?”






               You turned your head to see someone you already knew, Lee Nayoung.

               You two were really close now, and you knew almost all of her story and her too. And that included about the story you admiring Nam Woohyun. Nayoung said that you and him were meant to be but maybe in the future. Well you didn’t want to expect anything. Anything about love just made you sick. Your memories about your first love…

               The bell has rung. The teacher showed up, “Hello students, we are going to study History and there would be a mini test after the lesson,” Your classmates sighed.

               “Okay first we would start from the…”

               You looked out from the big window on your left side. It was cloudy that day, well at least it was not raining. You didn’t bring your umbrella with you so you would just be wet if the weather didn’t like you.

               You stared at that seat, exactly 3 chairs beside you, that guy who was copying everything.


               You blinked and stared at the teacher, “Yes, Sir?”

               “Please make attention to the lesson.”

               “Oh, sorry Sir,” You stood up and bowed 90 degree. You continued to write everything until the teacher had finished teaching.

               “Okay, take out a piece of paper. We are going to start the test.”




               “Sunha! Oh. My. God!”

               You stared at Nayoung confusedly. She took your test paper before you could even see it.

               “I’m sure you didn’t listen to the teacher so why..”

               Nayoung flipped the paper and showed up to you. 100. 100 total of 100. Perfect score.

               You saw Nayoung’s paper test. 96.

               The teacher stood up after gave all of the test papers, “Please be quiet. Okay I will announce the top 3 scores.”

               You frowned. Again. Why should your teacher announce it? Your classmates would start gossiping about you and Nayoung again. You heard them said about you cheating and many. Oh God, you just couldn’t describe how you hated them.

               “Park Sunha-ssi, 1st place with 100. I didn’t think you listen to me before, but well that’s very good of you. I expect you to study at home.”

               Girls at your class had started to gossip. You hated this.

               “Lee Nayoung-ssi, 2nd place with 96. Great job.”

               The class remained silent.

               “Nam Woohyun-ssi, 3rd place with 92. Still a good work, boy.”

               The girls were giggling and clapping. Aish. Annoying fangirls of him. You didn’t hate Woohyun, well you would never hate him. But those fangirls was just too annoying.

               “Okay class, now you can take your break time.”

               You and Nayoung laughed while you guys were walking to the cafeteria. And as usual, you would sit at the edge of the cafeteria, where unpopular kids usually sat.

               Nayoung didn’t judge you for staring at Woohyun almost all of the time. She said that it was a usual thing for people who was in love or who had a crush. You thanked her for that. Most of the break times, you spent almost a half of it to stare at that guy and the other half to chat with Nayoung. You felt sorry but you couldn’t do anything to resist, right?

               Nayoung finished her food quickly. Well very quick.

               “Are you that hungry?”

               “Yeah well.. I felt hungry when the teacher told us to took a piece of paper to do the test, and I think I got 96 because I couldn’t resist my hunger,” Nayoung beamed at you. You just laughed.




               “Bye Nayoung!”

               “Bye Sunha! See ya!”

               It was unusual but that day you were going to be picked up by your parents. Minha finished school earlier than you so she went home first. You just stood at the school’s lobby and took a look at school’s interior to kill your waiting time.

               “Yah! She’s the stupid brat!”

               You turned to see who’s voice is it. It’s Seung Ah. The queenka of your school who was placed at the same class as yours. You sighed.

               Seung Ah grabbed your collar, “So hello Ms. Smart, or should I say, the SMARTEST person on earth?” You heard her friends giggled. Annoying giggles, you thought.

               “You made our Woohyun didn’t get the first place or at least the second place for that history test. He did his best to study well while you, the stupid brat, gazed out of the window and didn’t put any attention to the teacher. How y are ya?!”

               You grabbed her wrist, “It wasn’t my fault. And why should you curse me while the one who had the problem is Woohyun?” You were very angry, of course. Who wouldn’t feel angry when they were being cursed but they didn’t do anything wrong? But still, you kept your voice steady.

               “It was your fault ! If you didn’t cheat He would absolutely be the first!”

               “And do you have the prove of me cheating?” You said. Your neck was still grabbed tight by Seung Ah and the grip was getting stronger and stronger. You let off your grip at her wrist.

               “That would do nothing. So girls, let’s start our show.”

               You were brought to the aisle in front of the classes. You choked as you ran out of breathe. The grip is so strong, you thought. Your body kept doing something to refuse but still, they consisted of 6 people so you couldn’t do anything to fight.

               When you felt the grip was no long on your neck, you realized that they threw you to the ground and started to kick you and curse you. Seung Ah slapped your cheek hard. You didn’t cry, not even shed a tear. You already had this kind of situation before when you were at secondary school. You just had to wait until you woke up at the hospital with those bruises and cuts all over the body.

               “Why doesn’t this say something or cry?!”

               Seung Ah slapped your cheek again, “Because she pretends to be strong! C’mon girls do it again!”

               Your hair was being pulled strongly by one of the girls. You felt dizzy. You wanted to scream, but the voice wouldn’t come out. You tried to kick and made some moves, and it didn’t make any effects. You didn’t expect someone helped you because usually, no one would disturb these kind of actions.

               “Our Woohyun would be happy to see you being treated like this!” They laughed sarcastically. You saw Seung Ah brought a flower pot. Great. She dropped it precisely on the top of your head. You gasped. It is more painful than I thought. Blood started to show on your pale face. Do they really hate me?

You just didn’t understand the fangirl’s mind. They were crazy and sometimes criminal just for a person.

               You soon felt your vision blurred. You felt your body got weaker and weaker as you made moves to refuse their actions. Great, no longer again I wouldn’t feel the pain.

               “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE?!”




               7 guys were talking. INFINITE, the fangirls said. They had spent many times together. Their life didn’t seem to be that perfect as everyone looked, but they could handle it together. The friendship between them was solid.


               “Yeah Nam, what’s wrong?”

               “Do you see them?” Woohyun pointed to group of girls that was laughing at the aisle.

               “Yeah, maybe they are having time together?”

               “Well.. maybe.” I have the feeling that this is not good. Woohyun thought.

               “I don’t think it’s just ‘having time’ together. Well you know, girls would just go to malls right? The school should be clear now since everyone went home already,” Sunggyu said as he looked Woohyun, “I think you wanted to check?”

               “Yup. You always know what I think.”

               Soon, INFINITE got nearer to the girls.

               “Our Woohyun would be happy to see you being treated like this!”

               Me? Wait I must find out first.

               “Guys. You can just wait at the parking lot. Me and Woohyun will be there when this problem finished.”

               Hoya, Dongwoo, Sungyeol, L, and Sungjong nodded. They went outside and chatting together.

               “I think it’s fangirls again.”

               “Yeah. Did you hear Woohyun’s name being shouted?” Sungyeol said.

               Dongwoo nodded, “Do you guys remember when one of the Woohyun’s fangirls slapped a nerd’s cheek in front of the class?”

               “I think it’s Seung Ah right?” Sungyeol asked.

It was Hoya’s turn to nod, “Woohyun’s fangirls are sometimes crazy though. Especially that Seung Ah.”

               “Do you think they could handle this one?” L said coldly.

               “Yeah, it’s not like their first time seeing this right?” Dongwoo patted L’s shoulder.

               They reached the parking lot and got into L’s car. It was quite big so it could bring 7 of them. They were planning on going somewhere together to spend some time.

               Sungjong suddenly got out from the car.

               “Yah Sungjong! Where are you going?” Sungyeol almost shouted.

               “I received a miss call from Sunggyu Hyung and I don’t think it’s just an ordinary fangirl case. I’ll be right back.”

               Sungjong ran into the school again.




               Woohyun and Sunggyu stepped closer to the girls. They could sense something bad from this. And just right then, Woohyun saw someone’s body on the floor.

               “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE?!” Sunggyu shouted.

               The girls stopped what they had been doing to you for almost an hour, Sunggyu and Woohyun could see you now. You looked pale and blood dripped from your head.

               “Why did you guys do this to her?!”

               “W-We just think that she is disturbing W-Woohyun oppa,” Seung Ah stuttered.

               Woohyun glared at them, “Can’t you see she is dying?” He couldn’t accept this. Bunch of innocent people got bullied by this Seung Ah.

               “And why should you think she is disturbing me?”

               “B-Because she is at the top place and Oppa are the third…” Seung Ah started to cry.

               “First, save your cry for someone else. Second, don’t ever call me oppa again. Third, I never said she is disturbing me.”

               Sunggyu shouted. “YOU BETTER DON’T DO THIS AGAIN OR ELSE I WILL REPORT THIS TO THE HEADMASTER. NOW GO!” They ran outside quickly.



Word Count : 1903 words.
















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Chapter 4: It's okay, I'm a final year student too and I'm totally understand your lack of times for fangirling T.T
And about the new story, I suggest to add a love triangle between woogyu and a girl. I'd love to read that!!!
Btw, this story is great, you should continue authornim:)
Zxlxikhx_ #2
Chapter 3: update soon!
hwangtaehyo #3
Chapter 2: Woohyun to the resque ^^ I like your, I love your story!! more chapters please~~~
Ninjachick #4
Chapter 2: Upppppppddaaaatttteeeeee plllllleeeeeeaaaasssseee iiiiiiiiiii neeeeeddddd mmmmmmmmoooorrrreeeeeee ccccchhhhhhaaaaaapppptttteeeeerrrrrssssss!!!!
Inspirits_11 #6
Chapter 1: I love it !!! Keep up the good work :)