I hope I didn't butcher you too much writing this...

When we met


    When Johanna stepped off the plane at the airport, she was about ready to drop to her knees and kiss the ground. The nine hour flight had seemed more like twenty stuck between a grumpy old lady and a six year old who had kept trying to pull her headphones out with slobber covered hands. 
    She straightened her white top, adjusting the light scarf she wore to cover a stain on her shoulder the kid had made. She wasn't too angry about it, the poor thing had broke into tears when he'd spilt his drink on her. Ruffling out her hair to try and freshen herself up a bit, she looked around the insanely crowded airport trying to find the friend who was waiting for her there.
    "Jojo!" She heard a familiar voice call from somewhere behind her and spun around. After a few seconds, a body came out of the crowd and tackled her into a hug. "Jojo, you finally made it! I thought you'd never get here."
    When the older girl finally pulled away, Johanna got a good look at her. Her friend, JaeIn, had moved from America to Seoul two years previously. She was a short, thin girl with insane curves and short, bright pink hair. 
    "Let's get to the bag claim." JaeIn, whose real name was Jessica, but she had preferred being called JaeIn most of the time, told Jojo and took her hand, leading her through the crowd. 
    Two hours later, the two of them had gotten her suitcases and gotten back to JaeIn's apartment building. It was a large, two bedroom, modern apartment in a twenty story building. None of the furniture matched and every wall had some kind of a famous celebrity on it, whether it was an idol, actor, ulzzang, or whoever. 
    Jojo settled her things in and  took a shower while her older friend fixed them something to eat. The water felt great on her aching limbs. As she stepped out of the steamy bathroom, clothed in a pair of black shorts and an oversized light grey sweatshirt, she got a smell of something amazing.
    She followed the scent into the kitchen, where JaeIn had just finished setting the table. The older girl smiled.
    "I made bulgolgi kibimbap, since I know that's your favorite. There's also kimchi and a few other things." She pointed to the table and smiled. It had been almost a year since her friend had last visited, and she was as excited as Jojo.
    The two talked and caught up as they ate, talking about everything from art projects  they had been working on, to JaeIn's new job, and on that subject, JaeIn looked up with a piece of kimchi hanging off the end of her chopsticks.
    "Speaking of work," She had said. "I've got to go in tomorrow morning. Will you be alright here by yourself?"
    Jojo laughed. "I've been in Seoul before. I'm sure I'll be fine." 
    JaeIn nodded and then pointed to a black box sitting on a lime green table in the middle of the room. "There's money in there if you decide to go out, make sure to take a taxi. Itaewon is nice during the day, you should do some shopping or something. I can meet up with you when I get off work."
    The two agreed, finished eating, and put away the dishes together. They decided to watch a little TV, but then they just went to bed, excited to get to spend the afternoon shopping together.
    The next morning, when Jojo woke up, she was in the house by herself. The bed was so soft and comfy that she didn't want to get out of it, so she laid there for a while before finally crawling out of the warmth.
    Checking the house for her friend, and only finding a note saying she'd left already, Jojo dressed herself for the day. She chose a light, short sleeved white shirt and some knee length jean shorts. She put her hair up in a messy bun and dabbed on some mascara and by then, the clock was striking eleven.
    She took a cab, using the money JaeIn had told her, and made her way to the shopping  district. Though it was still early in the morning, on a Tuesday, the shopping area was pretty crowded, full of tourists. It was a warm day, even for Seoul, and Jojo loved it. 
    The smile never left her face as she moved from shop to shop, looking at clothes and accessories and phones and everything they had. She bought some food  from one of the stands on the street and continued on her way.
    The day passed by happily for her, her first day in Seoul. She spoke with a few people, mostly shop keepers and a few curious pedestrians. She bought a few things, a new shirt and some shoes she couldn't resist, but the day didn't really seem to be perfect until she spotted a little bookstore just off the Main Street. 
    She looked both ways before she ducked into the ally and up to the door of the book store. Inside, it smelled like fresh paper, and there were very few people. A nice grandmother who owned the shop and one or two other customers. Her smile in place,  she bounced as she  walked into the store, stopping to give the grandma a polite bow before making her way to the back of the  store. 
    She looked through every aisle, surprised that the titles were  all in English. She hadn't realized that the bookstore  was a specialist in English books. A few of them, she picked up off the shelf and flipped through, but decided to put them back, until she reached the very last row and had two or three books in her arms.
    It would be good to have something to read, she thought, as she continued to browse the last section. It was the science fiction section, and there was another person there. He was tall and gangly, a knit cap pulled tight down over his head and ears and some dark, large sunglasses on his face. He hunched his shoulders as he held seven or eight books in his arms, fumbling to pick up another.
    Jojo bit her lip, walking closer to him to check out some interesting titles. She glanced at him awkwardly flipping a book open and pouting as he looked through it, and opened her own.
    Reading the first few paragraphs, she quickly got immersed in it and continued to read, forgetting that there was even anyone nearby. That was, until he turned to leave and bumped right into her, knocking them both to the ground.
    "Omo..Omo...Eotteohge...Mianhe, Jeongmal Mianhe.." The boy continued to repeat as he gathered up the dropped books, his sunglasses fallen off his face.
    Jojo pulled herself up from the ground, trying to make sense of the rapid Korean. She knew enough of the language, but the boy was speakin insanely fast. 
    "It's ok." She finally responded, in Korean, and started to pick up her books. 
    He kept his head down and scrambled to grab his own stack of books. Jojo picked up one of the books and handed it to him, noticing that it was an English practice book. 
     "Are you learning English?" She asked him, in English. She watched as he looked up at her and she finally got a good look at his face. 
    Her breath caught in , her eyes widening just a little bit. Chanyeol. She hadn't expected Chanyeol to be the person  she would run into in a bookstore. He opened his mouth a few times, closed it again, couldn't say anything, but then stuttered something out in English.
    "I 'm learning. Not very good." He ended up laughing at himself and his pronunciation, which was rather adorable to Jojo.
    His smile immediately put one on her face and she giggled softly. "You'll learn." She spoke again in Korean.
    The two of them finally got their books separated and stood up, sitting them both on a table nearby. Chanyeol chewed on his lip as he watched her, speaking again after a moment.
    "You're okay, aren't you? I didn't hurt you when I knocked you over?"
    Jojo shook her head, her hair flying around her face with the excitement she used. Chanyeol chuckled at her behavior. "I'm not hurt, are you?"
    "Nope." His grin was infectious. Suddenly, his face fell and his eyes widened. He did a quick bow and spoke again. "I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself..how rude. I'm Chanyeol."
    "I'm Johanna, but my friends call me Jojo." She responded, the smile planted firmly on her face. 
    "Where are you from?" He asked her, his head tilted to the side like a curious puppy.
    "Sweden." She responded again, glancing up at him from beneath her lashes. "I'm visiting a friend for a few weeks."
    "Oh, that's really cool!" He bounced on his feet and then proceeded to ask her a million questions about Sweden so quickly she couldn't hardly understand anything he'd said. 
    She laughed and asked him to speak more slowly, which caused his cheeks to turn an adorable shade of red and started an hour long conversation. 
    They were still deep into the conversation when the grandma came to the back and told them that they had to leave because the store was closing. Chanyeol laughed as they gathered up their books and went to the front of the store.
    Jojo sat her three books on the counter to get her money, but while she was looking for her wallet, Chanyeol took her books and paid for them himself. She thanked him nearly seven hundred times between the counter and the front door. 
    Outside was dark, the street lamps lighting up the sidewalk. Both of them turned the same direction, away from the Main Street. Jojo had no idea where they were going, but as long as Chanyeol wasn't going to make her leave, she was going to take advantage of spending time with him as much as she could.
    "Yah.." He spoke softly after a while of them walking and continuing to make small talk. "Would you like to get something to eat with me?"
    Jojo turned to him and blinked a few times then her smile came back onto her face and she nodded her head. "Do you know somewhere nearby?"
    Chanyeol nodded, bouncing on his feet. He turned around, walking backwards with his hands in his hoodie pockets. His hood was up now, hiding most of his face, but Jojo could see him just fine, her eyes fixated on his dimpled smile.
    "My favorite noodle place is really close..shall I buy you some noodles?" He asked. "Of course, I should buy you noodles!"
    He laughed then, taking her by the hand and dashing off down the street. She couldn't run as fast as him and stumbled along behind, but she was laughing hard as they ran down the empty streets.     He stopped running when they reached another street. This one was much more different than the other street. Instead of fancy shops and fancy people, this street was open and seemed more friendly. Shops were open, people were selling food, music was playing on the streets. Jojo was enthralled.
    Chanyeol watched her as they walked down the street. They stopped at a stand. There was a bar with stools and inside was a woman diligently cooking. The two of them took stools next to each other. 
    "What do you want to eat?"  He asked her.
    She shrugged. "I don't really know..Oppa, what do you like?"
    Both of them blushed when she called him that, though she wasn't sure why she'd suddenly decided to call him Oppa. He quickly ordered them both some noodles.
    They talked more while they waited for there food, smiling between themselves with their bags of books sitting next to them. When they got their food, they quickly thanked the lady and started to eat as they continued to talk.
    "And I've been filming this new show.." Chanyeol had been talking while Jojo ate and listened. "I've been living  in this house with strangers, and they're really nice and all, and I'm having such a great time....but I miss the other members."
    Jojo nodded. "Well it's only natural that you miss them, since you spend so much time together. Why don't you call them?"
    Chanyeol shrugged, a pout on his face. "I've tried to call Baekhyun a few times, but everyone's so busy."
    Jojo reached up and petted his hair, surprisingly comfortable interacting with him, though her heart was constantly pounding and her stomach was filled with so many butterflies that she was afraid she would fly away. 
    He smiled, nuzzling into her hand before he picked up some kimchi with his chopsticks and held it up to her. She looked at him for  a moment before she ate it. Both of them giggled.
    After eating, Chanyeol wanted her to walk with him. They walked around for three more hours, just talking and spending time together. Neither one of them felt tired, though it was nearly two in the morning, and they would have spent more time together, but JaeIn had called Jojo at least three times.
    Chanyeol stopped a taxi and the two of them stood by the back door, saying goodbye. 
    "I had a really good time." He told her, his smile blinding. "Thank you for spending the evening with me."
    "It was fun." She blushed, feeling awkward and neither one of them wanting to actually leave each other. 
    "Wait, before you go.." Chanyeol grabbed her arm and wrote down something on it with a marker he pulled from his pocket. Jojo chuckled to herself, of course Chanyeol would keep a marker in his pocket for signing autographs. 
    She  blushed, though, when she realized that it was his phone number that he wrote down.
    "Text me, or call me, or something.." HE muttered, then quickly leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her cheek.
    Jojo's eyes went wide. Her brain had completely shut down, only causing Chanyeol to laugh and push her lightly into the car. He told her goodbye one more time and shut the door.
    Jojo sat, dazed, mumbling out the address to the cab driver, and staring out the window the entire ride back to JaeIn's apartment.
    when she got back, JaeIn called her, but she didn't even hear the older girl. JaeIn just shook her head and rolled her eyes, watching Jojo walk into the bedroom. 
    She fell down on the bed and stared at her arm, then suddenly burst out laughing really hard. She squealed, kicked her feet, and rolled around on the bed, a typical happy fit. The emotions overwhelmed her as she thought back on the last few hours.
    When she finally calmed down from her high, she pulled out her phone and typed in the number on her arm. After a moment, she finally hit the dial button.
    It rang three times, and then. "Yeoboseyo?" came the familiar voice, bringing a smile to her face.

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TheJRockKitten #1
Chapter 1: Haha this fanfic is super cute! ^^
Jojokawaii #2
Chapter 1: Still super excited xD feels almost like I met Chanyeol in real life :p
Aaahhhhh x) CHAnYEOL!!!!
(You could tag this story with "joyeol", that's my and Chanyeol's couple name ///rolls away in embarrassment)

You are amazing ;_;
Jojokawaii #3


Jojokawaii #4

(Sorry, I'll be back in a while when I've calmed myself down, hopefully I can write a more comprehensible comment then because now I'm just too excited omggg)



/Imma send a link to this story to all my kpop friends/

Jojokawaii #5
Jojokawaii #6
OMG OMG OMG i didnt see that you wrote the story!! I was waiting and waiting for it, and it turns out it was here all along:p IM SO EXCITEDDDD (can't breathe)
Okay okay Imma save this for tonight so I can read it and squeal without people looking at me weirdly x)