Is It You

Never Change (A Sequel to 'Mistaken' )


------Six Hours Later------

   Jiyong slumped back into the couch, tired from coming up with new lyrics. He tapped his pencil to the beat and hummed along, trying to sense which part is right for the members. He thought of which member's vocal ranges it would fit the best for. After thinking for a moment, he scribbled Daesung's name on top of a couple of lyrics. For about twenty minutes, he did the same thing over for the others. Then he felt his phone vibrate on the table. He looked over at the flashing screen and it read that he had a new text message from Nikki. Showing a small smile, he opened the message.

  'Hey Ji! Classes just ended and I'm heading to the YG Building right now. Be there in a few. -Nikki ^^' 

   Jiyong pressed the reply button on his screen and typed ' Arasso, be safe while coming here.' Jiyong hit the send button and twirled his phone around, waiting for her response. A few seconds later, his phone blinked. He quickly opened it, 'I've been there before. No need to worry.' 

   Jiyong was entranced with texting Nikki that he didn't notice a few people walked into the studio. 

  "Hyunggg!!" Daesung yelled, trying to get his attention

  "What?" Jiyong responded, looking up from his phone.

  "I've been calling your name for the past five minutes and you didn't respond." Daesung said

  "Oh, sorry Dae." Jiyong apologized

  "Loverboy is too caught up texting a certain someone." T.O.P teasingly smiled, pointing out the phone Jiyong's been holding tightly the whole time. Ignoring T.O.P's usual teasing, Jiyong opened the new text message that Nikki just sent. 'I'm here at the lobby.'

  "She's here." Jiyong smiled, reading the text outloud. 

  "Who's here? Nikki?" T.O.P asked. Not answering his question, Jiyong got up and walked out the studio, heading down to the lobby.


   Nikki walked to the inside of the building. She went to the front desk and greeted the lady. She's been here several tmes and the people here recognized her, treating her like their friend. 

  "Hey Nikki, how's it going?" Jin Ae, the front desk lady, asked her

  "I'm fine. Just a lot of school work to do. How about you?" Nikki said, grinning.

  "The same old, lots of phone calls that I need to answer." Jin Ae groaned.  "ID?" 

   Even though Nikki's been to the building several times, she needs to show her ID to them everytime she comes, just in case. Nikki nodded and opened her bag, looking for her ID. She opened her wallet, checking the pockets of it. Puzzled, she swore it was there. Starting to freak out, she placed her wallet back into her bag and search her bag's contents for it. She took out her jacket and folders, thinking it must have fallen down in her bag but no to vail. It was not there. 

  "Where is it?!" Nikki mumbled, still continuing to search for it.


   Stepping out of the elevator doors, Jiyong made his to Nikki's destination. From afar, he saw her silhouette, digging through her bag as if she lost something. He diverted his attention when he saw the main door open, entering a man in his early 20's dressed in casual wear. Jiyong had never seen him before in the YG Building and wondered who he is. The man glanced around, as if searching for somebody in particular. His gaze stopped at Nikki and he walked to her. Her back was toward him, as he tapped her shoulder trying to get her attention. Nikki slumped her shoulders down in defeat, giving up on her search. She turned around and looked at the man with bewildered eyes, "Yes..?"  She examined the man carefully, thinking if she knows him but no one comes to mind. 

  "You dropped this." The man said, taking out her ID from his pocket and handing it to Nikki. Nikki reached out and took the ID, checking to see if it was actually hers. Her eyes became wide. 

  "Oh my god, thank you so much!" Nikki immediately said and smiled at the man while bowing. 

  "It's not a problem. I'm Jae." The man introduced himself, sticking out his hand out for a handshake. 

  "I'm Nikki." Nikki smiled, accepting his handshake. 

  "I've got to run, but I'll see you at school." Jae said, smiling. 

  "Oh, you go to Seoul Arts too?" Nikki tilted her hand and questionly asked.

  "Yeah, fashion design." Jae stated.

  "Me too! Then how come I never saw you before?" Nikki said

  "I'm a year older." 

  "How did you k---."


   Nikki nodded in realization. Jae took a glance at his watch and said, "I really got to go now. Bye." 

  "Bye, and again, thank you so much!" Nikki smiled and yelled loud enough for him to hear but Jae was already out of the building.  

   She then handed her I.D to Jin Ae. Jiyong, who's been watching their interaction from afar, walked up to Nikki and slipped his arms around her waist, clasping his fingers together. Already knowing who it is, Nikki turned her around and gave him a peck on the lips. 

  "Hey." Nikki smiled, picking up her I.D on the desk and putting it back in her wallet. 

  "Hey." Jiyong said. "Who was that?" 

  "Jae. I just meet him. I lost my I.D and he found it. Apparently, he goes to the same school as me." Nikki said, caressing his fingers that are wrapped around her stomach.

  "Oh, okay." Jiyong just said

  "You don't need to worry." Nikki assured him, from his tone of voice.

  "I'm not." Jiyong defended

  "Yeah, sure." Nikki sarcastically replied, biting her lips preventing her from letting out a smile.

  "Come on, let's go." Jiyong said breaking their embrace and grabbed Nikki's hand, heading to the elevator.

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i know this is super late but if any of my subscribers are still reading this, i have abandoned this story...sorry but rereading everything that i published on this site makes me cringe so hard, maybe someday i will come back to this story and rewrite it? who knows


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odesta_ #1
Chapter 34: Are you going to update this anytime soon? Please do! It's really nice and I wanna read more! :) Update soon please!
Omg, can't wait to read more!
sushmee #3
who the hell is that so called "BOSS" trying to spot out Nikki's weakness????
but im in love with this book, and please update soon!
you duhs good writer. continue, i say. JIYONG WOULD BE PROUDDDD.
My dragon! AWWW!
cliffhanger! Oh no! O_O
AbbyYoYo #7
I can see, minhee will be trouble maker =_=
Iheartlife #8
omo! one will interrupt them :D
Who's that?!