Chapter 4

Who Will Survive
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You's POV

His's terrifying..

I start to cry remembering my brother,Park Jungmin...I kneel down and cover my face..I can't stop crying




Appa! What are you doing?!

I'm tired of living like in a small,dirty house.I shouldn't have married your mother!

Appa opens a bottle of acid..I hugged appa and said "Appa...please don't do this.."

Appa pushed me until I fell down and before he could drink the acid,Jungmin snatched the bottle...the acid splashed at Jungmin's face

Jungmin screamed in pain..I watched him front my own eyes


*end of flashbacks*


Sehun's POV

Hye Mi is crying..seeing her like this..crying...It hurts me

I coax her...I look around and I see a cabin,it's a small cabin..So,I decide to bring her there


"Yah~ Stop crying..others will hear us"


"Come on. There's a cabin right there..I think we should call it a day"


When we arrive there,I open the door slowly...there's nobody inside, I think we're safe here.

I bring Hye Mi inside and she sits on a bed. I look around...there's a toilet,food inside a fridge (the food's still good) and....

there's only ONE SINGLE BED...It looks like I'm going to sleep on the floor tonight ugh


Author's POV

Hye Mi sits on the bed while Sehun is searching for some food in the fridge for them to eat. Sehun found some snacks and he grab one.



"Hey do you want to eat this?"

"I'm not hungry..."

"You didn't eat anything have to eat something or you might get-"

"Like I said just now,I'm not hungry"

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exotic_vip_baby #1
Chapter 5: nooo I hate mi rae!!
Chapter 5: Crazy Mi Rae @.@
Anyway, don't let them die in Mi Rae arms or anyone.
They're too cute together ><
Chapter 4: Oh myy!!!
I can't wait for the next chapter.
loving this ><
exotic_vip_baby #4
Chapter 4: its cool for a first timer ^^keep it up! can't wait what happens next! XD
tasyaedryna #5
Wow. This story is like the hunger game
Chapter 4: Its's nice!^^ is the whole story about killing? >< uhmm i was just wondering haha xD
Luhanniebunny #7
Chapter 3: *and cannot wait for next chapter ^ω^
Luhanniebunny #8
Chapter 3: Amazayn! How could you have this awesome story in your mind? How you be so mystical person (maybe mystical are not really suitable but is there any word to describe you) by the way this story are really catching my attention btw cannot wait for the next chapter v(¯∇¯) keep it up yo! Sarangae
Chapter 2: OMG!!!
This story is soooooo....
Oh myy, I can't even describe it.
Anyway, I really like the story ^^